RE: Sand Bar


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Ok maybe that does look a little bit like body bags filled with parts...
Hahaha! Indeed!

Great work and idea man! I bet your son loves running on the sand as much as he loved helping you! Doing DIY stuff with your family MUST feel awesome!


Thanks for checking it out dude! Looking at the picture on my laptop, it totally looks like body bags lol oh well hehe.

Thanks man, the property was very frustrating because it wasn't kept up, people were assholes and broke a lot of glass bottles all over the place so we are constantly picking up glass it's very frustrating. We cleaned the front area heavily and put down the fresh sand so our son gets to, for the first time, play in the sand without his shoes! He absolutely loves it. It's bullshit though, he has to wear shoes in the water because people suck, but we are thankfully getting cleaner every day.

He's a little rockstar with helping lol we have to be careful to make sure we take breaks because he doesn't want to stop! I can work for hours without a break but he tries to as well and gets hangry if we don't take a break and get him some water and food every hour or so. It does feel great though to be able to include everyone in the DIY. My wife enjoys it, she loves using the clippers and cutting shit down lol so I let her do that since she enjoys it. Our son likes to do whatever we are doing so it's a big win to get him out there instead of watching TV or using an iPad like some of our friends do for their kids.
