“Monsters and Other Anomalies” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


april 2022 - 02.jpg

I had an honest to BOB Bigfoot dream last night, although in my dream, Bigfoot was able to speak in clear, non-growly English. (I may be watching too many supernatural YoooTooob videos…)


This is day two of the #hiveblopomo challenge, a post per day on HIVE (I usually use Peakd.com), and this is also DAY TWENTY of my INTENTIONALITY project. Keep an eye out below for a new LOW-KU poem and last nights Tweeterz art share! Meanwhile…


Here are some random notes from my journal, out of context, and with little or no explanation…

[From 28 Mar. 2022:]

“Mariah and I aren’t BELIEVERS in the paranormal, but we are LOVERS of paranormal stories and concepts. The weekend gave us lots of new ideas to chew on and discuss!”

“No reasonable explanation.”

[From 29 Mar. 2022:]

“Freewriting is good – as writing is a form of thinking… As a person crystalizes thoughts into words, they are coming to decisions…”

“Additionally, I use writing as a focused meditation technique… Forcing myself to freewrite until this book is full could produce any number of interesting thoughts to occur…”

“Unless the cat continues to pester me. (It’s tail is currently smacking me in the back of the head…) Then nothing will get done…”


“[ ] Make a loose ‘script’ (outline) for a ‘spaces’ recording. [ ] DO IT!”

“Morning pills are kickin’ in… Getting sleepy. I should get up and do something. Resist the pull!!”

“CATS make work nearly impossible…”

[From 30 Mar. 2022:]

“What does it mean when a ‘virtual assistant’ starts laughing for no reason? What could an A.I. find funny?? (Who knows??)”

“Today was a rough one. Let’s hope it all works out for the best… (Worry… Worry…)”

“(We tried our hardest, but sometimes biology and circumstance are more powerful.)”

“Time marches on. We hope that the world is still spinning. We’ll do whatever it takes…”

[From 31 Mar. 2022:]

“April Fool’s Day is tomorrow… Who IS the fool?? The Fool or the fool who fools him (or her… or them??)”

“April Fool’s is the 2nd most holy day in the Foolish calendar. Halloween, of course, is BEYOND holy…”

[From 2 Apr. 2022:] HERE’S TODAY’S NEW LOW-KU!!!

“How many times, Bob,
Did we neglect slack when slack
Was all we needed?”

“There’s a little Subgenius Low-ku (for all the mutants and spud boys out there!)”

“Watching a cat battle. It’s HIGH DRAMA, like a samurai duel…”


Why, one might ask, would I share such chopped-up nonsense with the entire blog-o-sphere? I don’t know… Some of that stuff is funny. Some bits are cryptic confessions. In my INTENTIONALITY / AWARENESS project, I’m trying to track my thoughts (and actions) to see what I can glean. What is working (to make my world and my family’s world a better place.) Plus, I firmly believe that the subconscious seeps through into our daily lives (which can be both perplexing and joyous – but also a source for artistic expression!) Writing helps. Writing also builds “HISTORY.” I carry a paper journal with me at all times. This allows me to record momentary thoughts or fast-food orders, and it also gives me a place to doodle and draw.


And here, before I sign off, is last night’s art share from my Tweeterz account:

“Tonight's #noshill #freetolookat art share! ‘The Quiet Quack of Doom!’”


the quiet quack of doom.png


Let’s see if I can be a bit fancier tomorrow!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
