When the blind leads the blind; A disastrous date experience.


I was moving around on Hive when I stumbled on a prompt that required us to share the dumbest thing we did as a kid and while digging through the memory, I remembered an experience that made me laugh when I was probably eighteen or nineteen. It was embarrassing and you all must promise not to laugh at me before I proceed.

Immediately I stepped out of the praying ground on Eid al-Fitr, one of the Muslim brothers waved at me.

"As-salamu alaykum," he greeted me immediately he came closer and I responded. He admired my dress and hijab and I was really shy to respond to him.

He introduced himself and we exchanged contacts. He doesn't reside in my place but his parents do and he always came home for every Islam celebration.

We usually spoke on the phone but we maintained just a pen friend's relationship until he visited his parents again and told me some things regarding a relationship.

He is a nice person but I wasn't ready to have a relationship because my studies were everything that mattered to me then. He said he wasn't expecting a yes immediately and we can remain friends until I consider him to be his lover or we can just remain friends forever if that's what I wanted.

I didn't give any response and we just communicated often. Before he left his parent's place that year, he invited me on a date.

At first, I asked if a date wasn't just for lovers and he said no so I accepted to go on a date with him.

I haven't been to one before and couldn't ask my mates about it. I didn't want them to laugh at me so I just kept quiet but the fear of messing up there made me reach out to my best friend.

It broke my heart when she said she hadn't been to one before because she was the last person I could ask from. While we were rubbing minds about the outfit and others, she mentioned that I needed to be smart so that the guy wouldn't embarrass me there.

I didn't understand what she meant so I asked why and she mentioned that a lot of guys always run away from date and leave the lady to wash plates if she can't afford the bills.

She mentioned examples from movies and I just couldn't stop thinking about all the advice she gave me.

Should I call off the date, I thought about it critically and made up my mind to be very alert in case the guy tried to be smart.

"Why would he do such a thing? We have known each other for over a year even though we just communicate through the phone" I thought about it again but I have heard people say men are unreliable several times so I couldn't trust him completely.

I arrived at the place first and just took a bottle of water even though he insisted that I ordered whatever I wanted before he arrived.

When he came, I allowed him to make the order for me. I was careful and didn't want to mess up in any way. We chatted, ate and drank, it was really fun.

Pexel Image

After devouring the whole meal, he told me he wanted to use the toilet and immediately, everything my best friend said started playing in my head.

"What if he was running away?" The question crossed my mind and I reacted badly.

I called him back to pay the bills first and he was like, we aren't done. Let's stay an hour more, we can have cake, ice cream or anything.

It looked like he meant it but my heart wasn't at peace and I insisted that he paid first. I didn't know my voice was loud until a waitress interfered.

He felt embarrassed and just paid the money immediately. He ordered for takeaway and even paid before going to the toilet. When he returned, he just took one and gave me the other with a small token for transportation.

I felt really stupid, I shouldn't have allowed myself to react that way and I wouldn't blame my friend. We both felt the guy was a stranger no matter the communication since he doesn't stay around; he could be a pretender, who knows?

I tried apologizing and he said he wasn't pissed but disappointed because he always treated me with respect and I just embarrassed him. He mentioned trust as well but it wasn't my fault, it was my first time on a date and just couldn't help it.

We stopped communicating and I still feel bad about the way I made him feel. It's in the past and luckily for me, I haven't fallen victim to guys who run away while on a date.


Well, you didn't do bad by asking him to pay before leaving but where you got it wrong was shouting at the guy. Abeg, respect men.


I didn't know that I was so loud and I was the one who was embarrassed more.


I wouldn't blame you though because you've never experience such before but also should have known that he was the one who asked for the date so there wasn't anything to fear about lol.


It wasn't really my fault, I was just being childish. I learnt my lesson though


You are trying to play safe, I don't blame you for that but experience is the best teacher.


Yes, you got my point. I was only playing a safe game.


Ewooo! 🙆🤦
I think your reaction was really bad. However, many ladies have had such bad experiences in the past.
However, I think t that time. You didn't trust the guy to be in love with you. But all the same, am glad you are wiser now


We talk a lot but I just don't feel safe around him yet. People's experience got into my head


Ahn ahn, you hurt his feelings so back, I guess you were just scared of being ditched.
Well you know better now sha


I was scared really, I didn't want to fall victim.


I understand such feeling very well. But then my dear you did the right thing


Choi, this is hilarious indeed!!

But the guy should understand naa.

Anyway, he doesn't love you abeg.

Delete it from your mind abeg
