My poems: The Room Of Love In The Dark.

Authored by @New-spirit


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This is one of the reasons why I want to write here, and it is also the answer that I want to collect all my original works by myself while planting a date palm tree in the middle of the desert. And I don't know how long I will be able to harvest it and share its benefits with the people of the world. Well, I'll write as is! Check out the following article.

Life is a mystery that is never known how secret it is. In this life is formed from various kinds of secrets. So tonight, I wrote a poem to decorate in your living room, of course also in my living room tonight. Please accept my poem: The room of love in the dark.

[English Version]

The strangeness came in the gloom of the night, and I never invited him once, but he came in incomparable silence.

But for a moment quietly, I need to examine it from a feeling full of indecision, which makes me tremble with a fearful hatred.

In silence, in the room of love, in a darkness, I gazed pensively at the glass window, there I saw the face of the moon that resembled mine, the stars like a tapestry around it! Around my face!

But that night the north wind was not cold, there was only loneliness, and that I had never seen before. And I can never crawl a single step.

Only this body feels it. And if you want to know how lonely it feels, ask the night breeze.

[Indonesian Version]

Keanehan itu datang dalam gemerlap malam, dan aku tak pernah mengundangnya sekalipun, tapi ia datang dalam kesunyian tiada banding.

Namun sejenak lirih, aku perlu mengkajinya dari sebuah rasa penuh bimbang, yang membuatku terasa gemetar dibuai rasa benci nan menakutkan.

Dalam diam, di kamar cinta, dalam sebuah kegelapan, aku termenung menatap jendela kaca, di sana aku melihat wajah bulan yang menyerupai wajahku, bintang-bintang bagai permadani mengelilinginya! Mengelilingi wajahku!

Tapi malam itu angin utara tidak dingin, yang ada hanya kesepian, dan itu tak pernah kulihat sebelumnya. Dan aku tak pernah bisa merangkak selangkah pun.

Hanya tubuh ini yang merasakannya. Dan jika kau ingin tahu bagaimana rasa sepi itu, tanyakan pada angin malam.

Hey my friends, I'm writing this poem when the shape of my feelings speaks for itself. I even described it in a poem, which has become a habit of mine when I'm pensive in imaginary spaces.

I write poetry almost every day. If Hiver friends want to know me more, please invite friends via Facebook with my account named Aroelika Munar. Or friends can also add to our friendship via Instagram with my account address @aroelmunar. Thank you friend!

Regards, from Indonesia!



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