The Drive 2


Eric slowly opened the door and looked both ways before walking out of the room, Derrick closely behind him. They couldn't make use of the elevator because that was where trouble was, so the stairs was the only option.

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The men in the elevator were still clipping their magazines into their guns when a voice spoke out from their comms. The leader of the group immediately asked everyone to stop what they were doing.

He placed a finger on his ear. “What did you say?”

“I said the target just walked out of the room with a cleaner and they're headed for the stairs.”

“What floor?”

“They're currently on the seventh floor.”

“Does he have his computer with him?”

“Nope. He's empty.”

The gang leader immediately made some signs with his hands and two of his guys quickly got out of the elevator at the sixth floor. Two guys would be enough to handle a fat guy and a cleaner. He and the rest of the team would go get the computer.

The fat guy was slowing Eric down. He knew by now the other guys must have gotten to his and must be going through his computers by now. Luckily, Derrick had assured him that there was nothing of importance there. Eric still wondered why a guy like this would get himself caught up in a huge mess like this but Eric wasn't in a position to ask questions, his job was to get the drive any which way possible.

Eric motioned for Derrick to stop when he heard some footsteps coming their way. Derrick was more than happy to oblige, but the fat man became terrified when he saw Eric pull out a dagger from his boot.

“Holy shit!”

“What.. What is it?” The leader of the gang asked, his hands still placed on his ear.

“I don't think that man is a cleaner at all.”

“What do you mean?”

“He just took out both of our guys like it was fucking nothing.”

“What? Where are they?”

“Fifth floor. Boss, do you think it's him?” the voice on the comm asked.

“Whoever the fuck it is, we're going to make sure he breathe his last today.” The leader said and headed for the elevator.

Derrick was still paralyzed from what he had just witnessed. The way the man had slit the throat of those guys had make him puke. They were at the fifth floor when he noticed something was a little bit strange.

“Something isn't right.”

“What isn't right?”

“The camera's. They've all been facing our direction ever since we left my room.”

“Get down.” Eric warned but Derrick was so engrossed in his discovery that he didn't hear him.

“I mean they ain't suppose to move on their own except they're being controlled manua..”

Eric quickly dragged him down as a bullet moved past him, missing him only by an inch. He quickly returned fire before pulling Derrick back on his feet and running back to the stairs, this time they weren't going downwards, they were going back up.


