It’s a privilege Iam alive!!!


Hey everyone I thank God im alive today when i first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive.
Every day I've got to be thankful that I am alive, and you never know the cliche is, I guess, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so you'd better be at peace with whatever you got going at the moment.
I am alive. Up here with the song of the engine and the air whispering on my face as the sunlight and shadows play upon the banking, wheeling wings, I am completely, vibrantly alive. With the stick in my right hand, the throttle in my left, and the rudder beneath my feet, I can savor that essence from which life is made and I try as much as possible to know the purpose while Iam alive and utilize it very well cos if I didn’t then it’s of no use.
