RE: Some are milked harder than others

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Who knows, anyway I am far too lazy to go around selling for 5 cents here and there.

That's actually how I first began to grow a trading account... Anything over a 500 sat trade wasn't happening. Most were under 200 sats. And I must have had like 50 trades going on at once 😂

It was time consuming, but more came in than went out, and I developed my own crazy system. Unfortunately I'm hopeless with those prediction charts though...

Alt accounts? Those are on my mile long to do list!


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Yeah, maybe I should look at one of these hive-engine trading bots but for now the benefit is most tokens can get staked so I am just trying to optimize my staked earnings. Next time you have 3 hive laying around just go to peaked and say create account then boom you have an alt :P
I have one from when I did actifit, then I have 2 community accounts and another one called penned-bullshit which was supposed to be for bullshit but I am too lazy for even that bullshit !PIZZA !LOLZ


Oh, I didn't use bots, it was all manual 🤣 Not entirely a bad thing, considering if you watch what any one thing does on any particular exchange, you begin to see what's likely to happen next. My favorite exchange is still doing fine, but sadly the one I learned on looks like it's getting ready to close 😢 I miss it...

Sorry, I ran out of tokens for today
