DC is trying to finish off our last option on medicine!


It's like a river full of piranha in DC...and we seem to keep electing them! They again return to trying to regulate ( DC double speak for ban) herbals, " for our own good"; because some people are avoiding their medical Monopoly, by treating themselves!

This allows for independence, which could lead to freedom; and they can't have that!

Here is a message on this problem:


Please read every word, as they want our very souls....

They are calling it the "dietary and supplement listing act", and will place suppliments within the clutches of the FDA!

I have worked for decades with these fools, and the Last thing herbals need is to spend three million dollars on a pre market approval. I worked on one myself that the filing cost was over that figure, and it has No use on herbals!

This is senator Dick During, again, because it was rejected 10 years ago. Senator Mike Braun is also he elping on this boondoggle. If they pass this, the costs of herbals will rise a thousand percent; to pay for this paperwork! Availability will drop to subsistence levels at stores, and a black market will rise with inferior, and diluted herbs. We all know that if they get this passed in the senate, the house and forgetful Joe will rubber stamp it the same day! They have usurped enough power already, and don't need to try for more.

So call your Senators at 202 2243121, and remind them that they work for us! Tell them to leave suppliments alone, and work on inflation and gas prices instead!!!!


I'd tell them to do their jobs by removing all the very bad laws that are still on the books. They just keep adding bad laws to bad laws. NO NEW LAWS. Cull the crap.


It's like asking an addict to stop shooting up, But I love the idea! All we need do is elect honest politicians...oh wait...SMH!

But the SCOTUS wacked the EPA for making laws, and that will carry through to a lot more alphabet soup agencies!



huh? I am unaware of that decision. But I support it! We now live with agencies of the executive branch proclaiming regulations with the force of law willy nilly. And we put up with it. Our legislators should be ashamed of themselves.


In the last couple of days, the SCOTUS told the EPA that their is limited by the specific statute the legislative branch tasked them with! They slapped the down for their redefining of the standard, and told them they are Not elected, not are they able to modify Laws! They specifically told them that all changes must come through the legislative branch.

This should apply to all other non-elected alphabet bureaucratic institutions!

