RE: The Inextinguishable Chink Of Light


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I thought I would come and see if you were around at all. I saw Flame's upvote on my recent post and thought of the two of you... I have checked in from time to time to see if either of you are active but I guess life is happening right now for you. Sending lots of love to both of you... and I hope that this is true... and that the dawn is coming soon for you. Fabulous poem - made me a little sad... but also hopeful because of the ending...

"The Darkest part of the Night, you see,
"Falls roundabout or just before Dawn!



Hey Sam, so nice of you to check in on me and me Hyumi...he's still kinda offchain but he regularly tells me that he's just had this or that idea for a post. I think he just can't be bothered atm and if he comes back, it'll be low-key, photographs for HiveStockImages, or personal stuff about the vegetables in the garden. I've thought of posting too, but I don't have a Dawggy laptop and I keep thinking about squirrels and get distracted.

Barge gets a bit despondent about the whole imminence-of-dawn thing but I know it to be true, not just for us, but for you and for everyone out there :D

We so appreciate your thinking of us......hoping you are well.



Sending you both so much love, Flame. Stay happy. And if either of you decides to pop back on.. or if you get a chance to sneak onto @barge's laptop hehe... drop me a tag on your posts, so that I don't miss the chance to come and say hi !LUV !ALIVE !LADY
