30 Days Blogging Challenge Day 3 | El Peor Consejo Escuchado en mi Zona de Trabajo


Un mal consejo puede dejarnos como pajarito en rama,mirando para los lados.

Un buen consejo es apreciado siempre y cuando sea solicitado; por el contrario, un mal consejo puede ser bien recibido aún y cuando no haya sido invocado.

Good advice is appreciated as long as it is requested; on the contrary, bad advice can be well received even if it has not been invoked

Me causó gracia este planteamiento del reto para el tercer día. Para mí no era común escuchar malos consejos en mi lugar de trabajo. Mi actitud frente a mi trabajo enmarcaba respeto. Mis colegas, de manera frecuente, alababan lo que siempre hice con mucho amor, esas motivaciones me impulsaban para seguir adelante. Lo escribí en un reto anterior, si amas lo que haces, siempre estarás motivado, incluso podremos ser modelos para otros.

I was amused by this approach to the challenge for the third day. It was not common for me to hear bad advice in my workplace. My attitude towards my work was one of respect. My colleagues often praised what I had always done with great love, and these motivations kept me going. I wrote it in a previous challenge, if you love what you do, you will always be motivated, we can even be models for others.

Fui docente durante casi 30 años. Mi rol como coordinador pedagógico formaba parte del engranaje en el acto educativo. Para llevar a cabo mi función era importante coordinar procesos de planificación, dirigir a los docentes, orientarlos, acompañarlos en aula, interactuar con ellos acerca de sus propuestas pedagógicas y evaluativas, revisar estrategias, recursos, ambientes, entre otros pequeños detalles.

I was a teacher for almost 30 years. My role as pedagogical coordinator was part of the gear in the educational act. To carry out my function it was important to coordinate planning processes, direct teachers, guide them, accompany them in the classroom, interact with them about their pedagogical and evaluative proposals, review strategies, resources, environments, among other small details.

Uno de los pocos problemas con los que me tocaba lidiar era recibir todas las planificaciones de cada docente. Se acostumbra colocar fechas límites de entregas de planeaciones para organizar el resto del proceso sin embargo, no era tan sencillo. Algunos docentes se hacían lo loquillos comportándose como los jóvenes, mintiendo o justificando acciones. Era para mí un tema engorroso.

One of the few problems I had to deal with was receiving all the planning from each teacher. It is customary to set deadlines for the delivery of plans to organize the rest of the process, however, it was not so simple. Some teachers were acting like the youth, lying or justifying their actions. It was a cumbersome subject for me.

En una oportunidad escuché a dos profesores, conversaban amenamente y uno de ellos le daba un consejo al otro:

No entregues planificación total… esos son papeles que se archivan y ni revisan lo que uno escribe con tantos esfuerzos. Imaginarán la cara de ambos al verme.

On one occasion I heard two teachers talking pleasantly and one of them giving advice to the other:

Don't hand over total planning... those are papers that are filed and don't even check what one writes with so much effort. You can imagine both their faces when they see me.

Fíjense lo grave que puede ser un consejo como este. En el acto educativo no podemos jugar con el futuro de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Según el reglamento interno de la profesión docente e incluso desde la propia experiencia educativa, es sabido por cada profesional que planificar es obligatorio pero más que eso, es una responsabilidad inherente al cargo de cada profesor.

Look how serious advice like this can be. In the educational act we cannot play with the future of the teaching and learning processes. According to the internal regulations of the teaching profession and even from one's own educational experience, it is known by every professional that planning is mandatory but more than that, it is a responsibility inherent to the position of every teacher.

Cada estudiante tiene derecho de saber qué, cómo, dónde, cuándo, por qué y para qué será evaluado. Cada docente debe justificar qué, cómo, dónde, cuándo, por qué y para qué evaluará a sus estudiantes.

Each student has the right to know what, how, where, when, why, and what he or she will be evaluated for. Each teacher must justify what, how, where, when, why, and for what purpose he or she will evaluate his or her students.

No es sano jugar con este tipo de consejos, ni es ético, ni le hace bien a nadie. Si amas los que haces, se notará con nuestras propias acciones y decisiones.

It is not healthy to play with this kind of advice, nor is it ethical, nor does it do anyone any good. If you love what you do, it will be noticed with our own actions and decisions.

¡Gracias por leer, comentar y votar !

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Thanks to my friend @hlezama reblogging this post to my feed I came across it. I'm not a Spanish-speaker and so miss out on a lot of great content through being unable to read it. Thanks for taking the time to do an English translation and keep up the great work.


Thank you, you are very kind, I appreciate your motivating words and I also thank the friend
