Initiative "Know Me More" A little bit of me so that you coscas me more

Hello Hivian friends; It is always good to get out of the routine and participate in different and different initiatives to meet new people and make friends; Something that makes our company different from other social networks is the human quality that is here; It is the reason for being before you, and thanks to the invitation that my friend @irvinc has made me to participate in this challenge from our friend:  @mariajruizb; An excellent initiative that invites you to answer some questions to let us know a little more

Source: Family Album

Music and the happy moments of my childhood

This question brought back fond memories, the first thing that came to mind were the songs of ¨Gaby¨, ¨Fofo¨ and ¨Miliki¨, these were three very famous clowns from tv. They had a song that I really liked called ¨la gallina turuleca¨ and I spent all day singing it; I must be grateful that I had a very happy "childhood", and my birthday days stood out, I loved seeing the whole family reunited celebrating my birthdays


Sad moments that you can't forget

The separation from my parents was very sad, at that time we lived with my paternal grandparents, the grandfather was very special to me, we spent all day together, just thinking that we would be apart broke me my heart, later I knew that my absence suffered a lot, that broke my soul

If we talk about colors

I am passionate about nature, as a child I lived in a little house that was inside a forest, all I could see from the windows was dense nature, so I grew up surrounded by ¨green¨ color. and since then it's my favorite color

If there is music that makes me cry, it is

A music that I cannot listen to without shedding a tear is this, beyond music, it is the story of the musician and his fight against obesity, a silent disease that earns many deaths a year around the world


My favorite food is grilled suckling pig

Our family loves to eat grilled pork, it is one of those foods that we reserve for special occasions; On a certain occasion while we were cooking our favorite dish, some friends who came from a very distant city visited us and asked us to accompany them to the coast, as they were passing through we could not refuse. The meat was half cooked so I made the decision to leave it on the grill to cook by itself, the truth was that it took us longer than necessary and when we returned, the grill was empty, we could not believe what was happening, it was impossible for someone enter the house, since we had very guard dogs, apparently the meat emanated an exquisite aroma, and it was a temptation for the dogs and they had a great feast

Things that I don't like, don't do it

I don't like being lied to, I prefer the truth even if it hurts, I can forgive you everything as long as you tell me the truth, I don't like fights, I always try to avoid them, I don't like watching children begging in the streets, that angers me a lot, I don't like promises, especially when you know you can't keep, I don't tolerate envy, you annoy me when people can't enjoy the success of the other without being envious

Without love there is nothing

Love for me is everything, it is what makes it worth the effort that is made daily, a life without love is not worth living

Source: Family Album

Without studies you are nobody

I studied in a technical school, I obtained an electromechanical degree, the truth is that my first job in relation to my studies did not have a very good time, I worked long hours for a very low "salary" , that disappointed me; From bad things you can also get something positive, thanks to this experience I drastically changed my profession, studied and perfected myself in ¨company¨administration, in that activity I worked more than half of my life

The city where I live

The city where I live is called ¨Corrientes¨ is a small city in the interior of ¨Argentina¨ we are few ¨inhabitants¨ a little more than a million; Being a small city it is easier to maintain it, it always looks very good, the neighbors decorate its fronts with beautiful trees, which makes the view extraordinary

Source: Family Album

The sweets that I like are the ones that I prepare

I really like sweets made from ¨zapallo¨, I learned how to make them by watching my grandmother prepare; At present I grow my own plants and with the fruits I make ¨zapallo¨ jam and ¨zapallos¨ in ¨almíbar¨

Arrive at ¨hive¨ after a long absence

I ended the year 2019 badly emotionally, so I decided to rest for a few days and recover; The truth is that I went to bed to rest and did not get up for four months, a deep “depression” seized me, if it weren't for the love of the family I would not be writing. Once I recovered I went back to the old platform, and discovered that my friends were in Hive, How could it be otherwise I joined them

I would love to know more about my friends @jonsnow1983 @pialejoana @lisfabian, I know they are very busy people, but we would love to know more about them.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 43 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


very happy that you are pushing my work dear friends @pixresteemer it is much appreciated. I wish you all the success you deserve


बहुत सुंदर सर जी 👌


hello dear friend @yogeshbhatt good night
I appreciate with all my heart the great support that you give me every day, you are very kind
have a wonderful weekend


धन्यवाद आपका बहुत बहुत 🙏🙏 बस आपका साथ यूं ही बना रहे🙏


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Thank you very much dear friends @ecency for all the support you give me, without a doubt it is a huge source of motivation.
I take this opportunity to wish you all a splendid weekend


Wonderful post and such thoughtful answers to all these questions! I love getting to know you more! ♥️


how are you dear friend @ melinda010100 good afternoon
Thank you very much for appreciating my content, I loved participating in this initiative, because it gives me the opportunity to publicize a little more about myself,
To grow in hive, commitment and human relationships are very important, and for a relationship to be effective, you have to know more about the other, that is why I love the community you lead, there is an incredible human community, I want to get to know them

Thank you very much for your kind words and the enormous support you give me, I will always be grateful to you

have a beautiful afternoon, enjoy the beautiful place where you live


@jlufer - Those are all great answers that make me clearly understand how you are. I am so proud of and glad that I have a great chance to associate/connect with you on this platform. Even short time but I can feel of a solid strong base connection of long distance friendship that connected with you.

Those happy and sad day that we experienced in life teach us to respect and adapt ourselves accordingly to survive.

All the best as always. !ENGAGE 30


hello dear friend @andyjim good afternoon
These are the things that I love about hive, the quality of the people who are here, people like you, who are always aware of others and make a relevant and motivating comment that makes the day brighter and that is worth sharing every day. a post.
Thank you very much for the support, darling and your friendship.

Enjoy a lot these weekend days



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Hi @jlufer, your post has been upvoted by @bdcommunity courtesy of @rem-steem!

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hello dear friends @bdcommunity, @rem-steem. good afternoon.
I appreciate with all my heart the great support you give to my post,
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend


Thanks...It's good to see you around.
Have a good day!


Hola @jlufer de verdad que me he sentido tan a gusto leyendo tu post y le doy gracias a @irvin por haberte invitado, son dos usuarios que no conocía en la plataforma y est a iniciativa me ha acercado. A muchas personas, muchas de las cosas que escribiste aquí me conecta con momentos de mi vida y eso se siente bien. Comencemos por tus recuerdos de niñez. En realidad nunca, pero nunca nunca había visto el video de "Gaby", "Fofo" y "Miliky", Guao que gra fiesta de celebración tuvo esa niña jajajajaja, bueno siempre desde muy niña he escuchado el tema en todas las fiestas donde iba y seguí la secuencia con mis hijos, de verdad que es una canción que se disfruta muchísimo, e smuy divertida, esto es algo que me conectó mucho con mi niñez y lo de mis padres también lo vivo al igual que tu, tan solo tenía 3 añitos, para ese entonces ni conciencia tenía de las cosas, y a medida que iba pasando el tiempo ya me acostumbraba sin verlo tna seguido, pero te confieso que siempre lloro como una bebé porque quisiera tener recuerdos de mi niñez con el y solo me vienen pocas imágenes a la cabeza, (Estoy escribiendo llorando) perdoname pero esto es algo inevitable para mi. Uno de los momentos que me vienen es cuando tuve mi primera salida con el ya estando un poquito más grande y ese día me comi el helado más grande que me he comido en mi vida, era un super cono de chocolate, ese helado jamás lo olvidaré y también recuerdo cuando me regalo a mi y a mi hermana un cuatro y gracias a ese cuatro comencé a estudiar solita la música, crecí y me incliné más por el canto, y desde mi adolescencia hasta estos tiempo he tenido más cercanía con mi padre, siempre me visita y cuando veo que le trae detalles a mis hijos siento como si esos detalles osn para aquella niña que siempre anhelaba verlo más seguido, así que es algo que valoro mucho y ver a mis hijos felices yo también lo seré. Me. Inclino también por el azul en todas sus tonalidades, así que coincidimos en eso. La canción que pusiste es muy hermosa, se me aguaron los ojos cuando vi las cenizas caer al mar, que conmovedor. En cuanto a la parrilla pues, no creo que los perros podían dejar pasar esa oportunidad me imagine que ellos dijeron: " Si no lo hacemos ahora, no sucederá ¡correeee! " jajjajajjajaja ahora si me hiciste reír. Me encantó los puntos que pusiste en las cosas que no te gustan, te apoyo. Muy bellas palabras hacía el amor, por amor a nosotros estamos hoy aquí. Cuando estudiamos siempre nos preguntamos ¿hacia dónde voy? ¿Que quiero? Estudiar con sacrificio nos enseña a valorar más la vida, pero Dios siempre nos muestra la recompensa. Que bueno saber que eres de Argentina, casi todos los que han escrito son Venezolanos y me alegra, sin embargo me emociona saber que estoy conociendo usuarios de otros países. El descanso. Aveces es necesario y más aún si estamos viviendo una depresión, debemos sanar primero esa etapa de la vida y seguir adelante, así que hoy te digo que me alegró conocerte y desde hoy te estoy siguiendo. Que Dios te siga bendiciendo con mucha salud. Una abrazo con cariño desde Cumaná Estado Sucre, Venezuela. Gracias por participar. 😘😘😘😘😘👏👏👏👏👏🇻🇪❤️


Hola querida amiga @mariajruizb buenas tardes

Feliz con esta iniciativa que has creado, hoy he conocido a una nueva amiga de Venezuela, tengo muchos amigos virtual de allí, una buena parte del corazón de Hive son de tu hermoso pais.

Lamento que hayas vivido la separación de tus padres, lo que me gusta es que tiene un final feliz, y en cierta manera, has recuperado mucho de el, en mi caso no fue así, una vez se quiso acercar, pero por desgracia yo estaba en la adolescencia, y sabes como somos los adolescente, nunca lo permití que se disculpara, falleció con lo que tenia para decirme, ahora que soy una persona grande me arrepiento de no haberlo escuchado, ahora soy yo el que tiene que vivir con las palabras que no se han dicho. Pero bueno así es la vida, y cada quien carga su propia cruz.

Muchas gracias por esta grata visita y todo el tiempo al formular este hermoso comentario. Una vez leí a unos de mis amigos de aquí que decía. ¨Que los votos son para la billetera, y que los comentarios son para el corazón¨ Cuanta razón tiene, este comentario lo guardo en mi corazón

que disfrutes de un hermoso fin de semana


A veces hacemos cosas sin darnos cuenta que estamos herrando, pero todos somos seres humanos y aunque no pudiste tener la dicha de recibir a tu padre, el sabe que en el fondo lo querías, por eso te arrepientes. Tranquilo amigo, la vida nos enseña muchísimo. Oye ese comentario al final es cierto. Hice esta iniciativa con el fin de que cada usuario pudiera conocer no sólo un poco más de otros, sino que también pueda seguir su trabajo y valorarlo con un comentario, eso es lo que más nos hace crecer como humanos y nos sigue motivando a estar aquí. Ver un post sin comentarios es como cantar sin público o hablar solo jajajajjaja. Un abrazote inmenso. 🍀🇻🇪


Tienes mucha razón, no hay mayor satisfacción al recibir un comentario en nuestros post, uno lo hace con tanto cariño y nos encanta ser leídos

Disfruta mucho de la compañía de tus seres queridos


That is a nice short story of your life which lets us know you better, but even before reading it, I could feel a lot about your nice personality, dear friend @jlufer! I am glad to meet such a person in this community and wish you and your family all the best in this difficult time. 🧡


how are you dear friend @olgavita
People like you is what makes me love hive, your kind words, the support and the company you give me is a huge motivation. Thank you very much for the great support you give me.

have a beautiful night


Awww,..... it's good to know more about you, @jlufer!'
I enjoyed reading about you.
And, I love that photo of you with your family... when you were first starting!
And look at you now!!!


how are you dear friend @ silversaver888 good afternoon
This is an excellent initiative that gives us the opportunity to make ourselves known. something vital for growth.

If many years have passed from those photographs, those two little ones that you see now are already parents.

Time does not stop, that is why you have to live life intensely.

I appreciate with all my heart the enormous support you give me every day

that you enjoy these beautiful weekend days


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.


Me alegra que te hayas unido a la iniciativa. Años que no escuchaba nombrar a la gallina turuleca, aquí también se escuchó muchísimo, era una fija en los cumpleaños infantiles. Tremendo banquete se dieron los perros con el cochinillo, acá también usamos el pernil asado, se relaciona mucho con la época navideña. Con las recetas de los duces de zapallo tienes para unas buenas publicaciones. Disfruté mucho leyendo el post. Gracias por compartir. Un fuerte abrazo desde Maracay.


Hermoso post mi querido amigo @jlufer... Me contenta saber que te tenemos aquí en la plataforma, sano y feliz. 🤗🤗♥️♥️
