I Love Feathered Friday

Friday is my favourate day, because it marks the end of the working week. Besides it is Feathered Friday and I am glad to share my latest photos of the feathered friends.

My first feathered friend today is the Great Spotted Woodpecker. Among the three kind of woodpeckers living in the park, this is the one I see quite rare. The other two - Syrian and Green woodpeckers are more often seen. So, there were two Great Spotted in a short distance. While I was after the one, my hubby was after the other.


I know that to make really good photo I have to avoid twigs, leaves, branches to stand between the lens and the bird. But, most of the time I am not thinking about it, just to capture the bird in a frame and to be on focus. That is why next photos are not the best, but there is something in each one that I like.

Here the bird is with closed eyes. This is a rare moment for me.


And then it raised one leg. Actually I caught the moment the bird was crawling on the tree.


And the last picture of the Great Spotted Woodpecker is kinda funny with the leaf above its head.



Let's move on and see what the Green woodpecker is doing. Interesting to note that I see only the male one. No idea if it is the same one each time we spot him.

Here, the bird is levitating.


Ha, another one with eyes closing. Not sure if it is blink. Could be.



The greeny has a call that sounds like a laughter and it is loud. This is how we can orient which direction to look and find it easily. But we (hubby and I)do not rely only on the sounds, just keeping our eyes peeled. I've been asked how I see so many and different birds and the secret is simply to watch carefully around. It is not only about birds, but other creatures too.

And one last shot of the Green Woody for today.



The crow and the walnut.

Usual sight of crows collecting nuts.


Their strong beaks helped to peck and brake the shell. On the second image you can see the bird has already managed to brake it a little and if not disturbed to reach the kernel.


With one leg on the walnut, the crow was pecking it and me along with other people passing by, made the bird to stop and look cautiously around, while other crows were coming closely.



I left soon and when I looked behind my shoulder I saw the crow flying away with the nut still in the beak.


Yesterday, being such a lovely and warm day with temperatures above 20°C, I took some time at lunch break to go outside the office. Silence, no chirp, nothing. Good reason for that were the raptors soaring in the sky and everybody was hiding. First to see was the common buzzard.


My mates from the warehouse were outside too and knowing that I am after the birds stared with me at the sky. I put this photo on my facebook page so they can see what the bird looks like more in detail.


He is a beauty. But is it he or she? I don't know for sure.
While the buzzard was flying high and I almost lost it from sight, the hawk appeared. All my photos are out of focus, blurred and not worth to show. Instead, here is another hawk from few days ago, I saw it again from my workplace.


This is the same bird I used in the contest post about Angry Bird. There you can see it from a different angle. Let me remind you that you still have time till Sunday to submit your entries. Check the link for the rules and join the fun. I am expecting your photos of angry birds this week.

Another contest is running in Feathered Friends Community - Let Our Picture Tell Your Story - Edition 12, hosted by @wrestlingdesires. I invite you to join and let you imagination flow. I bet you have some really nice and interesting story to tell based on the provided image. Check it out.

All contest posts are pinned on the community page and easy to be found. And this is not all. All comments in Feathered Friends Community will receive archon tokens, so be engaged and leave your comments when visiting other posts in the community.

And this is the end of my post, thank you for reading and see you soon!



banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya


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Those are wonderful :) My favorites are of the Spotted Woodpecker crawling up the tree, and the one of the hawk. Awesome job ❤️



Thank you so much, glad you like them. We have exceptionally warm weather and I hope to have fresh photos this weekend.


Ooh Wow....your shots are magnificent @nelinoeva ! I wish I could capture the birds I see in my neighbour's garden on morning, but only my eyes catch them and I know it would make just bad photos with my mobile in the distance, a bit frustrating...LoL I'm happy seing your shots then, and I'm in awe 😊


Thank you so much for your sweet comment Barbara!❤
It means a lot to me, your appreciation.
