RE: JASON storage for 100k

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For sure those guys made a good deal but I am not sure if I can make the same.
I can more imagine to tell the lady the truth and offer her my help to sell those BTC for a some percent of the income like lets say a broker fee or I dont know.
Or other option to offer her my help to sell the BTC for the mining machine. Since she cant use it anymore and of course even like what u mentioned if she sell it she will get just a small amount for that.


Thank you for your reply. On moral, yes we can help her to sell those valuable assets. But on reality, that wallet already sold. The lady is happy with the deal. She don't even know what JSON for and called the file JASON, I could have ruin the rest of the knowledge she has. Besides, the deal was already done, what do you think the lady can do if she founds out 1BTC is actually worth RM245,000.00? Where she sold the whole wallet for RM100,000.00? And I'm only assuming there's 1BTC in it, what if there's more? I think the lady will have a heart attack, and I will be the killer who pull the trigger on her.

Imagine, what can she do to get that wallet back? I bet there's very little she can do. May be getting the piece of plastic back if she pays back that 100k, but probably without the JASON in the plastic stick anymore, don't you agree? After thought of it, I think I made the right decision to NOT offer help, to NOT letting the lady know what she's dealing with. She's good with that 100k, and I believe that's what she designated to have in her life.


Yes u made the right decision for sure. Since better for her like this.
I just imagine what if I am there in that store and she came in to ask advice.
But of course I cant blame also the guys since they are not responsible what happened with the poor guy who died and who knows what is they financial situation. Maybe they have loans maybe they just earn a small amount like what is just enough for they living.
So hard to judge because we dont know all the details.
But this is sad if those guys in the store they have a good income than they actually robbed her.
So I just made my opinion what if I am the one who is there at the store.

In your situation I agree 100%. Better to stay silent sometimes and just let everything as it is.
