Nature News - March 2021 - Report #04

Authored by @juanbg

Hello Nature Lovers!😃🌻

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Nature News is an initiative by Amazing Nature Community
We present report No. 4 for the month of March

We work hard so that the news we present comes from serious and reliable sources: such as sections of newspapers and scientific research published in internationally recognized journals.

📢What's happening in the world?🌎

Unlike other news, here we are not going to focus on the human being, rather, on the nature that surrounds us.🐢🌺

We know how much you enjoy nature! That is why today we bring you the best news and information of interest to each of the Amazing Nature Community members. We hope you enjoy it!😄

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How does a honeycomb work internally? scientists videotape it for the first time🐝

We all know that bees are amazing animals. it is our duty as human beings to take care of them so that our planet continues to function properly.
Now, surely you have seen some bees flying near the flowers to pollinate them, or they were just taking a walk near your home, but have you ever wondered what they do inside their combs?


Photo credits: Leandro Fregoni
📍Location: Córdoba, Argentina

A group of scientists allow us to see this information on video for the first time...

A journalistic note published in DW

A group of scientists from the Goethe University of Frankfurt in Germany record for the first time the inner workings of honey bees with high-resolution videos so as not to miss any detail.

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The objective of the research

The biologist Paul Siefert and his researchers conducted this study to increase the literature and knowledge about these incredible beings, they want to sensitize the general public about the social processes in bee colonies and have made the rare images available to the public. In Internet.


Photo credits: Heather McKean
📍Location: Unknown

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Pesticides and bees

In this research, one of the topics studied was the breeding of these bees, being affected by the use of a type of pesticides, they realized that the behavior of the nurse bees changed: they fed the larvae less frequently. The larvae needed up to 10 more hours to develop. A longer development time in the hive can favor infestation with bee pests such as the varroa mite.


Photo credits: Boris Smokrovic
📍Location: Unknown

Neonicotinoids are highly effective insecticides that have been and continue to be widely used in agriculture, although they have been banned in some countries. Neonicotinoids enter the bee colony through nectar and pollen collected by bees. These substances are already known to interfere, among other things, with the ability of bees to navigate and their learning behavior.

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Here, the work of the bees is very synchronized, their brood behavior very complex: a cleaner bee cleans an empty honeycomb (brood cell) of the remains of the previous brood before the queen bee lays an egg inside. Once the bee larva hatches, it is fed by a nurse bee for six days. The nurse bees then seal the brood cell with a lid made of wax.


Photo credits: Peter Lloyd
📍Location: Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, NY, USA

The larvae coils into a cocoon and undergoes metamorphosis, during which it transforms its body and develops a head, wings, and legs. Three weeks after laying eggs, the adult bee leaves the cocoon and leaves the brood cell, that is organization!

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There are still some doubts to be clarified

In addition to pesticides (which have become clear to us have a negative impact on bees and their breeding), researchers wonder if the delay in larval development is also due to disturbance by caretaker bees.


Photo credits: Kai Wenzel
📍Location: Argentina

Of course, if we think about a baby whose parents suffer from parental care problems, we could think that that baby could suffer some delay in its development.

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What do you think about this❓

For you, how important are bees to our planet❓🐝

Let us know in the comments💬...

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DNA - Densifying Nature-Appreciation :


DNA is an organization to foster and DENSIFY NATURE-APPRECIATION which aims to establish REPORTS OF BIODIVERSITY DATA that is contributed by all of us Hiveans and subsequently cataloged.

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Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.

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Nature is beautiful, I remembered working on bee in entomology in my undergraduate days


I'm approaching beekeeping right now, trying to safeguard the health of these precious insects. It’s a really fascinating world!
Thank you for sharing this post! It's very important that everyone understands the importance of bees to our planet.


@sarita3 It is good to know that there are still professional people who are fighting to safeguard the planet Earth and its species, one of our priorities: the bees


@juanbg thanks! I'm fighting every day to safeguard our planet. In beekeeping I'm only just at the initial stage, but i already love these indispensable insects so much!


My daughter is a beekeeper, she has been helping to collect bees that are swarming right now. Her hives have increase exponentially since she started a few years ago. It's so much fun to learn about them and also get the rewards of their labor.
