Brand new track /// Retro Electro Synthwave // Trans Fusion Station



YO Happy new year to the #HIVE family, hope you are well.
I recorded a few ideas during the past holiday and this is my first completed piece of 2021.

There is an obsession lately by world governments to get involved in our biology and the ramping up of control using the false narrative that they try to save lives. They are not. There is, to the contrary, a depopulation agenda at play and I won't speculate on it further.

I know how to read and I don't own a tv, that might explain why I sound like a lunatic if you are fully buying into "We care about your health" b.s. I feel sorry for you. There is not much I can do but I won't stop recording music until I am dead.

This is the back story for the title of this composition:
At the Trans Fusion Station you are mandated to receive your authoritarian, approved, blood transfusion. Your blood is contaminated with the GOD particle and must be purged with the new synthetic plasma.

