"Very Busy Day of Rest..." by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Work is a four letter word. (So is "word.") (So is "four.") (Not sure where I'm going with this...)

We are in the heart of FINALS at the university, so (being a writing tutor) the day job has been extremely busy and stressful lately. This means that my "days off" need to be calm and restful so I can recharge for my next shift. HA! Right. Restful. Not a state I achieve very often.

And when, given that all nuts-o things are happpening all at once this time of year, do I have time for ARTZ? I MAKE time! (Both "time" and "make" are four letter words... and so is "both.") (Cussing is real cool...) (Cuss, I believe, is a colloquial expression for "curse." Words can be curses (in fact, I'm not certain that there can BE a curse WITHOUT words. Doesn't a curse have to be defined in ome way?) I need a day off...and a day off from my regular days off... I need a coma. (Ha!)

Here's the bits of ART that I've managed to drag into the digital realm in the recent past...


"Mr. Thistle's Machine"

mr thistles machine.png

[Pencil, colored pencil, brush pen, and felt pen on fancy paper with digital embellishments and colors.] My good friend, Mr. O., says that Mr. Thistle looks very proud of his invention---as well he should. Let's hope, when he tries to activate it, that it fails to function; otherwise, reality as we know it will undoubtedly crumble into chaos. (And not the fun, Monty Python, styled chaos, either...)



"Smack Down from a Puppet"

smack down from a puppet.png

[Felt pen on paper with digital embellishments and color.] Some puppets don't take no shit.




"With This Incarnation"

with this incarnation.png

[Ballpoint pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and colors.] This piece is abstract, with some smooshed-in figurative monsters and some out of context words. I think it means something specific, but that the message isn't for me... (even though I drew it...)




NEW KRYPTO KICKS - Series 01, #13 - "Never"

new krypto kicks - 013 - never.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishment and color.] I said I was going to do 13 different cards in the NEW KRYPTO KICKS Series 1, and this is the 13th! FINISHED! (Wooooo!) Will I do another project like this again? I wouldn't like to say "NEVER," but probably not for a while. I committed to the project, and I finished the project. Now, I'm thinking, "Fuck the project." I prefer being free to do whatever I want, and now that it's done, I can... (Time to start burning the unsold editions of the earlier cards! Ha!)



"Night Crawler (At Dusk)"

night crawler (at dusk).png

[Red gel pen and crayon on cardstock with digital embellishments and color.] The Fresno Night Crawler is a wonderful, puppet-like cryptid that has been filmed by several different people over the last few years. It usually looks like a glowing pair of pants out for an awkward stroll at night. I love these critters... (If they are new to you, do yourself a favor and watch a couple of videos!)





[Ink on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] His brain may be made of straw, but this scarecrow did learn a lesson or two! (Some folks with normal human brains seem unable to learn a DAMN thing...)



"Soul of the Machine"

soul of the machine (peg).jpg

[Felt pen, paint pen, brush pen, and GUTS on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color!] The Benevolent Machine was kind to animal and monster alike...but he didn't much care for humans...




I don't know if people without cats realize how difficult it is to get anything done when you DO have cats. Keyboards are for walking on, power cords are for chewing, fingers with pens in them are for attacking... And OBVIOUSLY I want a tail in my face while I'm trying to type...

Done...despite the help...

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


And well done too if you ask me!

Speaking of cats

the road to good health
is paved with good vibrations -
fill your home with purr
