Meet Lara Bee, an official food taster.


I thought about a lot of jobs before settling with one which seems to me like it's going to be the silliest that I can do.

I am slim and this makes people doubt my food obsession because they think that anyone who eats a lot must be fat but that's not my case. I sincerely do not eat heavily but I love food. I am a verified foodie who has gone through the induction process to be part of the world foodie organisation.

Being a baker and an aspiring international event planner, attending events is one of the things I can't do without. I attend events on invite and sometimes, I just attend to learn one or two things from the planning and activities. One thing I don't tell people about me attending party is my love for food, that porridge, jollof rice, beans puddling and other foods are just irresistible. I might not eat much but will taste as much as I can.

After critically thinking about it, I will go for the job of food tasting. Wouldn't it be the silliest job in the world?

I can imagine people calling me to their parties to taste food to be sure they taste great before serving their guests. Eateries calling me to come taste their food and I can also have a platform where I share my experience with eateries food which can boost their sales, I didn't think of that until now.

Well, I know there are other silly jobs like nipple tweaking and a few more but food tasting is still kind of very funny.

While in secondary school, we had a food prefect. It baffled me what her duty was until I asked questions and knew that eating small free food from the school food vendors was one of her duties. She would check their plates, aprons and every other thing they brought.

She wouldn't have to spend her lunch money and save it for some other things. A lot of students thought it was risky but I didn't see it that way, they were being negative while I was positive about the role. I always dreamt of becoming the senior girl but everything changed when I discovered that there was a food prefect role but I never got it, they felt I was too intelligent for that but I wasn't.

Being able to taste food and make money at the same time would be a dream come true for me even if people will see it as something silly. Yes, it's silly but I find it very cool.

The amount we spend on food is quite a lot but many of us don't notice that because they aren't buying in bulk. Food is expensive now and having free food will do me lots of good because I will be able to save the money for other things.

As a sharp girl, I wouldn't stop at just tasting. A small takeaway wouldn't be a problem especially at parties, I will make sure they will my plates will lots of meats and fish because the more I eat, the better I detect the taste of their food.

Unsplash image


That was really a silly kind of job you thought
Food taster indeed....your spending on food will be a forgotten issue..lolz
Have you also thought of possible running stomach when you taste different delicacies at the same time? Hahaha, so silly and fun this job

Thanks for participating ✅


I think food tasting is indeed an excellent job.
I would also focus on the positives and not the negatives with that kind of job. Nothing is sure to happen since you're taking your pick.
I do wonder why you chipped in nipple tweaking there. Lol

Thanks for participating.


Post manually reviewed and approved for an Ecency boost. 😊


A foodie has been spotted, this time around they want to eat and get paid for doing so 😂.


It's nice to meet my follow foodie, the slogan is "eat without getting fat".
