RE: Wake up and stop comparing on Hive


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Very broadly speaking, our economy is like a pie. And while it can be argued that it is pretty unfairly distributed (i mean how much cake can Jeff Bezos eat?), the pie has grown in size over the past decades. So while some might get a smaller piece, and others gets a larger one, they each get a chunk of a growing pie.

I think that we often forget that if people from a hundred years ago were to look at us today, they would think we were all wealthy aristocrats. Most of us has one flat screen per room, at least a few different electronic devices (counting a phone, a tablet, a laptop, a desktop etc.), and materialistically, we are all pretty well off, at least in the western world.

But because our neighbour just got a new, slightly larger flat screen, we just can't seem to be content. We always have to have more.

Most of us should probably have a larger focus on mental wealth, rather than material, and i am not sure how the monetary system of hive influences that.


This is the case for crypto especially, as the pie is not based solely in the physical realm and the digital space is infinite.

Most of us should probably have a larger focus on mental wealth, rather than material, and i am not sure how the monetary system of hive influences that.

It depends on the person. Like it or not, money is a part of our life, but most of us have an unhealthy relationship with it. A lot of this is caused by a lack of transparency and understanding, so seeing and participating in an economy that has far more transparency and hands on practice, can help develop the understanding that breaks the negatives of personal finance and starts to use it as a tool in a far more healthy manner. It is a long road.
