Shrimp, Pasta and a Sublime Sunday: Beautiful Day for Snow


Food may be essential as fuel for the body, but good food is fuel for the soul.
Malcomb Forbes

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Early this morning, barely at the break of dawn, big fluffy flakes os snow gently fell from the sky.It was beautiful, a lovely blanket almost covering the grass, which didn't ever mind, but, the flowers of spring protested. They were taken by surprise, the tulips were, but, the daffodile merely hung their heads. The wind blew and the gardens were covered, I couldn't even hear what was being said. I check out my little snowdrops and they stand tall, for they flourish in the flakes. Snowdrops like snowflakes. Who knew?

It is cold, it is wet, it is snowing. It feels like I need a fire to stoke my chill away. Where did this come from and what is it doing here? We have already started spring, and it is already March. I hear the wind and watch as it blows the white across the road. I feel the need to make something good for dinner tonight and pasta is always a good idea. With a shrimp appetizer, don't forget the wine. Just thinking about blows the joy right back into me.

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My life is rich in most ways, yet it has a balance of things going on to me centered. It's not perfect and yet, perfection is so very overrated. We have discussed this to death, yes? If it were perfect, would it only be perfect for me, or can erfect mean something entirely different than what I find perfect?

I had a zoom meeting today for a presentation. On first glance, all I could see was how perfect it was, after all, I was being shown just how perfect it all was. The longer I sat there and listened, the more reality set in, I did not feel that the perfection was measured accurately. He felt good about what he was offereing, yet he was looking at it from a totally different perspective. He was viewing it as one that would benefit from the buy, I was looking at it from the standoint of not getting the value for the money.I decided that there was a workaround to this problem.

By the way, the pasta was almost perfect. From where I sat. :) Tomorrow it will be even better... What? When you cook pasta fresh, it sucks up a lot of water, but, when it is cooled down and reheated, it has already absorbed the moisture, the flavors are fully married up, and it tastes better to me.

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Don't forget to spring forward before you got to bed tonight!

Daylight saving time, also known as daylight savings time or daylight time, and summer time, is the practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so that darkness falls at a later clock time. Date: Sun, Mar 13, 2022 – Sun, Nov 6, 2022

Most Americans don't like daylight savings time, but, the trend continues. We get lighter mornings as the kids head off to school, and darker evenings until spring catches up and we get to enjoy light on both ends of the day. We already have a dozen states that have passed legislation to stay with daylight saving time on a permanant basis. I lived in Arizona for a year and it was confusing to have some of the State spring forward and fall back and the others never changed. The Indian Reservations never change. Can we all get on the same page here? How do you feel about daylight savings time?

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Today is a #BeautifulSunday by @Ace108, where we share our day in the most possibly beautiful way that we can. How can one refute the beauty of spending time with my family, making a wonderful dinner, gathering around the table and enjoying each others company? I am having a wonderful day, a definitely #SublimeSunday in the making, by the Meister of my morning, @c0ff33a. I do love my @c0ff33 and he likes eclectic! A definite match, made in heaven. I want to thank @ace108 and @c0ff33a for hosting these fun challenges! Check them out!

She struggles with the weight, right before the wind covers her over, making snow and flower one. I cannot see her this moment, but, I can honestly say, it is #alwaysaflower for me, to color my world.

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All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


Prayers for Ukraine. You can follow the posts of some of Ukrainian Hivers like @zirochka, @blind-spot, @priyanarc, @torem-di-torem, @ilysarazom, @shady, @yetaras, and many others. God Bless all of you and please, stay safe!

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓓𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓮 ❤️

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The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 96 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


There's something so wrong seeing snow on flowers. I have a feeling everyone will experience it again before spring makes a full appearance. Enough snow already bring on the nice weather, I don't think I'm alone here haha


I know!!! You are so right! Except for snowdrops! I can accept that as true. We haven't had snow (except for an inch?) all season, so I was a little surprised, although, March is traditionally when the big stuff will dump!

Good seeing you and I should have known, it was the food that brought you! :) Have a super Sunday!


Oh yes the wonderful food. This always adds a little extra to a nice posting. As they say, I came for the food but stayed for the company.

Speaking of food, !PIZZA 😀
Best wishes on another wonderful Sunday.


You flatterer!! Yell me more!! :)) Thank you and I did have a great day!


It looks so delicious!!!

I almost forgot about Daylight Savings Time. I don't want to lose an hour! Ah, well, they give it back in the fall.


Haha! It is true! I would hate to be hanging out for that long! I might get a little bit thirsty, at the very least. :)

Hope you are having a great Sunday! The pasta was awesome! Thank you!


Ha ha. Thirsty indeed. I am a victim of science today: I read an article that said my body will release stem cells if I fast for 18+ hours, so I decided to try it out and see how it feels to fast for one day. If it's not too bad, I might repeat it.

So far? I am hungry. Ha! That is how my Sunday is going. But when I feel hungry, I just say to myself, "Okay, stem cells, you had better be growing and releasing and doing whatever stem cells do!"

This is what happens when I read. Interestingly, though, despite not eating, I feel more cheerful than usual. In fact, I rarely feel at all cheerful, so maybe I should always starve myself. I am joking. I am a large woman and in no imminent danger of starvation (she said in the understatement of the century).

I hope you are also having a sublime Sunday.



I fast on a regular basis. At least 16 hours, but, sometimes as many as 20. It is interesting that my body likes it. I feel hungry for a day or so, but, drink water while fasting. It is interesting to read what so many studies show with fasting, but, it is not good for everyone.

I am have a very beautiful Sunay. Sublimely so. :)


I love pasta too! Do you make yours from scratch? I usually buy the processed ones which cooks faster under eight minutes and it's ready to eat. Yum! Hehe.

I guess perfection is subjective. What I may think is 'perfect' may not appear so to another person. Like the man who made the presentation. Perfection is difficult to attain and no one truly knows what it looks like! We can only guess or come up with our own formulation and make our lives complex thereby.

Daylight savings time? Um, we have nothing like that in my part of the world! 😄 Have a lovely, sublime and relaxing Sunday. Good morning, @dswigle! !PIZZA !LUV ☺️


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Everyone here wants to get rid of Daylight Saving Time! here in the USA! It really disrupts people's lives, especially those having to commute into work, making the 5 am departure time now 4 am.


Perfection is always so hotly debated and yet, it really is subjective. We know what perfect is though, am I right? :))

I do make a lot of my pasta from scratch, but only on days of complete freedom from work, play, and everything else. It is more time-consuming, but, it is really delicious. One time doing it and you are immediately spoiled! I hope you have had a super Sunday!



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I am not surprised. Some of the deepest snows have happened in the first two weeks of March. There was a light flurry here amid the cloudy and VERY windy morning, but that was all, no ground cover, although it looked like it with all the Bradford blossoms that had been blown across the grass.

I love daylight savings time. I get no advantage of the morning hours unless it's two days a week. Many years ago I had also read that the earlier light was good for children waiting for buses, but I noticed in less than 30 days, it was dark once again during those bus-waiting hours, so all that for 30'sh days?? I think that excuse is a sham. A couple of years back it was rumored that it may be considered to let NC stay on daylight savings time and somebody somewhere was going to pursue it, but I waited and waited..... but it never got done. I know everyone doesn't work the same hours I do, but there are many, many people doing the 8 to 5 or 9 to 5 and not being on daylight savings time leaves no time for outdoors for mulitple months. No wonder so many are vitamin D deficient....LOL... anyway, I wish our state would join in on leaving daylight savings on all the time and then we would have no more of this spring forward and fall back, that drives folks mad when the time changes.


It really was quite windy, wasn't it?! It is all gone, blown away or melted, not sure which. Of course, the temperature went wayyyyy down last night! I am not sure it has been that cold all season, no kidding! The only sad thing was that my flowers, including daffodils, and some tulips and hellebores were covered over with snow because the wind blew it towards the house. So they were covered with snow.

Today, I didn't see but two birds at the four different bird feeders early this morning, or late this morning. I am nowhere near a window right now, but, I was worried about all the birds as it was frigid last night and they were all out at the grocery store yesterday, filling up on the seed.

Daylight savings has become a waste of time nowadays. For whatever reason they started it, and the answers are as varied as the years it has been around, I think it would be just fine to leave it alone and we will adjust accordingly.

Right? Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday and you got to see Mom. ❤️


This is so nice and amazing.. I would love to have a taste of it


It was very good! I just love pasta! Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!


Nice. I am actually enjoying my Sunday. What about you??


An unexpected snow - hopefully the flowers can handle it. Shrimp and pasta sounds like a good meal for a snowing day in the spring. Sounds like comfort food. I agree that pasta tastes better the next day. Closer to perfect 😉


Bingo! So much closer to perfect, but, I do enjoy the good stuff on the first too! I wouldn't want to show prejudice, you know what I mean? I love a nice seafood pasta too, but, that wasn't happening here. I needed a little bacon. :) Don't bacon go with everything?

We don't get snow all season and get it after everything is blooming? Oi! Now I hope it doesn't kill those cherry blossoms down in the Tidal Basin. with the Cherry Blossom Festival. It has a huge following by Americans and if it freezes like this so late in the season, sometimes, it kills off the blooms for the season, sometimes not. time will tell.

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful spring and that you are having a super Sunday!



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Such a lovely thing for a person who hasn't have the luck of seeing snow in person to feel so close by your text and images! Thank you so much for that! And, just saying, with Pasta and shrimp, nothing can go wrong!
On a complete different note, a friend sent me this and I immediately thought about you! Asked him for permission to pass it on and he said "how could I deny the beauty of this to others, share away, and let's everyone enjoy it". So here, happy Sunday!

True!!! Nothing can go wrong when you are on this side of the pasta dish! :) That and a little shrimp? Yummy!

The flower is so beautiful! The color is vibrant and so very happy! Thank you! It has made my day! I do love flowers and when they are exceptionally pretty and sent for enjoyment, even better! #alwaysaflower

Thank you! Have a super Sunday! 💗


That pasta looks a good
The poor flowers must be so confused cheers Ceres in snow


The pasta was good! The shrimp was awesome and the poor flowers were pouting all day yesterday, but, today the snow is just a memory. :)

The flowers were frazzled as it was 14 degrees last night(coldest temp of the year here!) and then Daylight Savings Time to confuse them even more!

Hi, JJ @tatoodjay I hope you are having a great day! Happy Sunday!


LOL I dont think daylight savings fools the flowers, but a low of 14 and snow sure will


We don't have DST here. I like the long days. I remembered playing tennis in the night when the sky is still bright. Then i dislike the short winte days.
Anyway, the pasta looks good.


I like the long days too. I think that Daylight Savings Time is a waste anymore. I have read 20 different reasons they started it, so I believe nobody knows the real truth.

I had a summer house on the Canadian border (in Michigan) and it is far enough North that in the summer months, it stays light until almost 11 pm! I loved that but it confused my brain. I always made dinner late for the kids because it never seemed dark enough that it should be dinner time.

Winter is dark and cold... but, I love it anyway!

The pasta was good! I love homemade pasta and it always is delicious! It is a truly #BeautifulSunday! Hi, Ace! @ace108


I read it started during wartime to conserve energy consumption


I read that too and then after that I read that wasn't true so I'm not sure but it seems like the most feasible one that I've heard. Thanks so much Ace!


So it's come to you, Mrs. Winter! I've calmed down now because I was a little frustrated to see that something out of the ordinary (the arrival of spring) was happening in the land I like to think of like "my brother". I guess you don't understand what I meant, because I don't really know either...
Okay, if I failed to make the joke I wanted, I say now ... it's a joke and not envy!

Your pasta looks wonderful and is an invitation and a suggestion. Thanks so much and a spring week be ahead of you!


Haha! I got the joke! :) Want me to explain your joke to you? I was pretty sure it was not envy, although you will be happy to know that the snow is all gone now! :)

It will be nice again this week, although last night, the hoses needed to be winterized because it might freeze. It did freeze, so I am glad we did.

The pasta was delicious and was a wonderful way to end a winter day! My daffodils were not happy, but, I know that they should recover. I can hope,yes? I am thinking it is truly a #BeatuifulSunday! Sublimely so!?

Have a wonderful night, Dan! @bluemoon


I have to start with... haha, yes, you should explain your jokes too if you can see I'm not laughing, you know my fear that I don't understand well, especially English!

I understand it will be a cat and dog game, now winter with spring. We have to heat the house, too, I've been doing that since November and this year we have the surprise of doubling the prices of utilities, gas, and electricity, so I'm paying double. The forecast is that the whole of March will be cold.

I think next weekend I will try your pasta and shrimp recipe, if not identical at least inspired by you. I wish you joy every day!


Want me to explain your joke to you?

It was your joke, not mine.

something out of the ordinary (the arrival of spring) was happening in the land I like to think of like "my brother". I guess you don't understand what I meant, because I don't really know either...Okay, if I failed to make the joke I wanted, I say now ... it's a joke and not envy!

I was just saying that I knew you were not serious and it was not envy. The land I like to think of as "my brother" I thought was how well you bonded and knew him well, and then it snowed and turned winter. (the weather?) :)

I may have failed, but, I felt like I knew what you meant. You have a great command/understanding of English. I sometimes forget it gets unintelligible to many with all of its different meanings to the same word. Most Americans would fail miserably in a language that was not their own. The rest of the world does pretty great!

That sounds yummy, Dan! @bluemoon I think I am going to make another seafood dish this Friday. Well, Friday always. I almost never eat meat on Friday, still to this day.


Of course, it was my joke. It is often incomprehensible what I say not because of the English language but because of my brain which sometimes expresses itself strangely. Now I have to explain what I meant...
Earth brother was, in this expression the place where you live. I used the expression brother for two reasons. One is that I noticed that the climate where you live was identical to the climate where I live, and I found that strange and beautiful at the same time. The second reason would be that if you and I get along so well and have mutual respect for each other, then the land we live on should be the same! That's how I felt.


That is such a wonderful way of looking at things! I like thecway you think!!


Thanks, I'm glad you don't find it inappropriate!


I agree that perfection is overrated. Who want's perfection anyhow? The maintenance to perfection must be exhausting. Maybe it's from living with old things that have seen better days and lists of things that need doing but might not get done nor even have the pocketbook for it that 'just making do' and enjoying the beauty around the flaws just works for me.

We had a touch of snow last night only enough to give that dalmation look to the lawns (tho green with white spots not black with white haha) and the wind is up but seems a glorious day. I've always been a 4 season lover so unless I'm grumbling under my breath to get snow OFF of something, haha, I tend to truly love all 4 seasons, even the cold (I know not many share that haha).

Thank you for a #SublimeSunday @dswigle


Oh, truth! The reason I don't run away is that I love my 4 seasons! For real! I have to be honest. I have mostly used furniture in my house, tables, shranks, wardrobe, dressers... not for affordability but they made quality long ago and far away. Made with love, made to last! I buy couches, beds, of the like-new, but, the rest? Not a chance, I don't even want the junk they make today.

Scratches? Pffft! They have lived, and I love them. I have always favored older things, with beautiful lines. I did buy two Ethan Allen tables when I first left home, and still have them as they are beautiful. Now I know I would have been just as happy with something from the attic.

I thought the snow would last another day, but, not! It came, it blew, it was gone. Oh!!! But, we got the coldest night of the season last night!!!!

Thank you for coming, my pretty. ❤️


I made pasta too, this morning, now I am wishing I had a picture to prove it to you. I am sorry, I didn't have power on my devices to take a shot. But I can tell you it was a lovely pasta, and I enjoyed every bite. 🥺


Show me! Show me!!!

Kidding! :) I do that all the time... Thank you so much for coming by! I am so glad you enjoyed yours, as I enjoyed mine! 💓


How nice to glance out your window and see the landscape covered with snow. Here in Borneo, it's summer all year long. Not that I am complaining but a change would be nice.


I have lived in places that are summer 24/7 - 12 months a year... and the change is nice!

Also, the warmth is nice too! Thanks for stopping by!


As humans, we loved to try something different. The next time I travel, I will go during autumn or winter.


I so much felt like that yawning cat earlier today! I got a decent amount of sleep and still nearly faceplanted on my desk. Oy.

The sheet of snow really was weird, wasn't it? I keep some white lights up in the front year round, and it was for days like that where I really enjoy them. It felt right.

I hope you were able to get that fire going!


Hehe! Cats are certainly yawners, aren't they? They give that mouth the full benefit of a good stretch. :)) You are working today? You deserve to faceplant then! It is Sunday! Day of Rest. Also, catch up. You are right. You must have gotten up way earlier than the body wanted. It sounds like a revolt.

The snow was odd and a little fascinating. We got some of the largest flakes I have ever seen. I wish I had some outside lights up yesterday, it would have been lovely. But, it was a bit of a white-out for a minute or three.

The fire was cozy. Still is. It was chilly out this morning! Thanks for stopping by and have a super Sunday!


You always make me grave your recipes.I am not a pasta eater , but now, maybe later I prepared some pasta with seafood . I love seafood. It has been snowy here too. Cold day , but it does not bother me! Glad you are happy with your life, as it should be .Daylight saving time is always confusing and funny to me . I woke up today and saw the clock it. spent like an hour on my bed. I went to the kitchen to make some coffee and i saw the watched with the same time I had seen on my cellphone an hour ago., For a moment , I was confused , but then i remembered it was Daylight saving time . So funny


I hope you do! I love seafood more, but, frequently combine my loves! We both lived on the water growing up and so, seafood is like a must. Anything that swims for a living, I just might eat it. :))

The cold doesn't bother me either. I love the four seasons. If you dress for it, there is no problem. :)

Daylight savings is no longer useful. They need to just stop doing it. I remember when cell phones would take two days to catch up with it. LOL Now THAT was really funny!

I hope you are having a super Sunday!


"I remember when cell phones would take two days to catch up with it. LOL Now THAT was really funny!" Did they ??untitled.gif


Mine changes, they all do unless you fool around with your settings, but, if you have an old Android? It might not right away. Even when you travel, the phones don't always update right away when you fly over to Europe or change time zones.

When Androids were new, it was a slow roll to the next DST, but, nowadays everything changes pretty much right away.

It was terribly when it didn't change and you had to guess when it would!


Yummy. That looks so delicious especially during a snowy day .
Beautiful shot of the yellow flower covered in snow.


Thanks so much for that! The flower is a daffodil. It got covered in the snow and the pasta is good, warm or cold days, but it was especially nice in the cold! Thank you so much for stopping by!

Have an amazing week ahead!


Ciao è un onore fare la tua conoscenza.
Volevo complimentarmi di cuore per questo tuo post.
Hai descritto il paesaggio della tua finestra con amore ed emozione!
Hai parlato della perfezione e il tuo post è perfetto!
Il tuo modo di scrivere è dolce, chiaro e pieno di emozioni...
Riguardo l' ora legale sarebbe bello avere tutti la stessa ora, ma purtroppo il sole non ce lo permette.
Io sono italiana, ho visto la tua pasta e deve essere stata veramente deliziosa.
Ti faccio nuovamente i miei complimenti.



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Ciao, l'onore è mio! Grazie per le tue parole gentili e generose. Devi conoscere madrunner, è l'unico che sa che scrivo un po' di italiano. Mi piacciono tutte e quattro le stagioni, ma ora è tempo di primavera. Grazie per la visita. Buona settimana!

Hello, the honor is mine! Thanks for your kind and generous words. You must know mad-runner, he is the only one who knows that I write a little Italian. I like all four seasons, but now it's springtime. Thanks for visiting. Have a good week!


Buona settimana a te❤❤❤❤


There is nothing like a tasty dish with a bottle of wine to share, to boost one's bubble of joy. Sometimes the day is harder than others, it is just meant to be that way, always lessons, always ups and downs. Ahhh, life is one big ride of imperfection to perfection and then back to ordinary. Oh dear, we never know when we get up how the day will pan out.
Hope everyone enjoyed that pasta you made, it looked absolutely delish. My mouth was watering, hahaha.🧚🏼‍♀️


Everyone enjoyed it, thank you! Homemade pasta is an easy sell in this family!

Nobody likes hard days, but, the harder days only make the good days sweeter! Wine? Yes please!

I hope your week is going well!
