The Increasing Significance of Crypto as part of my Personal Finances....


I made my first crypto purchase in July 2017, just £200 of BTC when it was priced around the $4500 mark, and I've been buying in small amounts ever since, although not so much when it really was really mooning in late 2017.

At the time I was three years into an early retirement extreme drive, looking to quit work as a full time teacher, and crypto was just another asset class to diversify my portfolio. Another three years on I've quit that job, and I'm semi-retired and my crypto investments have played their part in this. NB I can't claim to have 'retired on crypto', but crypto has become an increasingly significant part of my wealth over the last three years, and I'm happy to keep it that way.

I've bought somewhere between £50 and £1000 of crypto practically every month or so since 2018, right up until this month, November 2020.

I tend to use Kraken as my buy in exchange as I can transfer fiat there for no fees, and if I want to buy something other than pure BTC I'll just buy LTC then transfer it to another exchange, buy BTC and then whatever I want.

Somebody will probably tell me there's a cheaper way to do this and I've wasted £100s of in unnecessary fees the last three years!

I'm not going to disclose the total amount of fiat I've invested in total, but it's in the several thousands of pounds, and I am comfortably in profit having nearly doubled my overall investment, largely thanks to the recent pumps to the BTC/ ETH and WLEO prices.

NB - this is my reponse to @theycallmedan's CryptoFinance challenge, right up my street!

Crypto's been my best performing asset class in recent years

With what I guess you can call a dollar cost averaging buy-in strategy my crypto assets have doubled in value in three years, which is pretty good in pure financial terms, compared to my other two main asset classes - my shares and property.

After that initial BTC purchase, I did buy some more during the summer and autumn of 2017 but I bought alts with most of the rest - and by April 2018 they'd lost 95% of their value compared to when I'd bought them, as outlined here, and that post also shows you some of the shit I bought!

I carried on buying crypto as it gradually went down in price in 2018, and by far my biggest purchase was Steem, having been bouyed by SteemFest 3 and then SteemFest 4, so I carried on buying, always expecting an upturn, but the price just carried on going down and down and down, at least I bought at the bottom, as this post shows you - I think that was the absolute Nadir with Steem at around $0.10.

Given the current Hive price all I can say is thank god for Justin Sun and the Hive fork - I managed to use that and the little post-fork pump to get half of my Steem converted into NOT HIVE but a mixture of

  • BTC
  • ETH
  • DEC
  • LEO

And no alts this time, well except a tiny bit of BAT and eventually RUNE

And from there I've, well, just held my BTC and ETH, DEC has done VERY well with the land pump, some of which I've sold for ETH, and WLEO has been my Hive saviour in terms of profitability - I bought a LOT of LEO with my Steem PD, and that's gone a long way to compensating for my having bought a fair bit of Steem/ Hive when it was a lot higher than $0.25!

I'm much happier being more diversified now. Before I was too all in on Steem/ Hive. I used to have mostly Steem, now I'm 30-30-30 BTC - HIVE - Others, or something around there. That's a very rough breakdown!

Using Hive and Leo as Compounding Income Generators

I make a decent amount of money out of blogging on Hive and Leo - I was a writer/ blogger before I discovered Steem (thanks to a chance encounter with an ex-neighbour in Sainsbury in August 2017) and so I've really just used it as a vehicle for what I'd already been writing about - early retirement stuff, sociology stuff, and increasingly crypto.

Hive and Leo are currently brining me in around $300 a month, even at these low prices, and that all gets powered up and compounded into more voting and curation rewards.

And my crypto earnings have been partially responsible for allowing me to quit my full time job and move to Portugal. Not entirely what I earn on Hive and Leo or course, but they've played a role! A crucial link in the chain, if you like.

I still make a lot more money from my regular blog than I do on Hive and Leo, but that's no where near as interesting and I really don't like how much my regular income is linked to Google and PayPal, I feel vulnerable there so it's nice to have the crypto-blogging as an alternative source of income.

Crypto has increased as ratio of my overall wealth and I'm happy with that.

At the beginning of 2018 Crypto made up less than 5% of my overall Total Net Wealth, the last time I reviewed this earlier in November 2020 it made up 45% of my Total Net Wealth.


This is mainly because I've sold a few thousand pounds worth of shares to fund me during Covid-19 because of lost income and to facilitate a move to Portugal, but shift in balance is mainly due to my Crypto assets gradually having risen in price over the last few months, which was always the plan!

I'm buying some land in Portugal soon, but I'm cashing in all my other asset classes before crypto.

This latest 2020 price run feels so much different to the 2017 hype-run - I just feel as if BTC has been more accepted, that ETH and Defi projects are offering returns on investments that banks used to, and with a decent amount of security, and that Dapp developments are getting to that point where they are useable by ordinary people - e.g. we're now at Splinterlands, NOT cryptokitties!

And this time I've got a proper diversified portfolio in a few coins!

Qualifier - Land/ Property as an asset class is as important to me as crypto

I don't want to exaggerate how important crypto is to me - I love the decentralised nature of it, but I also own a house and I am going to buy some land in Portugal soon - to me these work perfectly with crypto - giving me physical security and helping me keep my expenses down, or at least the land will, by allowing me to meet some of my food and energy needs.

How I see crypto going forwards.... Crypto and income earning potential

It sounds sad to say that I'm excited about the potential of yield farming through staking - Defi is not really that interesting, it's more 'boring but important' if you want financial security away from banking as usual, a decent return which compounds, then crypto offers opportunities better than banking.

In terms of blogging on Hive and LEO there will be declining potential for earning a living through blogging for most - eventually the rewards for posting will such up to the very best and the primary income for the majority will be through curation, which I'm thankfully pretty well set for.

As to whether I'm ever going to sell any of my crypto, I don't know!

Final thoughts

Echoing what @nathanmars said in his recent video on this tag: I can't see the point in chasing the moon - I need enough not millions of dollars, so I think the future for me on the blockchain is exploring the potential for crypto to help others.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A solid read.

You look to be nicely set for 2021 and beyond, even if crypto doesn't reach the dizzy heights some are expecting.


Seems most of us pretty had our crypto story began fully in 2017, now that 200$ you investee pretty early in BTC did you sell it during the bull run in late/early 2018 or you still have it?
One thing I must say about you is that you're a business man to the core. Lol always have been

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Good to see you have done so well from your investment. It is crucial to get in at the right time, but that will be when it looks least likely to do well. I invest small amounts in HIVE, but that is about all I have apart from other Hive tokens that I earn. I am okay with that. I am no expect, but it feels like there will have to be a shake-up in the crypto world at some point where coins with no utility will lose value. We shall see.



I'm still a big believer in Hive - and as a writing platform, there's so much money in social media after all! I think we're invested in the right place for sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I can transfer fiat there for no fees, and if I want to buy something other than pure BTC I'll just buy LTC then transfer it to another exchange, buy BTC and then whatever I want.

I use CoinbasePro, no fees for depositing fiat there either. Otherwise, the BTC-LTC, transfer is my method. Always looking for better ways of doing stuff though.


Is there not a subscription fee for CoinBase Pro, I just tend to associate that 'pro' word with 'subscription'

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


No, it costs nothing. Just create a Coinbase account, login and then login to using a second browser session and you will go right in without authentication.


I really like Kraken as well. It is a decent exchange. I can't speak to the fees because I have never been in the position where it would be beneficial for me to cash out, but that is probably the route I will go when it is time. That is awesome that you are able to bring in so much via Hive and Leo. I was really hoping I would be right around there by my third year on here, but that hasn't been the case. Congrats!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hey cheers, I'm sure my Hive earnings have to do with the amount I bought, and the two SFs helped as well.

Leo is now half my income - a lot of that is from comments and curation rewards, so that's pretty significant!

You just gotta keep grinding at what you enjoy, it's not really work is it!?!?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah, it can be. Especially on Monday's when I am trying to get caught up with everything that happened on the weekend. I am just getting started on Leo, so I don't feel like the curation and comment rewards have started rolling in quite yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm buying some land

With all crypto and technical stuff, I also have same faith. If not much, One should at least buy a house.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I very much agree!

If I didn't already have one and BTC went to £100K I'd have a bit of a dilemma on my hands!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Interesting read. I like the fact that you touched on other investment options, land being one of them. I was left a piece of property by my late father which i am slowly developing with most of my crypto earnings. That's my most important investment followed by crypto. I believe sometime soon i have been able to generate some revenue from leasing my property, money i can always put into crypto. So most of my expenditure, i will classify as investments as they have a way of adding financial value back to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think actual land is crucial! It kind of made me laugh everyone queuing up to spend almost $10K on a Splinterlands region - around here I could get enough actual land to set me up for life for that!

I think property is key as you save yourself a fortune on rent too, and you can use it to generate an income too!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I can see that this is right up your'll have lots of charts and pies to put on display :). Nice breakdown and layout of your position. I think your move to Portugal is great (just in time to re. UK laws blah blah) and crypto blogging fits in nicely with independent living.

I'm hoping a lot more of us will be able to make an independent living from blogging/crypto assets alone by the Spring/Summer, if not earlier!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm not sure how much potential there is for that many people to live off of crypto, but a few will be able to.

I was quite fortunate to get out at this time yes!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think the future for me on the blockchain is exploring the potential for crypto to help others.

We rise by helping others


Aeneas is a blockchain project under development and a decentralized blogging platform based on Hive spesialized on the #social #politics #economics #indiejournalizm and all the #cryptocurrency related threads
Join Aeneas.Blog to earn more ASH for your unique content!
Dear, @nathanmars, you have received ASH tokens!
Join our Discord Server for further updates!


I've bought somewhere between £50 and £1000 of crypto practically every month or so since 2018, right up until this month, November 2020.

That's a pretty good tactic!

Hive and Leo are currently brining me in around $300 a month, even at these low prices, and that all gets powered up and compounded into more voting and curation rewards.

wowww i consider it quite an amount. In my country, it's like you have a part-time job, in others probably months of income! quite the achivement

At the beginning of 2018 Crypto made up less than 5% of my overall Total Net Wealth, the last time I reviewed this earlier in November 2020 it made up 45% of my Total Net Wealth.

another great achievement. Although depending on crypto prices that constantly change this number can daily change as well! Let's see what the % will be in 2021!

In terms of blogging on Hive and LEO there will be declining potential for earning a living through blogging for most - eventually the rewards for posting will such up to the very best and the primary income for the majority will be through curation, which I'm thankfully pretty well set for.

i am bit sad cause i really like creating content and articles and earning! On the other hand, i really like commenting as well, so it's like i lose from something i win from something else..balance :P awesome post by the way, i extremely like lenghy ones!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hey cheers!

I think that dollar cost averaging in just suits me and it seems to work.

I do well out of blogging on here but I still know the real value of most of what we all write is much closer to zero than is represented on here.

But I enjoy it here and crazy things can happen in crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I’m down about 4K on my crypto holdings. I need hive to get back to a dollar and I’ll be a happy camper.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think that's very feasible in the long run! Hive to a dollar, quite a lot more than that too!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I did terrible on most of my crypto investments in 2018 and thought about buying property. It probably would of been the only investment I would of made that I wouldn't of lost on. I did recover some of the losses in the traditional stock market, and still holding some of those alts which look like they're starting to rebound in this bull run. Crypto is one wild ride! Land will definitely be my next hedge during the next run.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I've got a few bags myself - I wish i'd have paid more attention to what they were worth back in 2017, a LOT more than they are now, but I still have them.

I actually got saved with property in 2007 I think it was - I was due to buy a house, pulled out because it was taking too long, then the market crashed, two years later I had a chance to buy a part-buy at a much cheaper rate.

I'm sure property has gone up since 2018>? I haven't paid too much attention to it, then there's covid of course.

Keeping wealth in crypto certainly seems to have been a good move looking at it now!

Got to have some land! You can have so much fun with it too, and not just the Splinterlands stuff!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
