How much liberal insanity is too much? Today they have passed that point, and put innocent people at risk; for politics!


Today was liberal insanity day. The topic of insanity that deluged me today is transgender problems; beginning with an amazingly stupid court / prison problem!

They caught and convicted a man who liked to rape women. They had him for two counts of rape, several counts of sexual assault, and an assault on a girl.

He told them he identified as a woman, and they sent him to a woman's prison!

Image from article:
trans jail.jpeg
They actually locked him up in a woman's cell block!!!

Article on liberal insanity:

Only a liberal would even consider locking a woman up with this predator! They took this rapist to jail, and locked him in with a woman. Since she could not get out, he raped her! Is anyone surprised? They moved him to another cell, and he raped her too! Is anyone surprised?

The “transgender” movement continues to endanger children and women everywhere by allowing sexual predators access to girl’s bathrooms and changing rooms – but it doesn’t stop there.

All a man has to do is claim he is a “female” – and suddenly he is allowed to enter intimate and private areas surrounded by women.

LGBT activists claim that women and children are safe from sexual predators, and that conservatives are just paranoid – but the latest tragic story reveals just how much danger women are actually in.

One male rapist was sentenced to prison for his spree of sexual crimes, including two counts of rape and a separate two counts of sexual assault.

This man exposed himself to children. He drugged and raped a pregnant woman. Animal cruelty. And the list goes on.

Only a fool would enable this evil man by placing him in a target rich environment! Only a liberal would totally disregard women's safety to pander to a political group! They did finally, after the second rape, move him to a Men's prison; and the rapes stopped...WOW, Who Knew?

The left is utterly obsessed with pandering to the “transgender” movement.

But it has gone beyond politics and votes at this point.

To think those in power would continue to allow women and children to be endangered by known sexual predators is terrifying.

What do you think? Insanity reached in small steps, is all encompassing; I think they are there!

Now for the second dose of liberal insanity:

You tube censored a Doctor, claiming her video is hate speech. So what was this hate speech? She had the temerity to speak the truth. So what was this hate speech?

She said:

“See, if you want to cut off a leg or an arm, you’re mentally ill, but if you want to cut off healthy breasts or a penis, you’re transgender.”

Those are the words of Dr. Michelle Cretella, a pediatrician with many years’ experience and the executive director of the American College of Pediatricians, in a Daily Signal video published in 2017.

It’s a sentence YouTube will not allow the doctor to say about children and gender identity issues.

The Daily Signal recently learned that our video of Cretella had been removed from YouTube. In its place, YouTube displayed this message: “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy on hate speech.”

Here is the censored video:

When politics overrides science and common sense; we should question the politics!

Enough insanity for the day?


I'm speechless 😠

Posted using Partiko Android


If they get their way, none of us will be allowed to speak except what they approve of!



....if you hate, hate speech, are you a hater?


It must be true...they call me a hater, LOL!



You only ever called it off people who really hate. (or have the same number of brains cells as an ameoba)
I do not hate amoebas'!


A few amoeba in DC are beginning to piss me off a little, SMH! We need a little bleach in that Petrie 2020.

