RE: Brain Size and Domestication


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Our Cro Magnon ancestors had brains ~25% larger than our own back during the early dispersal of H. sapiens across Europe prior to the last ice age, while H. neanderthalensis also lived in Europe, and H. denisova in Asia as well. While I am unaware of cranial remains being found of Denisovans, Neanderthal brains were far larger than modern peoples, in fact larger even than Cro Magnons, and evidence indicates that both Denisovans and Neanderthals were incorporated into the human population that eventually led to us today. Basically everyone outside Africa today carries Neanderthal or Denisovan genes, or both, in their DNA.

@valued-customer, It is interesting to note that the brains of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthals were larger than those of modern people. The Bible said that the first humans had powers close to God. Adam lived about 1000 years old.
While evolutionary theory often claims that humans evolved from apes, the fossil record says the opposite.

Humans have not evolved over time, have they degenerated?

2020 seems to be intended to separate the sheep from the goats, as it were. From the looks of the vaccines, duplicity of government and enemedia, and plandemic fear-mongering, sheep are being corralled for slaughter, which will leave goats competent to survive alone able to successfully breed the next generation.

It may seem rather implausible to compare humanity to chickens, but when considering the needs of societies faced by war, by overlords faced with intraspecific competition their wealth and power depends on winning, and the historical facts of events like the Salem Witch Trials, the Inquisition, and slavery, the evolutionary forces seem obvious and parallel the needs of those husbanding livestock like chickens.

It's the squeaky wheel that gets greased, the obstreporous chickens that get served up in the pot, and those that go along get along - until everything breaks and only those able to get along on their own get along at all.

Currently, the Korean government claims that it can cure Koreans by getting Bill Gates' vaccine. Koreans are now chickens trapped in chicken coops.
However, they don't know they are trapped in a chicken coop.

Koreans sadly don't know your wisdom. They are the domestic animals of country.


"Humans have not evolved over time, have they degenerated?"

Well, we view evolution as directional, resulting in our exalted state today. However, evolution is not directional at all. Intelligence and larger brains is not a goal of evolution. It's just that our earliest ancestors with larger brains than their contemporaries survived and bred more than lesser brained folks. The trend in brain size at that time was larger, likely due to more intelligence having utility in a world without centralized society and organized war.

However that world didn't last, and society became pretty centralized and controlled by overlords. The rise of war made societies that didn't centralize behind a unified military decline and the most powerfully armed societies survived preferentially. This created different evolutionary forces on the individuals in societies faced with serial war. Folks that were competent to discern the blatant criminality of overlords and decried it were attacked by overlords and their minions, reducing their tendency to survive and pass on their big brains.

In 'The Beak of the Finch' Stephen Jay Gould details how the size of the beaks of Galapagos Finches grow and shrink over generations as climate fluctuates, and the kinds of food available change. During good weather a variety of seeds are available for food, and beaks of smaller size cost less resources to grow, and suffer no drawbacks in eating seeds. During droughts the many different seeds diminish as various species suffer and fail to produce seeds, and as the birds clean out the stocks of easily eaten seeds, only large hard seeds that are difficult to eat remain available.

Only the birds with the biggest strongest beaks live through the droughts, and their offspring tend to have the larger beaks of their parents. When the weather gets better, the cycle repeats.

Evolution doesn't have a goal. It's just a response to conditions that favor offspring of one kind or another. Early in our evolution, larger brains were preferential when less need to fit in to totalitarian society was necessary to be protected against armies. When dumb followers were what was necessary to face armies and enable children to grow up to breed, smaller brains were the result.

We may prefer being smarter, but evolution doesn't care. It's just the differential survival of one type or another and changing conditions. If we want bigger brains, we need to rein in tyranny and reduce the threat and harm of war.

That's my plan.

However, the plan of overlords is to dramatically increase the evolutionary pressure on folks intolerant of close confinement, surveillance, and enslavement. Like chickens in industrial farms grown eight to a cage long enough to slaughter and sell.

That seems likely to result in decreased brain size over generations.

I'm agin' it.

We'll see which evolution favors.


In 'The Beak of the Finch' Stephen Jay Gould details how the size of the beaks of Galapagos Finches grow and shrink over generations as climate fluctuates, and the kinds of food available change. During good weather a variety of seeds are available for food, and beaks of smaller size cost less resources to grow, and suffer no drawbacks in eating seeds. During droughts the many different seeds diminish as various species suffer and fail to produce seeds, and as the birds clean out the stocks of easily eaten seeds, only large hard seeds that are difficult to eat remain available.

Your superior wisdom is difficult for me. To me, you seem to see evolution as an adaptation of the environment, not as a religion and science.
Do you think of evolution as a temporary body change to adapt to the natural environment?


Evolution is based on generations, and the preferential survival of individuals because of traits that enable them to survive in the conditions they experience. In a clutch of baby birds one of them has the largest beak, and one of them has the smallest beak. During a drought the bird with the largest beak is best able to eat the large hard seeds available, and survives to breed. The offspring of that large beaked bird will inherit the genes for a large beak the parent bird has. The other birds in that clutch with smaller beaks are unable to eat the large hard seeds and starve to death. They do not breed, and no offspring inherit the small beak genes.

The species changes as a result of which individuals survive to breed.

During good weather when many different kinds of seeds are available, smaller beaked birds are just as able to survive, and have more physical resources available to them because they use less of them making their beak. This gives them a survival advantage which they pass on to their offspring.

The beaks of birds do not change during their lifetimes. Whatever kind of beak they are born with is the kind of beak they die with, and pass on to their offspring. Evolution does not work on individuals, but on species. The size of beaks in the species varies over time, as the conditions vary over time, and birds with different sized beaks breed more or less successfully depending on conditions, passing on their beak size genes to their offspring.

That's all evolution is. It's not a faith nor a science. Science is disproving false ideas, and faith is believing ideas regardless of proof. Science revealed that evolution occurs, and 'The Beak of the Finch' by Gould is science. I believe that evolution is the mechanism by which God has created us. That's faith, based on science and religion.


Catholicism in Korea teaches that God gives living beings the ability to evolve. The creatures chosen by God evolve and survive, but the creatures not chosen by God become extinct.

However, most Koreans confront each other, believing in the theory of creation and evolution in terms of religion and science.

It seems that I am not good at English, so I understand the appearance of your words but not the inside.


People are highly adaptable. We can meet changing circumstances by changing our behaviour. We have so far been unable to physically change to adapt. That may be changing.

I have confidence you will adapt as necessary to meet your standards if you stand on principles you are certain are true. I expect you will do as well as is possible in the desperate circumstances you are in.
