Making gifts for loved ones

Hello DIYHub Community

Hello everyone

Back again with me, on this occasion I share my latest work, namely making gifts for the people we love. Hopefully with this gift people will be happy.

It's time for us to start something happily, whether it's with words, whether it's a gift, whether it's trivial things as long as they bring us happiness, these things make our day more meaningful, especially since the gifts we make are for the people we love. love and of course this will make our lives more exciting and meaningful

On this occasion I made a gift gift which I filled inside with Kis candies which will make it even more exciting for me with my family and I will also make a tutorial on how to make gifts from origami paper.

Materials for making gifts

  • Origami Paper
  • Candy
  • Fountain pen
  • Scissors

How to make a gift

The first step is that we take blue origami paper, then we fold it into a triangle, then fold it again in the same triangle shape

the next step is we take a pen then we shape it so that we insert it into each other by cutting and forming it first like the picture I shared

then take scissors and cut according to the line that we have formed. Pay close attention so that it is easy for us to do it

then we make holes up and down left and right so that we can do it easily

then we insert the bottom to the top, the right to the left, following the steps below can be done

These are some of the photos that I captured and showed them to all my friends. I hope you are all well and given health.

These are some tutorials that you can enjoy and study well. Hopefully this tutorial is really useful, see you in the next post


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12


That is a great gift for friends and loved ones. Your paper craft is impressive. Bravo.


Thank you very much for visiting and support, hopefully this community will grow rapidly and move forward

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This is definitely cute,I now don’t need to spend so much on gift boxes
