RE: Penalty fee waiver for student loan in Thailand กองทุนกู้ยืมเพื่อการศึกษาลดเบี้ยปรับสูงสุดร้อยเปอร์เซ็นต์


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The Student Loan Fund (SLF) in Thailand is taking steps to help ease the financial burden on borrowers during the Covid-19 situation. SLF will adjust the eligibility of borrowers for academic year 2020 from those having annual earnings not exceeding Bt200,000 to not exceeding Bt360,000 so that wider groups of parents can apply for loans for their children.

Also, all borrowers will be granted additional cost of living allowance at Bt600 per month. Borrowers in the bachelor’s degree level will be granted 30 per cent discount on the principal amount, while those in vocational certificate level will get 50 per cent discount on the principal. This policy aims to promote the creation of graduates in vocational fields which are in high demand in the current market. Those who are studying in the 10 targeted industries and three infrastructure-related fields under the government’s Thailand 4.0 campaign will also be granted special interest rate at only 0.5 per cent annually.

Source: The Nation Newspaper
