RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: Chainsaw Lodge

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"They could have used that abandoned wardrobe for their clothes; the second thought."

This made me laugh out loud. You are hilarious!

I think I listen to too many thriller audiobooks (well, I know for sure that I do) because my first thought when I see clothing, recording equipment, a bed, slides... is that Someone was up to No Good. Then, all those kids' toys? That made it so much creepier. I might have called the police.

However, I should add that I have literally listened to at least 30 crime-related audiobooks since January 1. (I only keep track of the ones from the library, and if I don't finish the book, I don't count it.) This makes the number of book reviews I do seem quite restrained, doesn't it? Ha ha.

Great post, as usual. It blows me away how much effort you put into each post. You pretty much take your life into your hands for our amusement. I imagine you would not do it if you did not like it also, but I see some of the photos and literally say out loud, "Oh, no, @slobberchops! What have you gotten yourself into this time?"



This made me laugh out loud. You are hilarious!

🤣.. thanks!

I might have called the police.

The police?,, oh no.. they would interfere and ask questions. It would take me discovering a corpse for that. It might well happen!

You pretty much take your life into your hands for our amusement.

Oh its not that bad (says me, climbing up a tree to get over a 12 foot wall, and then shimmying down a rope on the far side.. very recently). Some of them I can't manage as I'm too old!

I got a new phone so the posts you see in around 7 months may look better. Yes, I'm that far behind!

Thanks for the great comment.
