28 Executive Orders in Just 2 Weeks. What Kind of a ‘Democracy’ is This?


We fought the British to free ourselves from the rule of a monarchy, we should oppose autocracy today as well.

Source: 28 Executive Orders in Just 2 Weeks. What Kind of a ‘Democracy’ is This? - Foundation for Economic Education

When it comes to ruling by fiat, so far Biden is worse than Trump signing a near record 28 executive orders in just two weeks. These days, electing congressmen and senators seems almost pointless. They rarely do their job in their most important duty which is passing a proper budget and most other "laws" they leave up to the President to decide.

We seemed destined to live in an era where every time the opposite party gets elected they will just undo whatever the previous president did. This bouncing back and for twill accomplish nothing. Worse, there are no really checks and balances which was kind of the point of our whole system of government.


Whenever there’s a Republican President, Republicans are always pointing out that the U.S. is a republic, not a democracy. But when there’s a Democratic President, they suddenly pivot to complaining about the weakening of democracy. Go figure.


Well, it is a Constitutional Republic which is a democratic form of government. Just not a pure democracy. A pure democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner and I don't think anybody really wants that.

But that's not really the point here. The point here is that congress basically lets the president do what he wants via executive order instead of, you know, legislating. Whether it is a Democrat or Republican in office hasn't made a great deal of difference in that regard. However you feel it affects the state of democracy, ruling by executive order has the effect of reversing course every 4-8 years or so. All without any debate or real checks and balances to go along with it.

I guess we have a ways to go before we reach Franklin D. Roosevelt's record 3,721 executive orders but Biden is setting a pretty good pace so far.
