Everyone Chips in to Build the DEATH STAR; Everyone.



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Often I will have a conversation that sparks a topic for a post.
It's happened again!

It basically all comes down to personal accountability vs societal accountability. Imagine if aliens came to this world and were going to cast judgement upon us. Galactic Federation First Contact: Sure why not? It's a thought experiment.

Do you think they'd care what a few individuals were doing on the fringe of society. No, of course not. They are here to look at macro trends and view the entire planet as a whole in its entirety. It doesn't matter what individuals decide to do. This is a numbers game boys and girls. Statistics matter. The ultimate outcome matters.


So if we look at the Earth as this singular living entity in this way, we can see that it's obviously pretty fucked. If I say that we are perhaps, out of balance, there isn't really any argument to the contrary. The world is out of balance. It's pretty obvious on dozens of layers.

Some would even go so far as to call humanity a cancer. We have never been in balance. The best recent example of a culture that was in balance were Native Americans... and then imperialists killed them all and stole their land. So that's fun.

Even our global economic system is a pyramid scheme that absolutely depends on infinite growth. Every pullback within the economy is absolutely devastating, which is something everyone here has intimate experience with. It's happening right now. The unsustainability of everything is catching up to us.

This is why conspiracy theorists who think there is a Deep State depopulation agenda are actually showcasing their lack of knowledge when it comes to how the world actually works. Everything about the pyramid scheme that is fractional-reserve central-banking points to the fact that we need more people. Constantly. That's how Ponzi schemes work. You need a constant inflow of new users or the entire thing goes belly up and the party is over for everyone running the scam.

Within this context, it becomes clear that if there was a depopulation agenda then the obvious target would be older retired folks. Chew them up and spit them out. If we get rid of all the old people and stop taking care of citizens who no longer provide value to the pyramid scheme, eh maybe we can eek this scam out for another 10 or 20 years.

There isn't some secret agenda for the vax to kill everyone that took it. Again a lot of these conspiracy theories do not align with reality. They don't make sense even within the context of their own ruleset. Lot's of paradoxes out there to sus out.

That being said, the world we live in today is stranger than fiction. Quite the Clown World we have going here. The truth of these matters is way more complex and/or weird than anyone knows. In fact, a lot of it can be chalked up to sheer Chaos Theory and a world full of 8 billion humans running around as the unsustainable world around them collapses. Everyone is scrambling. Rats on a sinking ship.



If the powers that be want less people in the world... why are we giving tax breaks to people who get married and have families? Have you noticed that nobody, on the left or the right, has ever tried to remove these tax breaks? If the "Deep State" wants a smaller population, then why haven't they removed the financial incentive to have children? Isn't that like the most obvious first thing to do to get a lower population? Remove the financial incentive. Like, obviously, right?

And yet I've never heard ANYBODY recommend doing this. That's because everyone knows, on the left and the right, that the pyramid scheme needs more people. Infinite growth. Let the cancer expand. Kick the can down the road one more time. Maybe the problem will solve itself by then.

My bad, I've talked about the conspiracy angle for too long.

I could delete it all right now, it's not even relevant to the main topic.
Blame it on my A.D.D. baby.

You will eat ze bugs!

In my opinion, Snowpiercer had one of the worst hype:bad ratios ever. The movie was so bad... and yet critically acclaimed across the board for some god forsaken reason. I tell people to watch it just because of how bad it is. It's hilariously bad. And here we are a decade later and the WEF is telling everyone they should eat bugs? What? Like the Snowpiercer movie? LOL... wtf?

Predictive Programming?

Predictive Programming is theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events.

Well shit now I'm doing conspiracy theory again.
I guess this is conspiracy hour.


I remember when this kind of thing was reserved for Fear Factor.
Remember Joe Rogan? (lol)

Think about cultures that already eat bugs.

The dominant insect eating countries are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and South Africa. The most commonly eaten insects include caterpillars, termites, crickets and palm weevils. Jan 10, 2017

You know... the left-winger in me would say that we are kinda being dicks about this whole thing. "Ew, I'd never eat bugs that's dehumanizing as shit..." Well if you say that to a culture that already eats bugs, you kinda look like an asshole, right? Just saying.


You know what it's going to take to get the entire world to eat bugs? A famine. People will gladly eat anything when they are starving to death. Give me those bugs; please and thank you. 100%. Coincidentally... all the conspiracy theorists are talking about a massive food shortage in the near future. What a coincidence... hm. Alright then, we'll see how that goes.

Here's the thing about Predictive Programming... it's kinda like seeding a prophecy. You seed 100 prophecies and maybe only tap into 5 of them and make them real. It's the ultimate form of cold reading. Weirdly enough this is one of many strategies that the Bene Gesserit employ in the science fiction novel Dune (by Frank Herbert, 1965).

So maybe even way back then this was a tactic that got legitimately employed in the real world. Herbert seemed like a smart cookie, even if his novel is a bit dated in the modern era. Everything created before the Internet is automatically outdated. It's one of those mystical technologies that nobody could have imagined and correctly exptrapolated. Chaos Theory hard at work.

Actually I'm kind of annoyed because I was supposed to write a post about the new Dune movie but I never got around to it for some reason. Perhaps I'll move that note back to the top of the queue.

Here is the actual point of this post.

We are all responsible for what goes on in the world. Everything is connected. Everything feeds into the broken cancerous system. Imagine a couple of cancer cells trying to tell the doctor that they don't replicate so therefore they are not part of the cancer. The doctor doesn't care; his job is to exterminate the cancer. Making sure the benign part of the tumor stays alive? Yeah, that's not a priority, like... at all. Those cells are not part of the solution. They are part of the problem and need to be eradicated in their entirety.

We can easily apply this logic to niche ideologies like libertarianism and veganism and sustainable-practice and whatever else. If your argument is something along the lines of, "Well if everyone thought the way that I thought and did the things I did than the entire world would be a better place." You automatically lose. Plain and simple: that is not an argument. That is delusional.


Not only is it delusional, but it also ironically attempts to use the same tools that created the problem to also solve the problem. Imagine coming to the conclusion that imperialism caused all these problems, and therefore the solution is to force everyone to act a certain way. Bitch, that's just more imperialism. What the fuck? We really think that's going to work? When all we have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail I suppose.

Libertarians are helping to build the Death Star.
Vegans are helping to build the Death Star.
The "Green" initiative helps build the Death Star.
8 billion people are all chipping in to do their part, forced or otherwise.
These are simple uncontestable facts of the empire.
It's exactly how empires operate by definition.

I'm not religious or anything, but this is very much like "original sin".
We can't escape the fact that we are a part of this broken system.
Trying to do mental gymnastics to "prove" otherwise is a fool's errand.
Completely counterproductive and hypocritical mindset, that.
Our personal choices are highly irrelevant unless they create a cure that spreads to others in a viral manner.

Take veganism for example. It is a self-defeating ideology because the majority of those who employ it just end up alienating the people around them. This is what happens when one group tries to take the moral high-ground over another and make the argument, "Well if everyone did it the world would be a better place." It's a self-hobbling strategy. The cure will never spread in its current form.

And you know what? Factory farms are fucking disgusting. You think bugs are gross? Do you know where your food comes from? Oh my fucking god. What a nightmare. But it tastes pretty good so who gives a shit where it came from? Yeah?

That's the thing about modern capitalism, across the board. The fees are hidden. People don't realize the price they are paying, and I'm not necessarily talking about money... he said, as he consumed a #1 from the Wendy's combo meal.

city state.jpg

I have literally fantasized about living in society where you wouldn't be allowed to eat meat unless you were actually willing to kill the animals yourself. Nothing too crazy. You want to eat a chicken? Well then once a year you gotta get your hands dirty and kill a chicken. Is that really such a big ask? Seems reasonable to me.

These days too many people feel entitled to questionable things that will be carried out by someone else. We create these laws that impose our will on other living things... and then expect those laws to be enforced by a third party. It's hypocritical across multiple layers of society.

I can tell you for a 100% fact that if I had to kill animals to eat them as described above... nah... fuck that. I'm not going to kill a chicken or a pig or a cow. Not worth it to me. If you want to do it, no judgement. It's just not for me. I'd probably keep eating fish and eggs and dairy products, but that's about it.

It would actually be interesting to know how many people have never even interacted with the animals they eat. How many people go their entire lives without hanging out with chickens, cows, and pigs? I've been around chickens and cows... silly animals. Not too bright, although chickens are much more grizzled and dinosauric than I had previously imagined. No pigs yet. I hear they are smarter than dogs.

My compassion for animals is not limited by my estimate of their intelligence. --- Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home

Freedom Costs A Buck Oh Five

Humanity seems to just be in this constant state of needing to oversimplify everything. To be fair the world is quite complicated. Common sense and heuristics often need to be employed to prune the ol' decision tree.


It does not matter what individuals choose to do in many contexts. The macro environment we have created is toxic to the core. No one is at fault. Everyone is at fault. The paradox of humanity continues into the sunset.

The problem is not fixed by small groups of people moving themselves to the outlying edges of society and acting like they aren't paying tribute to the Death Star. Like, they are though. Show me a single person that doesn't pay taxes. Look at the statistics. 60% of all the value flows to the empire and the military industrial complex that enforces it. Everyone pays into the system, even if it's just sales tax or property tax or simply renting space that the land-lord has to pay taxes on.

Perhaps I'm focusing on taxes too much, as they are only a small part of the contributions we make to the Death Star. Simply holding money in our hand or in our bank accounts is a contribution. Working any job is a contribution, regardless of income taxes.

In fact, an easy argument can be made that if one breaks the law to avoid these contributions... that's not a better outcome. How can societal change occur if the people trying to make it happen are thrown into prison, and once again fed into a system that farms them with tax dollars? All who disobey are turned into examples and legally enslaved under the 13th Amendment of the Constitution. All those who refuse to work in the slave camp are tortured with a little trick called "solitary confinement". They get away with it because it doesn't sound so bad in theory. DYOR.

If we want to change the world, we have to change the environment itself. We've done it before, we can do it again. We have to create communities that will do the thing. No one can do it alone. Lone wolves need not apply. The choices of individuals are largely irrelevant unless they work together to accomplish a common goal.


Clearly I am not alone in thinking that crypto is the foundation of such a radical shift. We will not make any progress while money and value itself are controlled by a third party. That recipe always leads to debt-slavery. Could Hive be part of such a future? I mean obviously we hope so. No guarantees. All these networks are still in their infancy when it comes to real changes on a societal level.

Hell, it's possible that we'll still be in our infancy on that front even when mainstream adoption of crypto hits the world like a ton of bricks. Actual change away from how we've always been doing things is a lot more difficult than getting people to use Magic Internet Money. Needless to say we can expect an uphill battle for quite some time. And then one day the tipping point is reached and the snowball effect kicks in. Slowly, then all at once.

On a lighter note...


I have literally fantasized about living in society where you wouldn't be allowed to eat meat unless you were actually willing to kill the animals yourself. Nothing too crazy. You want to eat a chicken? Well then once a year you gotta get your hands dirty and kill a chicken. Is that really such a big ask? Seems reasonable to me.

Great idea by the way! 💪

I have great hopes for crypto! Yes, it won't be soon, but hopefully we won't be too old by then... 😅 !LOLZ


You come across as very tormented man. Thus your posts are more like ramblings. Which is really doing you an injustice because it's obvious that you put much effort into research.

I think you should filter your posts better and stay methodical to your main point.

This for example:

My bad, I've talked about the conspiracy angle for too long.
I could delete it all right now, it's not even relevant to the main topic.
Blame it on my A.D.D. baby.

It's really an unnecessary thing to read and you are your own enemy since I can tell you want your posts to be grand.

Which they can be... if only you leave out the 'emotional wandering thoughts' while you write.

More structure, conviction and deliberate language. Less tangents, double guessing and attempts to add unnecessary comic relief.


'Murica,...f**k yeah!

You might like this book, it is by an author that thought we would have figured out a better way by now.
I think he gets caught up in the details, much like Ayn Rand did, but maybe he got paid by the word.
This short story presumes the people finally get tired enough to say no and functions on an honor system enforced by the neighbors.

Both offer viable alternatives to the status quo.


agree they will see us as whole just like war or conflict how started it make no difference when deed I did by some group or country officials all get punish


I'm not really one for conspiracy theories, and not encountered the idea of 'Predictive Programming' before, but it does seem to have a bit of appeal about it. I rather like it as an idea; plan to look into this one a bit more. Cheers


The weird thing about predictive programming is that science fiction is always going to guess right because they make a million guesses. Hard to tell if it's deliberate or not. Probably not. But it's fun to conspire about conspiracy.


The majority of people have had genuine empathy bred out of them and denied to the point that they have never felt it or even met anyone who has felt it. Yet, real empathy exists as a literal feeling of the feelings present in other beings. Those with real empathy understand that animals are 'people' with other bodies. For this and many other reasons it follows that balance is impossible while abusing them. Every single individual who stops abusing animals helps to bring balance.

Take veganism for example. It is a self-defeating ideology because the majority of those who employ it just end up alienating the people around them. This is what happens when one group tries to take the moral high-ground over another and make the argument, "Well if everyone did it the world would be a better place." It's a self-hobbling strategy. The cure will never spread in its current form.

This is a gross over simplification of a pattern that involves millions of people. Most people have never even come close to speaking, in depth, with even 1000 people - let alone multiple millions of people. Slack-jawed over simplification of complex problems is part of what got us into this epic scale mess. The reality for me is that the 'vegan issue' exposes some of the most evil and denied parts of the humans story and people hate having light reaching their denied aspects. Your logic is bizarre to me here, it is equivalent to saying "Being anti-rape is self defeating because it's a moral position that is based on saying 'well if everyone was anti rape, the world would be a better place".. Well, yeah.. it's a true statement. The only reason it would fail to achieve anything is that there are a lot of evil and selfish people.

The high levels of evil/selfishness and low levels of empathy won't be fixed by telling people what to do, that is correct. At the same time, doing nothing is also not a helpful approach. Ending death is in actuality the goal for me personally, it's a complicated topic and not one that I am going to cover here - it takes hundreds of pages to get started with. Suffice to say that ending involvement with death in all ways possible is step 1. To me, this includes stopping paying taxes since taxes go towards paying for war - just for starters. Balance does not involve giving your own power to others to do with as they please.

I don't really have time to do a full reply here - but I sill summarise by saying 'do everything possible to end suffering and to end death - intend healing, balancing and evolving. it's ok to make mistakes and to fail from time to time.. but keep going and change will manifest - there is no other way'. every vegan saves countless animals from a needless death every year - in truth only the psychopathically aligned would gloss over this.. unfortunately, psychopathy is an unrecognised spectrum and is rampant.

This documentary demonstrates animal/human telapathy and backs up some of what I am saying very well:


This is a gross over simplification

You don't realize that you are doing it as well.
This has always been, and always will be, a consensus issue.
So when you try to conflate eating meat with a high-level crime like rape...
It shows me you have become too rigid in this idealistic belief system.
Your theory does not mesh with actual reality.

but I sill summarise by saying 'do everything possible to end suffering and to end death - intend healing, balancing and evolving.

Do you think you are doing everything possible to end suffering and to end death - intend healing, balancing and evolving? Again, life is not that simple. These are not the only priorities in life, and thus no one will ever be doing everything possible to achieve them. Also, anyone can claim they are doing everything possible, no matter how shitty they are. This is all I got. I'm trying my hardest. They can't all be winners.

You have not admitted one single time during this entire conversation that I have anything to offer when it comes to an actual solution or that I have made a single valid point. And yet I have made many valid points. You stand on a pedestal of zealotry and believe an inflexible ruleset on the fringe of society is the best way to make change in the real world. It's not. You are absolutely not doing everything you can to make real change in the real world. You've done a very good job in positioning yourself around an idealist mindset that puts you technically in the right within every single conversation. I bet it feels good, eh? Being right every single time and never having to bend for the actual reality of these situations. Must be nice. Perhaps one day I will join you and together nothing will get done. I've certainly been down that route before.

It's funny because we are barely in disagreement about any of these things.
But that's what happens when dealing with idealism, eh?
Any deviation from perfect is an unacceptable affront.


The simplicity of a living being with a will that feels and wants to live, either living as a result of adopting the intention to protect the sanctity of life or dying because of a failure to do so - is all the evidence needed to know that the adoption of the intention is valuable. You either value the life of others or you do not. It really is that cut and dry.


Hm, yes, if there's anything I've learned from this interchange it's that the entire issue can be simplified down to a single sentence. I challenge you to come up with one single issue that we actually disagree on. The list is very small, and rather than focus on the main points that I make it seems like you are just reading off of flash-cards you keep in your back pocket like I'm talking to a bot.


The sky is blue!

2+2=4 though right?

Ah well, roses are red...

I'm absolutely convinced at this point that neither one of us has told the other something that they didn't already know.

If I tell you not to leverage moral superiority as a tactic to get other people on board with this movement, and then you say "Yes, but I am morally superior"... Tell me: who is the one that looks foolish?

We both made true statements, did we not?

But one of those true statements seems to have a certain implication, yeah? Inevitably some percentage of people are going to interpret the way you presented the information as a self-aggrandizing dismissal of the thing I literally just told you, without even directly addressing what I said. You seem to be very good at this, and I find it to be extremely manipulative and alarming.

No, I will keep claiming to be morally superior even though I know it hurts the movement. I enjoy being morally superior and none of this would be worth it if I couldn't claim dominance over others.

This is how some are going to interpret your words.
Do you think that is a wise strategy?
Obvious rhetorical question is rhetorical.
Now I won't have to wait for an answer that I'll never get.


The reality here is that my Dad just died and I am in the process of arranging his funeral. I am also working 50+ hours a week. I don't have the time to put into the replies here that you would like.

I am simply highlighting the primary issue that I see, to save time. The issue that we disagree on and that I am trying to prompt you to address. Just as you say that I am not addressing your points, you are doing the same. I'm not here to have an argument, convince anyone or win anything - I am just highlighting something important to me. It happens to be something that the majority of people are in massive denial of.


Sorry to hear that. Sounds like a pretty rough time.

If I'm being honest, which I shouldn't, my knee-jerk reaction to this was:

Wow did he just leverage his own father's death into a trump card while simultaneously skirting my question for the fourth time in a row? Skills.

But obviously that's a terrible thing to say, so I will say that I just need some time to adjust to your... shall we say... aura. I feel like at one point we were on a pretty similar wavelength, but something must have changed. Chalk it up to a 'me' problem.

Condolences. Truly. I feel bad. Just another indication that I need to get my shit together.
Or perhaps making it about me is part of the problem. Oh, what a world we live in.


Well, knee-jerk reactions can be replaced by considered responses - so thanks for that and thanks for being honest about your inner state, I do my best to never judge anyone or myself.

I have had conversations about veganism online easily over 1000 times with people who have some problem with veganism. As a result I am a bit tired of going over the same points every few days with different people. I appreciate that you probably agree with me on most things, but some of what you are saying comes from the same illogical thinking that many carnivores produce. In particular, the part about 'one person can't make a difference' and then deflecting away from the obvious untruthfulness of this statement.

It feels pretty shockingly dire tbh. If anything I feel a desire to help you but your demeanor is such that you neither want help nor have seemed to be able to step outside of the reptilian brain domination mode of wanting to win and conquer in an imagined war of intellect. I also feel that even saying that I want to help will be converted into a perceived attempt to self aggrandise and demean you as inferior. It's just a simple and innocent intent to want to help another.

For the record, I know now that all beings are literally one - whether they like it or not. We are individuated but we also share a oneness. In that light, any kind of competitiveness is born of delusion.


In that light, any kind of competitiveness is born of delusion.

Even for fun? Even to determine who's a better archer, or chess player? Even to determine who's more persistent, more driven?


If you liked reading ALL of the dune chronicles, then wait till you get through the wheel of time.


nah only read the first 3 books


The best recent example of a culture that was in balance were Native Americans... and then imperialists killed them all and stole their land. So that's fun.

Yeah the old myth that the genocide of native Americans was, and that there wasn't any justification to go to war with native Americans, and that the native Americans didn't war with themselves like all other creatures, taking slaves and doing all kinds of horrible things, like all creatures big and small, for resources and bragging rights, the Aztec, the Mayans, just peaceful human sacrificing non cancerous at all hippies. I'm sure the rest of your post isn't premised on this nonsense..


Kill to eat meat is a good idea, but once in a year? You want to eat meat once in a year? By the way I'm keeping chickens only for the eggs and they keep the backyard clean. I still have to kill them periodically (they get old or sick). The last time was on sunday and I already forgot it, so once in a year won't have the deterring effect (at least with chickens, bigger animals may be different)

Anyway, as we march towards more and more expensive meat we transition into alternatives slowly, for example beans or bugs. But if it gets popular the gov will start to tax and regulate that too. AAAND we are back at our original problem: we can't afford food.

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