How the Blockchain is Changing Money and Business - Don Tapscott (TED Talk)


For over a decade since its existence, the blockchain has been revolutionary and potentially disruptive. In this video, Don Tapscott, a blockchain expert, brilliantly explains the blockchain technology and how it will disrupt the financial system of the world, redistribute wealth, and democratize business transactions between peoples of the world.

Tapscott believes that the blockchain technology will change the conception of money, how banks to businesses, and eliminate the middlemen who are well known for charging exorbitant fees.

I hope that you'll enjoy the video below as much as I did. Enjoy.

I am @gandhibaba, the young man who goes about carrying his magical pen, not his gun, in his pockets.

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Hi @gandhibaba

If I think he is definitely right and that is already happening. for that reason many bank duels attack the blockchain because you know their reach


We need to be cautious when any system aims to 'redistribute the wealth'. Obama said that we need to redistrubute the wealth and what he meant is that the money of the wealthy people should be stolen simply because of there position in society. That kind of redistribution of wealth is not welcome! But it is diffrent to just recognize that it is only a matter of time before banks close there doors because the blockchain.


I agree with @captaintj. That concept of wealth redistribution comes straight from communism, and sadly I am experiencing now all the terrible consequences that such ideas can produce.

I think that the beautiful thing about blockchain is not exactly the "redistribution" of the wealth, but the creation of new, free financial dynamics that could make it easier for everyone in our worldwide society to create his own reality, beyond the disgusting obstacles of bureaucrats and bankers.

It's financial freedom! That's a wonderful thing; but freedom is not equality. In fact, they are opposed concepts in this kind of affairs, for when you establish freedom you accept the natural differences among people (those differences brought by their own freedom), and when you establish a forced equality there's no freedom anymore (as it happens in my country).


I am sorry to hear that @spirajn is entangled in the web of anti-free market thought.

I want to touch on the third paragraph that was written, financial freedom is something to be celibrated and that is not the same as equality, but also equality can lead to slavery. For example the kids at school might pick on you because your lack of a nice shirt, so equality says 'everybody weare the same shirt' well thats bondage to the person that likes to dress well...remember what I am saying 'communism is not able to lift anyone out of poverty instead the only thing that thoes socialists policies can ever do is make everyone sit down in the same mud puddle'


Exactly. It is the problem of trying to impose a specific set of outcomes for all society, social engineering and oppression.

If we are free, our different decisions and talents will lead every one of us to different outcomes. That's perfectly normal. Equality is only an illusion.

But the absence of equality in our reality does not necessarily mean the absence of solidarity and reciprocal help.


It sounds to me like you might enjoy the movie 'the giver' in the movie the give says that the society (that they lived in) was created so that bad stuff would be eliminated, but as we can see in the movie 'negative things' (like arguments, and wars) are just one end of the stick the other end is 'positive things' (like happiness and laughter) if -equality- could be reached then the whole stick would need to be eliminated. So basicly seeking equality is the equivlent of preforming a lobotomy ( In which all that is achieved is creating a society full of zombies!

The balance between people that are geniuses and people wit autism is not that huge of a diffrence.

The idea of 'achieving equality' is a pipe dream, but people want to hang on to the pipe dream...another way to say that is that people prefer to decieve and be decieved Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?

I am glad that I have an oppertunity to speak to you, because I have some questions:

Since the collapse of the ecconomy, how do everyday folks buy, sell, and exchange goods? I think of what the ecconomic reset will be like here in Amercia, and the more I think about it I think about 'non-shipping stores' (a term that I made up that includes stores/sales of locally sourced items) such stores/sales do not depend on the ability to transport items long distances. The stores/sales include garage sales, auctions, farmers markets, swap meets, antique/craft malls, flea markets, and thrift stores. But my question is how do people agree on a medium of exchange?
E.X. I am able to go to a garage sale and buy the old tools that my neighbor no longer wants and pay $1.00, but when the ecconomy goes crazy thoes tools might still be available but how will I know what to trade for the items (who is to say if the tools should be traded for 1 chicken or 10 chickens)

My questions are about how the 'barter system' works (


I did do some learning about the barter system (the barter system is a form of free trade/capitalism) The currencies that are used were made because they are an easy to transport store of value. In a simple situation (if the deal is close to my house) I can trade my cow for four goats, but its difficult for me to transport my cow 1,000 miles to trade it for four currency/money was invented. If I want to own goats, I can exchange the cow for a coin. Then I no longer need to travel 1,000 miles to trade my cow with a guy that has four goats, all that I need to do is find someone that wants to sell goats.

So coins are not magical, they just make trade easier (because then I do not need to find someone that wants/needs my cow) The only thing that coins/money does is help to facilitate trade {fa·cil·i·tate
verb: make (an action or process) easy or easier.}

So when ugly communism/socialism raises its ugly head and promises to make everone the same, then take a lesson from the Bible which says:
Ecclesiastes 4:4
Then I saw that all toil and every skillful work come from one man’s envy of another....

So it will not work to try to get rid of envy, At the end of human, if we have choosen to follow GOD's way then GOD will get rid of envy (but as long as we are on earth people are going to work so that they do not need to live like some other guy)

I do not recommend going against a legitimate government, but not every (earthly) government is legitimateso in the cases where the government is not legitmate then the ecconomy might not be so strong and people might suffer. In that case I would tell people about the 'black market' ( and tell people about bartering ( ( Speaking about a barter system, I think that it would be best (at first) to trade with close family and friends because you proably have some idea what your close family and friends have need of.


Oh, you understand very well the implications of all this. Everything that you touch in your reflection is a strong part of the Venezuelan life nowadays.

We live normally in a flow between the legal and the black market. The government has tried to prevent it, but it can't.

In fact, the very cause of the black market is the prohibition itself. Economy has its own organic processes: if you push one side, it comes up from the other. The totalitarian governments are not capable to understand that, and they become everyday more violent against the people that simply try to solve their needs.


What is being discussed can be illistrated by looking at a 'whack-a-mole' (game)

Some of the financial policies of the U.S. are anti-free market (like the bailouts) call thoes policies 'crony capitalism' In 2008 many politicans were to scared to let the markets crash (although my advice was to let the ignorant companies hindsight I am glad that they pushed things back 11 more years) But In the coming years I assume that about 80% of the worlds economy will look like Venezuela.

Therefore I thank GOD that I am able to talk to you so I can get a sneak peek at what to expect. :)


Perfect illustration. I wonder if people in the government like to play whack-a-mole, even knowing that they will never impede the natural flow of economy, just to amuse themselves. It's so useless and counterproductive in its consequences for the whole society, that one could think they practice such restrictions just for fun.

But this is only my imaginative exercise, because I know very well the reason: By implementing restrictions they get more power, at the cost of the economic destruction of a whole country.

They ban the free exercise of human creation, and they force every enterprise to flow through the way designed by the State. And they just sit there, ready to take a big part of every cake because they are the only ones allowed to cut and distribute it.

Of course, they talk about equality to justify such totalitarianism, but they put themselves at the very place where one controls everyone's lives, to make all people equal (in misery) but themselves.

I think that the only way to face this, for every individual, is to work in smart and prudent ways to get autonomy to a certain degree. The autonomy will never be total because, as long as we remain in a country, we are subjected to its dynamics and laws, but we could create for us some autonomy in many areas of our lives.

Have you read the ideas of Hakim Bey about the temporary autonomous zones (TAZ)?


Many Amercians think that the U.S. goverment was created with the idea that a firm hand of force will keep people in line. But Amercias founding fathers almost hated the idea of being told what to do. However the founding fathers saw the effects of a non-existant goverment and did not like the idea of 0% unification. So on one side is total anarchy (which is not as bad as some people think...the actual word means 'ruled by no one') And on the other hand there would be a complete monarachy (which is total rule by a king or queen). If that is the case the early goverment was set up to be about a 97% anarachy and an 3% monarchy. Well that proved to be a goverment that was to small and it could not help the people. ( That weak form of goverment only lasted for about 10-12 years before it was scrapped. Then The Constitution that many people know about was drafted ( The idea was to have about a 94% anarchy and a 6% monarchy. (Think of the goverment like a big crazy giant) sure the giant can smash your house, but the giant will also keep dangerous animals away. Thoes animals could rip us to shreds. So Amercias founding fathers decided that it was benificial to keep the giant, however they tied the giant up (with the constitution) then the giant only had one arm free to shoe the wild beasts away. Over time some people started to get a little to friendly with the giant, and through protest and deceptive words they thought that the giant can be a little more untied. Other people see what has been done as a grave mistake (these people are know as constitutionalists) because they want Amercia to restore the constitution and tie the giant back up. ( The name Tea Party has been taken from the Boston Tea party ( The origional tea party happened because the king of england told us that we were going to pay for Englands wars and there was nothing that we could do about it. So the Amercians 'gently' showed the king how badly we needed his precious goods. ( Money is not bad, the love of money is bad. Finances are a part of life, so goverment and finances are closely related (as a side note the only reason that an anarchy is able to work is because for generations many people had the 'laws of GOD' written on their hearts. (Think about it as long as both of us GOD has told us not to steal...then we do not need a goverment to tell us how to behave, but if you think that its ok to take some things that do not belong to you then we proably will not get along) so the idea of any goverment is a necciary evil, but the reasons why goverments 'need' to govern more oppressivly is because humans do not want to follow the rules of GOD! ("That government is best which governs least" is a motto with which Henry David Thoreau opens his pamphlet, Civil Disobedience. It has been attributed to Thomas Jefferson, but no one has ever found it in any of Jefferson's writings.) I am not a total pacivist, but I am a GOD fearing man that Loves peace, however I have turned over a statement in my mind for a number of years now....“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” (


At first I was interested in learning about separtist movements ( But after thinking about things I decided that it would be a better idea for me to 'self secede' (become as self autonomous as I can be) Earlier I talked about generalists vs specalists, and what I have found is that part of the hardship of learning to be autonomous is, that not many people can tell you how to preform a task. Take for example 'soap making'. You need to learn to make a camp fire, save the ashes, gather water, soak the ashes (careful now you have a container of lye that can chemicaly blind/burn you) then mix the lye water with grease (

In Venezuela I know that there is major ecconomic upheaveal. In the U.S.A. there is a group of guys called the 'new world order' they are like the friends of George Soros we can see alot of 'nwo' (globalists) in the democratic party. The globalists are (I would say psychotic) but the truth is that what they are trying to do is demonic. (I recently wrote an article about some of the things hapening For a bit more information about what is going on please read the following article


Wow, first I want to thank you for that amazing reference to it has a lot of material to my research and my reflection. I sustain everyday a system to explore all these issues, so that it may lead me to better thoughts for my books and other products.

Here we call the bartering "trueque", and it has been practiced much more since the beginning of the economic collapse. However its practice is not so common, and I could mention some causes of that:

First, the bartering is generally an acceptable option if a material culture of a group is based on goods and services that can be produced locally. For example, people outside of big cities practice bartering to exchange their own crops, animals and stuffs generally produced in their community. They used to practice that, even before this economic collapse.

I have linked that phenomenon with the degree of autonomy (material autonomy) that the groups and individuals have in their daily live —from that I grab a philosophical pillar for my work, which I called autonomism—. It's just natural to practice that when your lifestyle and your community involves somehow the constant production of things, which your subsistence is based upon.

So if I eat eggs and my neighbor has chickens, it's natural to give him some apples from my garden in order to get some eggs. But if I work as an accountant and he works as a driver, then the disposition to exchange our services is more difficult. Most of the time we don't have the specific things the other person needs in his daily life.

For that reason, in Venezuela we manage ourselves by another way: The national currency and the national economic dynamics lose everyday more value; so we try to transcend that by placing ourselves onto another economic dynamic. For example, we try to not hold anymore Bolivars (the national currency) and we buy dollars, placing us into a foreign economic dynamic that can guarantee that our money won't lose value from one day to another. We protect the value of our money by buying a foreign, more stable currency.

We also prefer cryptocurrencies, despite their unstability, because the government doesn't control our finances there. All our limits, oppression and prohibitions disappear in the crypto world.

Nonetheless, those are the measures that we take if we have to stay in the country, to make our lives a bit less difficult. Even with those measures, everything is very hard. That's why almost half of the population already leaved the country. Almost every family has many members that emigrated, searching for a better life.


I am glad to hear that you are doing well! Something that I have learned about the barter system is that it works best in a small enviroment, so if 2-3 neigbors barter then things will work...but bartering can become confusing when many people are involved.

I want to mention something that you sort of hinted at...many people are specialists and not generalists, which can make bartering more difficult.

Years ago, workers were generaists. If a man was in the livestock business he knew how to grow and cut hay, and feed it to cows, and then the cows had babies and the farmer raised the baby cows. But today a cattle man might only know a small segemate

The big problem with having a society that is filled with specialists is that when there is a financial hic-up (and the economy in Venezuela does have the hic-ups) Then the ecconomic engine stops. But the ecconomy is hard to start because people only know how to do one job. (its not like getting your car stuck in the mud where you can get a lot of people to 'push the car')

Does Venezuela currently have a postal system?

In other news I used to think that crypto currencies were alot less restricted, but when communistic/socialistic china starts liking cryptocurrencies , then I do not feel that crypto is a very safe investment


"Snail Mail" redirects here; for other uses see: Snail Mail (disambiguation)

The mail or post is a system for physically transporting postcards, letters, and parcels. A postal service can be private or public, though many governments place restrictions on private systems. Since the mid-19th century, national postal systems have generally been established as a government monopoly, with a fee on the article prepaid. Proof of payment is usually in the form of an adhesive postage stamp, but a postage meter is also used for bulk mailing.


These links will help my writing, thank you.

I remember the first criticizing against specialization that I found, came from some primitivist authors. But one has not necessarily to be a primitivist to understand the disadvantages of this lifestyle, where we know only a small area of the human activity, and don't know how to sustain our own lives by the raw materials of nature.

I have this constant fantasy that someday I'll learn every basic skill about gardening, farming, bio-construction and such things. But I am still in the survival mood, with no time or resources to pursue that self-development.

Yes, in Venezuela there is mail service, though it's in very bad conditions (as every service here, more if public).

Well I think that corporations and governments will inevitably try to control the crypto economy, but the technology behind it allows us much freedom, even more if the blockchain is based on privacy.


The idea of specialation is a good idea if everything is in order, but if there is one hic-up then the entire system falls apart. But when times are decent it is a good idea to employ specialists...but I imagine that the entire country of Venezuela will have a difficult time re-starting the economy because they need to find 10 people that can do a segment of a single job. It costs alot more to be a generalists than it does for a specialists to opperate. An intresting thing to consider is that 'oil' is a slave. (I know it sounds weird!) But modern society would be alot more expensive if our oil slaves did not work for free. That is why I can go to the store and buy a loaf of bread for cheap, but if there was not a machine then bread would be expensive. But in today's world it is impractical for a single household to know how to operate 10 different machines.

Society has hit a ceiling and the way that society is built our lifestyles are 'unsustainable'. -If something cannot go on forever, it will stop,” said Herbert Stein-
I do not agree with the fact that huge sections of society should be killed off, however I am just trying to deal with the facts, and the facts are that (Society is exploding in population and many people are to selfish to change there ways.)

GOD did not design the human body to opperate under certain conditions. Both of us would like to live in a more sustainable (self-autonomous) lifestyle, but the livestyle that each of us like to think about is far removed from the way that society is designed. The reason is because it is not profitable for people to live a natural livestyle. Many people would not be as sick if they were to eat a more natural diet, and the healthcare industry depends on people being sick. Of course I do not think that the healthcare industry should be totaly done away with.
