A suspended heart frame.

It is a beautiful Sunday and I would like to wish every member of this great community a happy new month. It's Creative Sunday and I made a DIY so that I can participate in the initiative.

I have been participating for some time now and love it just because doing crafts keeps me busy and happy. I made a suspended heart frame, I don't have a name for it and feel like that is the best or let me say the best I can come up with.

This craft can be used for room decoration depending on the size and it's very beautiful. I wish I had different colours of cardboard to design it and the little I used still made sense.

The materials used for the suspending heart frame are

Brown paper

Let's make a Suspended heart frame.

I started by cutting four rectangular shapes as you see in the picture below. The rectangle has to be equal in size.

The four of them will represent the side since a frame always has four sides.

I cut the brown paper into the size of the rectangular shapes and used the cutout to cover the rectangular shapes made from the carton.

I achieved that by applying gum on one side of the carton and placing the brown paper carefully on the carton.

After covering them, I set them aside so they will dry properly.

I went on to cut a heart shape from the carton as well and covered both sides with yellow cardboard.

I trimmed the yellow cardboard into the shape of the heart after gumming them together just to get a perfect heart.

I put the heart aside and returned to the rectangular shapes since they were dry already.

I placed the rectangular shape on each other to form a square but I arranged them in a particular order.

After getting the order I wanted, I applied gum on the edge of the shape and attached them. I left it to dry and returned to the heart.

I punched a hole at the tip of the heart and put a thread I had folded into the hole. The thread will serve as the carrier or connection to the square I made with the rectangular shape.

I punched a hole in one of the rectangles that will be the top side of the frame and passed the thread into it, I tied it at the back firmly.

The frame and heart look ordinary so I cut out shapes and started putting them on both the frame and the heart.

After adding all those shapes, it looks more beautiful and I am happy with the outcome.

I applied gum to the back and gently placed it on my wall.
