
Saludo comunidad de hive.

Greetings hive community.

Hola querida comunidad espero que todos estén muy bien,en mi nueva edición quiero presentar un rico postre que prepare con 5 ingredientes es fácil de preparar, es un postre exquisito se llama flan de mango ya que en mi país estamos en temporada de mango por mi casa abundan muchas matas de ese fruto y tuve la dicha que un vecino me regalo algunos mangos y decidí preparar un rico postre espero que le agrade mi postre cocinemos.

Hello dear community I hope you are all very well, in my new edition I want to present a delicious dessert that I prepared with 5 ingredients is easy to prepare, it is an exquisite dessert called mango flan because in my country we are in mango season in my house there are many bushes of this fruit and I had the joy that a neighbor gave me some mangoes and I decided to prepare a delicious dessert I hope you like my dessert let's cook.

- Mangos (si están maduros mucho mejor.)
- Mangoes (if they are ripe, much better).

- 6 cucharadas de maizena.
- 6 spoonfuls of cornstarch.

- 2 tazas de che liquida.
- 2 cups of liquid che.

- 1/2 de azúcar.
- 1/2 cup sugar.

- canela en polvo. (vainilla opcional.)
- cinnamon powder. (vanilla optional.)


1- para empezar tome mis mangos le retire la concha y los lave muy bien los corte en cuadros y los puse a hervir por 10min, y pase a colarlo para retirarle las hilachas que trae el mando para que mi mezcla quedara bien,luego aparte tome las 2 tazas de leche le agregue 6 cucharadas de maizena y 5 de azúcar removí la mezcla y reserve.

1- to begin with, take my mangoes, remove the shell and wash them very well, cut them into squares and boil them for 10 minutes, then strain them to remove the lint that comes with the handle so that my mixture will be fine, then take the 2 cups of milk, add 6 tablespoons of cornstarch and 5 tablespoons of sugar, stir the mixture and set aside.

2-luego tome la mezcla de la leche se la agregue al mango ya colado poco a poco y puse a cocinar.

2-then take the milk mixture and add it to the strained mango little by little and put it to cook.

3- Aparte en un refractario coloque 4 cucharadas de azúcar y puse a derretir para que fuera mi base al momento de agregar la mezcla del mango,aparte le agregue un toque de canela en polvo y comencé a remover a medida que se cocinaba para que no se me quemara removí hasta que espeso totalmente y retire del fuego,luego pase agregar la mezcla rápidamente al caramelo que ya tenia en mi refractario deje enfriar por un minutos y lo coloque en la nevera por 2 horas y listo un rico postre hecho en casa

3- Separately in a refractory I placed 4 tablespoons of sugar and put it to melt so that it would be my base at the time of adding the mango mixture, apart I added a touch of cinnamon powder and began to stir as it was cooking so it would not burn I stirred until it thickened completely and removed from the fire, then pass quickly add the mixture to the caramel that I already had in my refractory let it cool for a few minutes and place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours and ready a rich homemade dessert.

Delicioso flan de mango.

Delicious mango flan.

fotos tomadas desde teléfono blue studio.
photos taken from blue studio phone.

Gifs realizados desde PhotoScape.
Gifs made from PhotoScape.


This must taste very fresh, I love mango


yes it tastes very good, the mango flavor is quite strong, thanks for commenting.


mangoes are so yummy


yes they are very tasty and you can prepare so many things with that fruit thanks for commenting
