RE: Let's Talk About Racism - & What Happened Last Night


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Hey Brother, what an intense experience, it sounds like he was running high on adrenaline and took all of his anger out on you. He obviously got triggered by something, but that is anyone's guess what that was.
He had no right to attack you and belittle you. It sounds like he was projecting a lot of his frustrations and insecurities onto you, which does happen unfortunately but it is not okay. Certainly not in your own home which is meant to be your safe space. I have been verbally attacked in my home before and it is really unsettling.
Do not take what he said on, that is all on him and a reflection of his state of mind, you were probably the first person who showed any interest and concern, so he unleashed it all onto you.
When we are angry, we sometimes don't even know what we are saying and if anyone tries to intervene it just causes us to lash out even more.
Sending you love my friend, I have found that some people can feel threatened by those who are on the right path and that in itself can be enough for them to lash out.


"I have found that some people can feel threatened by those who are on the right path and that in itself can be enough for them to lash out."

Yup, they're called HATERS. Anyone who has achieved one form of success or another has them, including those of us that seek a better world through action and example.

It is just time to move on soon. Things like this happen frequently around here since I have little control over who visits. If I owned the house it would be a different story. Outside of the habnashery, I have enjoyed my time here and still am. So I am going to play out these next several months to a year as happily as I can, and set intentions to find a more fitting situation surrounded by more like minded and respectful people. I hope you are doing well, much love.
