Trump Immediately Defends Saudis After Mass Shooting


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--Donald Trump immediately defends Saudis, including the King and Crown Prince, after a horrible mass shooting by a Saudi in Pensacola, Florida

Is this what "America First" is supposed to mean?

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I think Matt Gaetz hit pretty good on the issue last night when asked how much confidence can the victims families expect when the Saudis haven't dealt with the families of 9-11 yet and why despite these types of attacks the US haven't stood more firm in addressing the issue as they would with other countries whose countries commit terrorist attacks. The reasoning is that Saudis trade their oil in US dollars. They have a significant link to holding up the value of the US dollar. The damage wouldn't be marginal and could have long lasting consequences if they decided to be punitive towards the Saudis.

It's not a easy pill to swallow for sure but it is what it is. Weighted against the fact, like you brought up, these are not isolated incidences here, they come in all shapes, sizes and colors unfortunately and as we know penalties against such actions are obviously not enough to deter the actions of some individuals. We do though have more recourse when it comes to dealing with programs such as these foreign individuals who are enrolled here and that is to implement a strong vetting process if they are allowed to continue. Yes you could argue after 9-11 that should have been power for the course but what you can't argue is that, because of this lack of failure to do so from either party since, that one party being in office over the other would significantly change this as since 9-11 that hasn't proven to be true, that also is it what it is...a lack of failure on both sides the aisle to implement a vetting process since 9-11. Right now those programs have been placed on hold until decisions can be made concerning these programs up to and including a strong vetting process.

Your attempt to whitewash these types of attacks according to demographics was poor at best. These types of incidences are varied in the minds of perpetrators, with some being easily distinguishable from the get go, like the incident in Charlottesville was quite easily distinguishable by the news media based on witnesses interviewed, what they saw and heard the man say, they didn't have to wait for the police to investigate, same as what happened here, it was instantly called out as a terrorist act based on witness/acquaintance accounts of the individual. This is totally different then what we saw like in the Las Vegas attack, it took weeks to months to try and put a picture together of what transpired, to this day I still don't think everyone is satisfied with the answer but there wasn't much found to go on and will probably forever hold questions in people's minds. That doesn't mean because he was white there was some grand conspiracy to down play it. Each incidence is unique to the consequences/conspiracies held in the perpetrators head, whether you want to believe when someone whose white with a long mental history and is pictured in the press looking like his eyes are ready to pop out of his head is being protected because he's white is a biased not fact based analogy.

One of the biggest misconceptions I think you hold is that a vast amount of people hold a belief that all Muslims come here to do harm. There's a huge difference in individuals who come here voluntarily because they are persecuted in their own countries for deviations/differences in religious doctrines in their own countries and those who are forced integrated into a choice they'd never made in the first place under different circumstances, like acts of war. Those people never would have freely chosen to live in societies capable of living side by side and respecting each other's religious, cultural differences. That can be proven and seen with what's happened/happening over in Europe. Some people are just plain incapable of differentiation, this is a common problem among those in the middle east, to them there is no diversification, it's always my way, the highway or death. You simply can't call out prejudices based on what you see transpiring when people are forced into mass integration, they are fully capable of seeing it doesn't work well that way and they don't want any part of it.
