600 Establishment resumed work in Sheikh Najjar Industrial City in Aleppo


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The city of Aleppo used to be the region's economic power horse before the US-led War of Terror waged against the Syrian people with the help of other NATO member states and NATO sponsored terrorist groups.

Turkish madman Erdogan had an essential role in destroying most of Syria's economy and continues to loot and destroy what he could.

After years of destruction, the Industrial City of Aleppo in Sheikh Najjar area is getting its people back with 600 establishments back to work.

More in this report: 600 Establishments Resume Work at Aleppo Industrial City, Sheikh Najjar

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All glory to those heroes, heroes are not only in the battlefields but also those unknown soldiers steadfast in their country on their land and returning the cycle of life.
Thank you for this video with some hope among the recent horrible news all over.
