RE: Some time out!


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I learned early on that the only way to help people is to make sure you help yourself first. If I don't, I will eventually run dry. So easy to do. As far as even here at Hive, I break now and then. I used to think that I would lose people with my absence, but, if I do, then did I really have them?

Stress is a killer for sure.

Love sent your way. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Thank you kindly for the thoughts and prayers, as it is gold to me Lady Denise.
Yes, we went out there with stars in our eyes and most days we worked 24/7.
Lived in a tiny projector room for the first 7 years and winter was hell without hot water, so eventually something had to give.

I have still not fully recovered, but now I try to take things easier while the work still continues.
Let's just say that I have learned how to delegate hahaha.

Thank you for your care milady.


Hi @papilloncharity! I`m here to help :) If you want to delegate, please make a comment (for example replay to this one) like this:
I want to delegate X sp to @user
Where X is the amount of SP and @user is the steem user you want to delegate to. For example:
I want to delegate 100 sp to @dswigle
@tipU will answer with a delegation link. Hope this helps!:)

Thank you for the kind help. I rather want to tip than to delegate.
So, will it work if I do this example; I want to tip X SP to @user?


:) You learned to delegate? Only a little. I hope you do get out and take it easier. Life is so short and it's just wouldn't be the same without you. ❤️


We have a new way now Lady Denise and it helps a lot.
Instead of running up and down all over the place and trying to do everything by myself, what was the answer? Simple, so simple that it almost escaped me.

We now partner with 6 other non-profits. One is our existing Trauma Training for Child Handlers project and the other 5 are organizations that are involved in the work that we do.
So, they all have staff that do the running around and we support with advice and finances.

Currently we can only give each of them R 2,000 per month, but as our situation improves they will get more. This has always been the answer and we are engaging with more non-profits, as we can get so much more done.

The idea that I presented to our board is that Papillon will become an umbrella organization and the fear that we want to access the funders of our member organizations are removed which was always a big problem. Instead we also support them financially, but we concentrate more on supporting their staff members.

So, it's a new way and it is working sweetly at the moment.
Competition is always a good thing and we hope that other organizations will also start to do this, as partnerships will improve the lot of the poor people.

Sorry for the lengthy reply, but I just wanted to update you.

Have a happy Friday my dear friend.

Cheers and !LUV


No! Thank you so much! I am so very happy to hear this. I am also glad for the partnering up, it is what I did, for the sole benefit of the people. It helped keep the place afloat and I think everyone benefited from it.

This is a golden moment for you, honestly. It will slow you down a little I hope and take care of you for your future. Love and hugs there, @papilloncharity Things have finally found their way to you.

Thanks for the update!


More things are coming my way after today's wonderful meeting Lady Denise.
I was invited to a meeting by the CEO of a big community trust, as he was not sure if a person that approached them for funding was genuine. So, he arranged the meeting for us with the applicant.

The guy knew that I was invited to the meeting and he never pitched up. Not even a message that he couldn't make it, so the CEO shredded his application.

But something unexpected happened, as somehow my dream about owning a farm to rehabilitate first time youth offenders entered our small talk and the CEO was blown away, as he has the very same dream. Then guess what happened?

A lady entered the coffee shop where we were meeting and he greeted her and introduced us. Turns out that she is very wealthy and she owns four farms. For some reason she joined our conversation and became excited as she said that she could give us many hectares on one of her farms that were laying idle. She had planned to plant them with new grape vines, as they were stripped of the old vines, but our cause was so much more important.

Then another lady entered the fray and she wants to build what they call "Earth Ships" meaning that they are buildings that are built off grid with natural materials to protect the environment.

So now it seems that I can get a place and I can get a hostel and a college built off grid to kick the project into action. All for free and I am in 7th heaven.

I know a senior judge and Papillon partnered with the Lawyers for Human Rights for many years, so I can handle the legal side of sending young small time offenders to the farm instead of to prison.
I have no hope of achieving 100% success with all of the offenders, but if we can help 7 out of 10 to change then it can become a big win.

As always we will start small, but if we do it right, I feel it will grow overnight like Papillon did 20 years ago.
Here is to hope!



Wow! Wow! Wow!

You never cease to amaze me and how people reach out to you, unprovoked. It is you very nature and genuineness, seeking nothing for yourself and nothing from anyone. It always rings through and you are exactly the kind of person that I would have loved to work with.

It never ceases to amaze me how God works throught you.

The story just got better and better. I couldn't not be any happier for you and Marion and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Sending my love your way! ❤️


Thank you milady and yes, I would also have loved to work with you.

We are overjoyed and for some strange reason I feel that this is going to be my last major push to create a new life for mentally trapped people. To free them from their own limitations and to show them that there is a better world out there that cares.

The key guy that's helping me to put it all together is away from today as he is going to Graaf Reinette for 10 days, but when he is back, we will start to party full time.
We will spend a full day together as he will put the financial plan of the new project together and I will do the operational part.

Then there will be a series of meetings with the stakeholders and the community leaders, as I like to do what people wants so that they can take ownership and then it will be the kick off.

We are now pouring a lot of prayer into this one and let's wait and see what happens.

Blessings and !LUV


It sounds like a good plan! I wish you the best with it and I will be steeped in prayer as you navigate this new adventure!


Thank you my friend and I feel comfortable in sharing it with you as I knew that you will understand it without a ton of explanations from me.
I will hold back on publishing anything until it is grounded, but of course I am full of hope and happiness that it even has a chance now at last.
So, let's wait and see if another miracle is going to manifest in my life.

Blessings and !LUV


I have no doubt the mircle is in the making. You and Marian have worked so hard to see this through. I can only see the positives in this! 🙏


We pray about this and as usual our hope is where it belongs, in the Lord, as only He can bring these things about. We have seen the amazing things that he did at Papillon over the years my friend.
So now, if it is meant to be, nothing can stop it.

Blessings and !LUV
