The Tradition for Thanksgiving of Baby born in My Area (Peucicap Tradition)



Hello Hive Cross Culture Community Friends...!

In my first post on the community, I will share one of the traditions that exist in my province, Aceh-Indonesia. There are may be celebrations for newborns in different countries, and of course with different traditions.

Pada post pertama saya di komunitas ini, saya akan berbagi salah satu tradisi yang ada di provinsi saya, Aceh-Indonesia. Perayaan terhadap bayi yang baru lahir mungkin ada di setiap negara, dan tentu saja dengan tradisi yang berbeda.

In Indonesia there is also a thanksgiving or maybe we just call it a small celebration for babies who have just been born into the world. Even so, that in every province has its own variety and culture.

Di Indonesia juga ada syukuran atau mungkin kita sebut saja perayaan kecil bagi bayi yang baru saja lahir ke dunia. Pun begitu, tentu saja setiap provinsi memiliki ragam dan budaya yang berbeda pula.

The people of Aceh have their own customs or traditions in treating newborn of baby, this custom is called "Peucicap".

Masyarakat Aceh memiliki adat istiadat atau tradisi tersendiri dalam memperlakukan anak yang baru lahir, adat itu dinamakan "Peucicap".


Custom or tradition Peucicap is to give or introduce a variety of flavors for babies, and usually done on the seventh day after the baby was born. This custom is also accompanied by "Cuko Oek" (shaving hair) and the naming of babies so that the whole family will know his/her name.

Adat atau tradisi Peucicap adalah memberikan atau memperkenalkan rasa yang bervariasi untuk bayi, dan biasanya dilakukan pada hari ketujuh setelah bayi lahir. Adat ini juga diiringi dengan "Cuko Oek" (mencukur rambut) serta penamaan bayi agar dikenal oleh seluruh keluarganya.


The “Peucicap” tradition is carried out by rubbing honey, fruits, fish, meat and various other foods on the baby's lips accompanied by words of prayers and hopes so that the baby will grow up to be a righteous child, devoted to both parents, religion and nation.

Acara “Peucicap” dilakukan dengan mengoleskan madu, buah-buahan, ikan, daging dan berbagai makanan lainnya pada bibir bayi diiringi doa dan harapan dengan kata-kata agar bayi tumbuh menjadi anak yang shalih, berbakti kepada kedua orang tua, agama, dan bangsa.






Peucicap is a tradition that is often practiced in my area, and is a must for those newly gifted with babies, both boys and girls.

Peucicap adalah tradisi yang sering dilakukan di daerah saya, dan menjadi sebuah keharusan bagi mereka yang baru dikarunia bayi, baik itu anak laki-laki maupun perempuan.

Previously, I had held this event for my two children, but some time ago it just so happened that my sister had just been blessed with a baby girl. This traditional ceremony was held at my parents house.

Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah menggelar acara ini kepada kedua anak saya, namun beberapa waktu yang lalu kebetulan sekali adik saya baru dikaruniai bayi perempuan. Upacara adat ini pun dilaksanakan di rumah orang tua saya.


The Peucicap tradition has existed for a long time in the province of Aceh. This tradition is also intended as a form of responsibility towards the baby born.

Tradisi Peucicap sudah ada sejak lama di provinsi Aceh. Tradisi ini juga dimaksudkan sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab terhadap sang bayi yang baru dilahirkan.

In addition, gift the taste on the baby's lips not only creates sensitivity on the tongue, but also means creating good morals as well.

Selain itu, mengecapkan rasa pada bibir bayi bukan hanya membentuk kepekaan lidah, tapi juga berarti menciptakan akhlak yang baik pula.


Well my friends from the Cross culture community, that's a glimpse of the traditional ceremonies in my area for baby newborns. How is it in your area? Is the same thing done, and if any, of course with different cultures and customs. Let's discuss and make some comment below.

Nah teman-teman Hive Cross culture community, itulah sekilas upacara adat di daerah saya kepada bayi yang baru lahir. Bagaimana di daerah anda? adakah hal sama dilakukan, tentu dengan budaya dan adat yang berbeda, Jika ada silahkan beri komentar anda di bawah.

All photos were taken by POCO X3

Make over by Adobe Lightroom

Hive Gift by @doze


Seems like a sacred tradition and the Javanese has similar tradition but I forgot the name.


Such as I said before there are may be celebrations for baby newborns in different countries,province, also region and of course with different traditions. ;)


Such as I said before there are may be celebrations for baby newborns in different countries,province, also region and of course with different traditions. ;)


Yess peucicap alias peusijuk, my culture 😊
