The philanthropist / El filántropo (eng/esp) ! A 5 minute freewrite


The philanthropist

A businessman went to the park every day, tired and charged of worries, to forget about them. He was always watched by a local policeman who wondered why he always came back.

One day, the man approached him kindly and after introducing himself, he extended his hand and a sealed envelope, the condition is that he should open it, when he was at home.

When he returned home, he couldn't with the curiosity of knowing that it was inside the envelope. Upon opening it, it was discovered that it contained a bank check in his name, reflecting a large sum, which he would never have expected. Also an explanatory letter where he let her know that it was a gift given for having cared for him all those days.

The next day, at the scheduled time, the man was no longer present, the days passed and he never appeared again.

© 2020, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

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El filántropo
Un hombre de negocios iba al parque todos los días, cansado y cargado de preocupaciones, para olvidarse de estas. Siempre lo vigilaba un policía local que se preguntaba por qué siempre volvía.
Un día, el hombre se le acercó amablemente y después de presentarse, extendió su mano y un sobre sellado, la condición es que debería abrirlo, cuando estuviera en casa.
Al regresar a casa no pudo con la curiosidad de saber que estaba dentro del sobre. Al abrirlo, descubrió que contenía un cheque bancario con su nombre, que reflejaba una gran suma, que nunca hubiera esperado. También una carta explicativa donde le hizo saber que era un regalo otorgado por haberlo cuidado todos esos días.
Al día siguiente, a la hora programada, el hombre ya no estaba presente, pasaron los días y nunca más apareció.

Dear friends

This is my entry for the Friday´s 5 minute freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive.


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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]

