My Steem Story – By @carlos84



A Power House Creatives Initiative


Everyone has a story – and all our stories have something in common… we all started from nothing and knew nothing. People want to hear stories. They want to hear OUR stories — they want to know who we are, where we are from, what we are doing, who and what we love, what we have learnt and where we are going. People also want us to hear their story! Being a part of the Steem network is an individual journey for every single one of us and through this initiative we will share our stories not only with all who are already here – hopefully inspiring, guiding and informing them… but doing the same for everyone else in the world too. Through our stories we will prick the curiosity of those who have not yet arrived and illuminate and widen the already open doors to our one in a million blockchain.

We invite and encourage each and every one of you to participate and share your stories too! You can find the "how to" details at the end of this post.

MY STEEM STORY - BY @carlos84


Where my Steem Journey began?

The person who told me about the existence of steemit was my nephew Yonglé Antonio (@yongleantonio), he was active in steemit for a considerable time, but from some time to now he has been inactive within the platform.

I knew about steemit in August 2017, but it wasn't at the moment I started with the registration process to get my account approved, I was observing the basic principles and learning the way my nephew (@yongleantonio) published. Once I had learned these basic principles he made the decision to create an account for me with the goal of publishing on steemit.

By September 2017 I had my account approved and that's when I decided to publish my presentation

If you go to the link of my presentation post to steemit you can see that some well known users at steemit gave me very positive feedback explaining the basic principles of how to use the tags, and above all giving me guidance on some communities within steemit such as #cervantes, for this particular case you can check the comments they wrote @anomadsoul, @moisesmcardona and @yongleantonio (nephew), here's a screenshot of those comments:


That's why I say that history is a fundamental part of knowing many realities of the present that we don't know. When I myself observed these comments two years ago, I think that at that time I was being written to by users who today are renowned users but who at that time didn't know.

This presentation post helped me to have my first impressions about steemit as a primary source to be a person who could contribute to the generation of content through the blogging process. The first thing I thought when I read all the comments written in my publications, such was the case of the comments written in my presentation post, from there I could deduce that to be a steemian at the height of the challenge that the demands of the platform were approaching, I had to enter a process of feedback and interaction with other users of the platform.

My initial challenges & how I overcame them

The main difficulty that I had at the beginning of steem was to be able to decipher the part where my talent to generate content within steemit really was, despite my knowledge and profession (Petroleum Engineer and university teacher) the first thing I discarded was the idea of publishing content related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) because I considered it as a content that could not be liked by the reading public. It was then that he made the decision to write simpler things such as poetry, reflections on personal life and some philosophical reflections on everyday issues.

At first my rewards were very low not to say non-existent, like many users who start at steemit, I wondered: Why are my publications not valued correctly?

As time went by I could understand that a lot of my publications that I considered undervalued in part was because I was not giving the correct use of the labels, and therefore they did not have the correct showiness and promotion. The other revealing factor to be able to consider migrating towards the generation of content in which I had greater capacity and strength in the knowledge and domain of the topics to be published, is when I start seeing some posts in the STEM area that are well seen and valued, so I analyzed that if that was my strength I could publish about what I previously considered could be boring which was nothing more than publishing articles related to oil engineering and mathematics.

In conclusion, I believe that every person who enters steemit will always go through different difficulties, but with determination and perseverance there are no barriers that cannot be overcome, in particular I have been presented with various barriers in this ecosystem, some barriers have been presented to me due to ignorance of certain elements, some other difficulties due to lack of attachment to the different changes that steem is constantly undergoing, however I only present as an anecdote two main barriers or difficulties that I had at the beginning, which are

1] Discovering my own talent and skills to generate content that is correctly rewarded by the platform.

2] Correct use of tags.

My Steem blockchain knowledge

To tell you the truth my knowledge about what is the blockchain in steem as a primary source to reward with cryptomoney, the way the information is stored by this means shared by the steemians, is something that if I compare it with the present knowledge, I could conclude that when I landed in steemit I did it from scratch, That is, I started without having any knowledge about block chain, cryptomone, reward systems or anything that had to do with the operation of any social network that will reward the interaction of content publishing with cryptomone payment.

All this makes me reflect, that although today I am not an expert in these topics, I think I know the basic principles about what is a blockchain and its contribution to storage for the creation of cryptocurrency, with all this they may have prese Thanks to steem I have been able to be somewhat up-to-date on cryptographic matter and blockchain.

My Steem favourites

Really in the great ecosystem steem do not have a wide variety and scope to say that it uses some certain application, in general all my effort in steem is in generating content in the STEM area (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), although I have finally discovered that I am a little curious to try to publish content such as stories, stories and fabricated stories full of fable within the range of literature, even when many of these contests come out in promotion.

My favorite content both to read from other authors and to generate and promote it through steem are those related to oil engineering, although it really publishes very little in this area, so many times I am very attentive to @tomlee publications, he is a friend of Nigeria, oil engineer just like me, I met him thanks to my friend @ritch, and well it seems lying but I have many foreign friends that I have met in transit.

The applications I use are mostly those related to steem tokens and communities (SMT). The application I use the most is, all because of the inclination of my posts

My golden nugget advice

My advice to any user who lands new in steem and for all those who are not so new, but who perhaps a tip based on my experiences can serve them is focused on different factors:

[1] In the face of ignorance of things research is necessary, I invite everyone, both new and old users, to never stop looking, researching, keeping up to date, often leaving something abandoned alleging lack of support or teaching from someone else, but what we don't really take into account is that a lot of that learning that we lack is in the hands of ourselves through the research-based learning process.

[2] Consistency is a fundamental part within the qualities of a good steemians, there will be many people who believe in you, others not so much, but in the end is the constant work within what you like and more perform in steem what will make other users and the same platform recognizes you as a reputable user.

[3] Patience is another fundamental factor, since not all results are seen instantly, chances are that if you are new to steem you can observe your growth gradually, so do not despair and go doing the quality work and the most honest transparently and transparently possible and your time to make yourself known as a good steemians will come in time.

[4] Finally, I recommend you do everything with passion, give yourself 100%, dedicate yourself to everything you do in steem, especially considering that when a human being executes something he likes he does it with passion, and everything that is done with passion yields his deserved rewards.

My Steem hood & its peeps

In particular, You can tell them that I am not a curator or administrator of any community, at least until the moment, I do not derail the possibility that if i am offered something seize the opportunity. However my work in Steemit as mentioned above is to publish content generally in oil engineering and mathematics, so the community I meet most active is #steemstem and #stem-espanol, really are communities that drive scientific and academic development through scientific dissemination.

How not to mention #cervantes, if it was the community with which I grew up and started in steemit, cervantes is an essential and integral part of my learnings within steemit, currently my content is also supported in cervantes given the ability of their curators to be able to read and value the content in their diversity of branches of knowledge.
Currently I also perform in the generation of STEM content through the use and implementation of audiovisual resources, so another community in which I just started is #3speak, so far I have done very well the interaction of the comments with other users, so I do not rule out the possibility of entering a process of development and growth with the work philosophy of this community.

Finally and generalizing among the communities that I have had support and believe are a fundamental part of the entire steem ecosystem this: #entropia, #steemitasclub, #curangel, #team-Mexico, #mayvileros, #Nucleo-FSE, and well apologies to some community that is left out, but it is that there are so many that have provided me with their support that it is very likely that I do not remember all, but in general thank you to all those communities and users who have been an integral part of my growth such as: @ritch, @yonnathang, @abneagro, @carloserp-2000, @lupafilotaxia, @byercatire, @ficcion, @iamphysical, @rbalzan79, @nelyp, @capp, @renataboreal, thank you very much, especially considering that in some way or another you have always been there supporting me and teaching me the right way.

Thanks to #powerhousecreatives for this opportunity in which I have been able to provide a detailed summary of what my story has been within steem, I take the opportunity to exhort these 5 users that I consider to be a great influence within steemit to be encouraged and can provide us with their story within this steem journey, the users are:


A Power House Creatives Initiative


-Create a post titled: “My Steem Story – By
-The first three tags in order are to be as follows:
-ONLY make use of the cover image provided in this post.
-Keep the same formatting and placement (intro, footer
instructions etc.)
-Replace the personal photo with one of your own.
-Tag 5 people to join in on the initiative.
-Share your post to twitter.
-Share your twitter link and Steem post link in the comments of @jaynie’s “Steem Story” post.



Write a post which shares and gives adequate response to the following headings:
• Where my Steem Journey began
(How you first discovered Steem and your very first thoughts and impressions “as you landed”.)
• My initial challenges & how I overcame them
(Share a bit about the difficulties you faced at the beginning, whether it was navigation, post creation, engagement – whatever – how you resolved them and how differently you feel about it now)
• My Steem blockchain knowledge
(Give a little bit of background on your blockchain knowledge when you began your Steem journey versus now.)
• My Steem favourites
(What are the things you do mostly on the blockchain – is it blogging, vlogging? What front ends do you like to make use of and what content genre’s do you generally focus on?)
• My golden nugget advice
(What advice would you offer to those that are unfamiliar or new to this space)
• My Steem hood & its peeps
(Share a little about the communities you belong to, discord servers you frequent and perhaps a handful of the awesome people you follow)


Wonderful story. Thanks for the mention, I enjoy reading your articles as well.

Success on STEEM needs time and consistency


Thank you my dear friend Tomlee, I really feel very happy for your friendship, your articles about oil engineering are very interesting, for me in particular when I read them it stimulates me to research in the area of drilling fluids


Greetings @carlos84 as always very attentive to participate in any type of activity within the steemit platform. Greetings friend.


Greetings @rbalzan79, well it is very encouraging that you can promote this type of contests and initiatives.


Thanks for sharing your story @carlos84 with us


Thank you for the support you have given me and for the appreciation that encourages me and stimulates me to continue doing a good job within Steem. Greetings @crypto.piotr


Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what content best suits us and what we enjoy writing - I suppose at the end of the day the main thing is that whatever it is.... you enjoy it!

You really offered some great nuggets of advice!!!

Thank you so much for participating in this initiative!

Have a super weekend!

