Basic Ponque with chocolate coating, Rich Merienda // Ponque Básico con cobertura de chocolate , Rica Merienda /ESP -ENG



Saludos amigos de Hive, bienvenidos a mi blog, He vuelto a retomar las remiendas en mi hogar, hoy les traigo este ponqué básico ideal para merendar. Tenía tiempo que no elaboraba postres para mis hijos en sus meriendas; ya que venían presentando muchos problemas estomacales; gracias a dios están mejor. Lo cierto que mi hija tenia días diciéndome que quería comer torta o ponqué. Hoy me faltaba algunos ingredientes pero mi esposo me los compro.

Greetings Hive friends, welcome to my blog, I have returned to pick up the mending in my home, today I bring you this basic cake ideal for a snack. I had not made desserts for my children in their snacks for a long time; since they had been presenting many stomach problems; thank god they are better. The truth is that my daughter had been telling me for days that she wanted to eat cake or cake. Today I was missing some ingredients but my husband bought them for me.

Es bastante sencillo de realizar este ponqué, para ello utilice, leche, harina de trigo, huevo, vainilla, leche, cacao en polvo, lluvia de colores, mantequilla y galletas de chocolate negro.

It is quite easy to make this cake, for this use milk, wheat flour, egg, vanilla, milk, cocoa powder, colored rain, butter and dark chocolate cookies.


Para iniciar con su preparación, bato la mantequilla con azúcar, hasta que se unan ambos ingredientes, luego incorporo los huevo y la vainilla y sigo batiendo.

To start with its preparation, I beat the butter with sugar, until both ingredients are united, then I add the eggs and vanilla and continue beating.



La harina de trigo procedí a cernir en un colador de jugo y luego incorpore a la mezcla

I proceeded to sift the wheat flour in a juice strainer and then add to the mixture



Después que uní todo en una sola mezcla, agregue un poco de leche.

After I have mixed everything into a single mixture, add a little milk.


En un envase aparte tome un poco de la mezcla y coloque cacao en polvo.

In a separate container take a little of the mixture and place cocoa powder.


Coloque en una tortera la mezcla y encima le coloque un poco de mezcla sabor a cacao

Place the mixture in a pan and top it with a little cocoa flavor mixture



Tome galletas las triture y coloque encima, llevando a cocinar. Ya aquí tenemos el ponqué listo.

Take biscuits crush them and place on top, leading to cook. Here we have the cake ready.



Mientras espere que se enfriara, realice una mezcla chocolate con polvo de cacao , leche, azúcar y agua. Esto para colocarlo encima del ponqué.

While you wait for it to cool, make a chocolate mixture with cocoa powder, milk, sugar and water. This to place it on top of the cake.


Para decorar coloque galletas que quedaron para adornar y encima se coloque la mezcla sabor a chocolate, además de colocar lluvia de colores.

To decorate, place cookies that were left to decorate and top with the chocolate flavor mixture, in addition to placing a shower of colors.



De esta manera realice este rico ponqué para merendar en familia.

In this way, make this delicious cake for a family snack.

Me despido y espero se encuentren muy bien
Fotografías son de mi propiedad
Gracias por Leerme

I say goodbye and I hope you are very well
Photographs are my property
Thanks for reading me


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Hola. Yo no soy muy dulcera,pero este ponqué me provocó probarlo. Adoro las chispas de caramelo.
Qué bueno que nos compartes la receta. Tal vez me anime a hacerlo 😋😊😄


Hello @lisbethseijas, This cake very deserve for evening snack. My tongue frully attracted to the top of decorated cake. It has very nice shape. Your step by step recipe guidance very useful to us who'll like to prepare this since home. I'm pretty sure your daughter really loved to eat and finished all. Thanks for the publication. Have a wonderful day.


Hi @madushanka, my children love that I make these types of desserts to share. If you decide to do it at home, let me know how it looks. Greetings and thanks for your support friend
