RE: Is Your Doctor a False Front?


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Senior @valued-customer, you seem like a person who chooses euthanasia rather than living with a painful incurable disease.

The claim the power to force us to breathe through masks is lawful is that claim. It is the same power claimed to make mandatory the alteration of our DNA, because that is the natural mechanism that produces us. The right to change our DNA is the right to end our natural existence as humans; as natural persons possessing life and rights.

This is not a hill we can safely abandon in the battle against death we all live until we lose. If we deliver to corporations the lawful right to determine whether we live or die, we deliver our very humanity to corporations, and that is simply physically impossible.

Korean broadcasters say that there are many coronavirus patients because Americans do not wear masks. So, Koreans believe that Americans must wear the coronavirus prevention masks.
However, I don't think masks can stop the spread of the coronavirus.
I think it's better to choose death than to change my DNA.

Thank you!


Many Americans feel comforted by masks, and the terror the enemedia have caused them to feel is more than they are willing to face, so they seek to believe they will help, and not to learn they don't.

"I think it's better to choose death than to change my DNA."

I think I choose to live as I am made until I die. We do not need to choose death. It comes for us all, free and slave alike. I have been a slave. I will not choose to die a slave, but a free, natural man. This means I must purpose to prevent being enslaved with nominal force.

It will not be a matter of luck, or by my will alone that I will die free, but by my hand well applied to the necessary preparatory tasks in the time allowed.

If you choose to ensure you will not be overpowered, you choose to work to stay free. Acting otherwise is choosing otherwise.

Choose well and truly.


I don't want to be the sheep being dragged to the slaughterhouse by the fraudulent shepherd.
