Europe's Quid pro Quo


Europe uses Aid money to pressure African countries to crack down on refugees, making refugee routes more unsafe. Restricting borders will not stop them from fleeing, but will make more die along the way. The aid money would be allocated better in education and health care to improve living conditions there, rather than stabilizing dictatorships.


Do you like open borders?


ye sure :) but EU should speed up also on the distribution system of refugees so refugees get distributed depending on how much population is in each country to dilute the social cost... eastern european countries are still strongly resisting the migration influx and are already being fined by EU for their "lack of solidarity".. germany (home to 1/5th of EU population) for example takes in 180 000 refugees currently per year (10 times more than US) and in 2015 when they freshly opened borders they took in even 700 000... most other european countries are even compared to their size not pulling their weight


That is how the Roman Empire fell.


not quite.
"In 212 AD, during the reign of Caracalla, Roman citizenship was granted to all freeborn inhabitants of the empire. But despite this gesture of universality, the Severan dynasty was tumultuous—an emperor's reign was ended routinely by his murder or execution—and, following its collapse, the Roman Empire was engulfed by the Crisis of the Third Century, a period of invasions, civil strife, economic disorder, and plague."

we dont give citizenship to people born in europe, and we routinely send refugees back to countries that are classified safe (even tho countries like afghanistan are not actually safe yet classified safe and syria safe but not classified safe). thats the US. also since US has such lax weapon laws and is a gigantic bundle of states that are united, the "turmoil" seems more likely to happen there.


So, is the answer immigration reform? I would say that is a problem, like you said, if they send back safe refugees. Sadly, too many Christians are persecuted for example in the Middle East, in Syria, and especially Iran. The Christian church is growing faster than other religions globally in Iran specifically. But they are underground churches. House churches. When Rome granted citizenship to too many people and persuaded them towards larger cities and continued inflating the money and increased welfare, then that caused continual damage to their empire. @Stefan.Molyneux makes great videos that talks about those things.


germany did immigration reform this month... anyone who finds work in germany is now elligible for work visa, meaning people who get refused in refugee application can find work and stay anyway... still deportations of afghans i believe was illegal and broke geneva convention... also there is currently no legal way of immigrating to europe, hence the illegal immigration over dangerous routes instead of simply taking a plane... i would wish that you could apply as refugee from a foreign embassy, then also passportless persecuted could apply, such as uigurs, who are not allowed to own a passport...


Germany is also dying at the same time thanks to who might be like a daughter of Hitler.


the one who might be the daughter of hitler? what did ivanka trump do in germany? im guessing trump is killing nato and EU-US relationships but what did ivanka do? actually thats a serious question. what is her job even...


Do you like NATO or do you prefer nationalism for each country?


id prefer European army and have the middle east trouble makers like UK US and Turkey out of the equation. Probably only reason we dont have that already is because the western european states dont want to spend more on military, which is necessary in order for eastern european countries to remain chill about russia. russia is not going to hate EU if its arch rival US is not part in the team, but its still good to be on the safe side as leadership and mentality can change quick, and a war should even if lost be destructive enough to both economies to be not worth it.


So, you trust bigger government? Is Brexit crazy?


well brexit will pinch a bit in EU economy, but might be good to have less war mongering in the group... plus they seem more close to US than EU, so it might be for the better (for EU at least)... also they leave because they like the benefits of EU but not the freedom of movement and immigrants... they cant cherrypick benefits, because EU is supposed to be about solidarity and stuffs... scottland tho is chill so they will probably leave the UK and join EU later on, so nothing to worry about... northern ireland is probably according to boris johnnsons deal gonna stay in EU or EEA while remaining in UK (meaning that UK will have within its country a border)... whales got fucked over and they have no say since they did not join voluntarily UK like scottland did.... england just gets what they chose to have so ill let them enjoy their anti-immigration and anti-EU view points...

I trust EU more than i trust US... media likes to twist news stories in favor for US aggression (no matter if obama or trump), screwing up our democracy, making people cheer for the aggression, while if you do a little digging you see how fucked up this actually is and how little they actually telling you... people like greta thunberg have shown that EU is not forsaken and there are ways to twist and turn wheels for better europe... reso for example increased youth voting rates by a bunch by only 1 viral video, causing the green party to have about as much votes all the sudden as the christian conservative party in germany (party of merkel)... this has a large impact on EU since germany is 1/5th of EU population... US on the otherhand has an election system that by design (look up MMP voting system in contrast) only is stable if there are only 2 parties to vote, and they have the freedom of choosing presidents that are not necessarily morally good nor good for the people... also with many conservatives in US (which is about half of the country) its impossible to argue with as many are detached from reality... also US elections are rarely about international relations, because people only care if they are going to be more well off with that president... EU and German elections tho have a healthy competition...


Origin of Warmonger EU:

Do you know how the EU started? I love Brexit. I love countries. I do not want one world order. The EU and the UN and other things are steps towards a one world government of authoritarianism. I love the USA. I love the UK.

Max Sieg Loves War Mongers

So, Max Sieg @maxsieg, you talk about Warmongers. Oh, I hate warmongers. Who are the warmongers? The EU are warmongers. The UN are warmongers. Soros, Rothschild, and others, are as well.

HIV Coronavirus

Bill Gates helped put HIV in the Coronavirus it seems. They are warmongers. They infiltrate governments. Bad people get into the American government. They get into many different governments and do bad things. They are not of the countries they infiltrate.

EU Ignored The Vote For Years

The UK voted years ago for Brexit and the EU ignored them and then mocked them. You talk about fairness but that is not fair.


consider this before spreading conspiracies about the corona virus...

i guess this pic is a bit older so
I think we can both remember trump afterwards bombing syria as well directly on assads troops and territory...
soon coming to iran
... what did europe do?
help mali government fight terrorist in Mali? NATO case of US "war on terrorism" in afghanistand and syria (meaning US forced us into it)? and france supporting haftar in 2011?


You must be a Rothschild Lover.


sure randomly accuse someone on the BLOCKCHAIN being a rothschild lover... ur baseless accusations are percieved to be rude.


Rothschild helped create the EU that you love. Therefore, you love him. You can say you don't. You may not know that you do. That does not mean you don't. It only means you don't know and it also means you do not want to know about what Rothschild and JP Morgan and others did. You do not want to talk about it. You will not, I promise you, talk about these things with me. You are probably not even reading this comment. You do not like reading. You like insulting Americans more than I like insulting Rothschild Lovers. So, we could talk about history if you wanted to. I highly doubt you want to because you ignore it. I say stuff. You don't read what I write. I try to tell you what happened in the 1930's. You don't care about that. Most likely, you don't know what happened.


basically you are salty cause i called out your country for being involved in a lot of conflicts... well sorry if that hurts your national pride, vote better if you get a good option in next election. until then i will remain at the believe that the EU US relationship is unhealthy for us and for humanity.

i dont see how your 1 line comments contain any "historical depth". when u loosely talk about the roman empire i did my best to intepret what ever u tried to say. it is unfair of you to say that i "dont read what you write".

idk about rothschild impact helping to create EU (if any), but EU was a requirement for germany to merge again, after they have been separated since world war 2. but if i use ur line of reasoning then if you love israel, then you must love hitler, as his holocaust helped create israel.


Bad people infiltrated the Israeli government. So, Israel is another complex issue that deals with different people groups, different religions, history of the different territories, and governments. I love people, generally speaking. The Jewish people are special. We have Israel. We have Palestine. We have Jews, Muslims, Jihadists, Gentiles, Zionists, globalists, Christians, etc. It is said that they still crucify Christians in Israel in 2020 even. The church of Iran is growing so much and that is good news.


i assumed you have quite conservative view points which are mostly extremely zionistic, but im glad to hear u share the dislike towards israels apartheid state. in US politics especialy (but not exclusively) republicans usually call those view points "anti semitic"...


America should not be involved, period. The Fake Republicans, AKA RINO Republicans, are not really Republicans any more than leftists are democrats. So, the RINO can call people Jew Haters like Hillary Clinton can call people deplorable racists. Calling somebody anti-semitic is like calling a doctor a person hater. Well, because it is rather complex. I hate fake Jews. I don't hate real Jews. So, you can't be anti-semitic if you are anti anti semitic lol.


most candidates are now zionist war mongerers? tump is, biden is, warren is... watcha gonna do? i think US would call most of europe bernie sanders level of leftists, and he is also the most promising non zionist top candidate. Since he is jewish, zionist cant call him "antisemitic"... some zionists call people like him "self hating jews" which does not even make sense, but organizations like jewish voice of peace hear that a lot... u seem to be conservative in interior politics and progressive in foreign politics, so watcha gonna do when you have only 2 to vote for... id love bernie to win, but if its a stand off between biden and trump, they are basically the same people from 2 different parties... between the 2 i would vote for trump, since he is then also slower with policies as his clumsy way of expressing him self stumbles against more friction...

also there are now 2 levels of republican which causes a lot of tv debates to be "moderate republican" vs "trump republican" which gives you only the conservative side of arguments on issues but totally skips out on the progressive side... also left and right was not always like this, so technically any republicans now are now "fake republicans" but democrats being true republicans now... as trump once said "abraham lincoln was republican and he did the thing" probably reffering to the abolishment of slavery, and him treating african americans like human beings... but then after his death both parties felt like they done enough "favors" towards african americans and were both extreme right, until democrats shifted left and turned out on the other side of the republicans, as lincoln republicans...

im not sure if i agree with ur last statement. like some gay try to deny their own gay nature, maybe because of family values, and then end up acting in a homophobic way... and you could be semitic being against a certain form of anti semitism targeted against you, while still being anti semitic against jewish i guess, which happens occasionally due to the hate that grew from the frustrations in the middle east conflicts.... but then again many media try to separate anti-islamic attacks from anti-jewish attacks and anti-netanyahu opinions... are they being anti semitic against muslims while being anti anti semitic towards jewish?


Do you know what a puppet is? Bernie Sanders is promoting authoritarianism under the guise of communism which is a cover story to deceive many people. So, unfortunately, it fools people like you.


"people like you"... how charming...
actually the other way around. i noticed a lot of republicans call out the democrats for being "socialist" and even the democrat candidates wrongly call them self "socialist like norway" when actually they mean "social democratic"....

this can be very confusing for "people like you" since you live in an unregulated capitalism where rich can lobby law makers to cut tax for rich... hence anything more left than that looks left, but this can be remarkable differences like the difference between venezuela and denmark.... difference between vietnam and indonesia (might feel less like comparing apples and oranges)...
socialist parties are part of "socialist international" while social democratic parties part of "progressive aliance"

you see the differene between countries with leading or co-leading parties that are socialist (red) or social democratic (green)?
these are parties united by an ideology...
all of europe is green, and most of our countries have either free hospitals or a working health insurance for all system, and most of us have free education...
also whats not marked red there are socialist/communist dictatorships i notice like vietnam or china

some of the social democratic parties are actually still member of the socialist international aswell for some reason, since the progressive aliance is kinda new when european social democrats were pissed off that is was too socialist and too little social democratic and made their own group "progressive aliance"


How is it unregulated?


companies are allowed to have monopolies and charge whatever for it.... medicine prices are unregulated in US for example, hence in US a medicine costs 10 times more... in most of the world the nation approves the medicine, and then negotiates a price with the company, instead of letting it be priced whatever... profits of companies are less taxed which makes billionairs possible and makes it cheaper to write more of their expenditure as a company expenditure (as if a yacht would be needed by ur company)... inheritance and wealth are not taxed and in most countries they tax either or both to stop an accumilation of wealth (bad wealth distribution is bad for the economy, but is characteristic to developing countries)... the health system isnt even following capitalistic ideology because companies are not made to compete, but are allowed to form monopolies like the ones for medicine or hospitals in US are not required to show their prices, hence when you go to the hospital you are getting surprised after what ur hospital bill is, which can be any arbitrary number, even an ambulance can cost u 1000$... in the capitalistic - social democratic system in germany and denmark, companies are made to compete, while in frances very strange capitalistic system, the government buys a large amount of shares of the company and mostly owns the company and hence gets to decide aswell in the company (i dont like their capitalistic system it does not make sense to me and it also means they have monopolies)... i believe americans are very proud of capitalism, and they believe capitalism is better if people compete and provide a better service by trying to outcompete each other, but in an unregulated capitalism like US what good does competition do if companies use loopholes to avoid the competition... universal healthcare for all would for example give the insurance the ability to see hospital prices and the insurance gets to negotiate the price, while the sick person does not have to worry about "am i sick enough to go to hospital" because he will be able to afford free healthcare... free healthcare not only brings back competition and the leverage of the insurance to lower the price, it also means young people like you will subsidize the healthcare for old, meaning when you get old you dont have to pay an arm and a leg (and thats how europeans treat their elders with respect)... universities is also unregulated capitalism as all universities raise the price together, while in other countries that dont have free education the cost of university is up to 10 000 $ (i had in the UK where i had free education cuz im EU classmates from US who came because 10 000$ was cheaper than US for them)...


Sad thing: a stable dictatorship is in many ways better than the chaos that erupted in Syria, Lybia etc..

Imo the main goal has to be in the interest of the refugies.
I do not believe that it is in their interest if all can come to Europe without controls etc. as the European states will be shaken with the impact (as they already are).
I do believe that a hybrid system would be best. Closed borders, but as compensation investments in Africa (economy, not weapons..) and build a safe legal migration route with limited (but not necessarely small) numbers and requirements to the migrants, as their goal has to be the integration in the existing societies.

Refugies have to be protected, but not necessarely distributed all over Europe, as their goal should be to return, after the wars have calmed down.


syria rwanda and singapore are 3 dictatorships that i approve of. these dictatorships are stable because they actually improve their peoples lifes and people give up their freedom in exchange for a good life... the predictability of their leadership allowed businesses to thrive... its still possible to live life normally even in syria (and yes even assad has support of most syrians), despite NATO funding terrorist groups in the country to destabilize it...

what europe does it ties the money for aid in military spending of armored vehicles, men and weapons to patrol the border, funding both sides of the libyan war and arming both sides. this money is better tied in education and healthcare. educating a population can also lead to destabilization of a dictatorship. dictatorships need not fall through war, and sudan and indonesia are 2 examples where there was no war.

i agree it would be best if refugees dont need to flee, but currently corrupt dictatorships allow natural resources to be extracted by foreign companies cheaply, while most of the population is farming and suffering under climate change. africa must take the next step in processing materials and actually letting the people profit from their rich natural resources. ideally through education. healthcare so people die less, which causes less babies to be born, which leaves more wealth and education to the offspring. also it does not help that countries like italy (through caporalato) enslaves undocumented refugees for farming purposes and then sells aggricultural products in africa for cheaper than they can produce (illegal trade dumping).


Good summary. Like in most times: The ones with power will abuse the ones without.

And no change in sight..


European aid do not prop-up dictatorships. Most of the Western foreign aid funds require ridiculous clauses for political reform towards "democracy," institutional reform against "corruption," burdens of environmental preservation conformity, and other nonsense demands. The Western foreign aids do not stabilise existing African governments because of the above nonsense and work to undermine their sociopolitical balance. There is a reason why most, if not all, African nation-states turn to the CCP for financial assistance because the CCP loans and funds do not have the above destabilising restrictions. If the West offered aid to stabilise existing African governments, without the ludicrous demands of "human rights," then Europe will witness fewer migrants attempting to flee the political chaos of their home nations.


do not prop up dictatorships? ur saying northern african states patrol the dessert border and sea because they want to? libya contains refugees caught trying to flee in prison camps just because they want to? especially mali when meanwhile they have terrorists inland to worry about. marroco for example gets even better trade agreement based on them beating down refugees at their direct border to spain.

"A new proposal mooted last week involves using EU funds to promote private investment of up to €60bn in countries where many migrants come from – Ethiopia, Niger, Nigeria, Mali and Senegal, as well as Jordan and Lebanon. " -[2016 theguardian]

algeria is tho being brutal
"Unlike Niger, Algeria takes none of the EU money intended to help with the migration and refugee crisis, although it did receive $111.3m in aid from Europe between 2014 and 2017." 2018 aljazeera


The Norther African nations do not want uncontrolled mass migration into their nations, much like all sane governments in the world, unlike the EU, which has no government. It was NATO bombs that killed Gaddafi and destroyed the government in Tripoli, resulting in the chaos that currently reigns in that forsaken region. Even the warring factions in Libya can agree that uncontrolled mass migration into Libya will be unfavorable to the existence of a nation-state called Libya. The Northern African nations do not require foreign bribes to pursue policies of rational self-interest.

If the West had any far-reaching, rational foreign policy, they wouldn't be undermining stable regimes in Africa and the Middle East with cock and bull humanism, but rather support the stability of these regions by investments and aid unencumbered by demands of political "reform." It is the CCP money that will assist in stabilising sub-Saharan African states, thereby reducing the migration pattern northward from these areas. It is Russian military power that is restoring stability and order to the region of Syria by assisting legitimate government of President Assad. What is the EU policy, other than sending aid to malcontented rebel scum in Syria and refusing needed foreign loans to African states without ludicrous demands of political "reform?" By pursuing foreign policy of undermining "dictatorships" and promoting "democracy," the West harm themselves. Even recently, the West supported rioters in Hong Kong, which would necessitate the CCP to divert resources in suppressing internal dissent, at precisely the time Europe needs CCP money to prop-up failing African regimes to stem the uncontrolled migration northward.

I only wish the West would pursue some rational, longer-term foreign policy that would benefit Europe, instead of prostituting their culture and legacy chasing after nonsense idealism and financial interests that benefit only the few.


first paragraph would make sense if they patrol the southern border, and if i didnt just showed you they actually do recieve aid tied to them regulating emigration. perhaps you have overlooked the links? and countries like niger or mali already have a pretty tight border patrol in the north, its called the sahara dessert. yet they close down any routes through it causing people to go off routes, potentially lost in desert and become dried up corpses. also libya is not representative to northern african nations, its one example where EU prolongs the conflict. I am not saying I support NATOs actions that lead up to the conflict in any way.

second point was already made in the comments by hamsterpowerii and i agree that funding terrorists to destabilize a dictatorship (that in the case of assad is not even that bad) is not the right course of action. one way to destabilize cruel dictatorships is making healthcare and education available (see my other comment on hamsters comment). i am against nato military intervention, except for mali where the government actually asked for help to deal with terrorists coming in from the south (not the north).

also about ur second point, the media is carefully manipulated to manipulate the "democracy". most people in europe dont know that most syrians are ok with assad and he gives them more freedoms than the "moderate rebels" give. they are also spoon fed lies about the chemical attacks (i did a few posts on them aswell). so can you blame them for voting wrong in this democracy? they dont even suspect the fraud.

as for ccp, their strategy is mostly get countries into debt traps and then install military bases or extract resources in return, while the current president benefits from corruption money. many african presidents are officially democratic but actually they are not, and the rural vote decides the popular president who is not the best. or like in benin they might get 2 choices of the same thing. i lived in zambia for a while and i watched the country go down as Sata was getting the rural vote against rubia banda. after his death the family squabbled for power. now they have opposition media crack downs. those dictatorships just need reforms enabled through healthcare and access to education.

and letting people in that need help is not nonsense or idealism but its a legal duty that came after the holocaust and the west signing the geneva convention. paying other countries to prevent refugees from coming is the way the west is trying to back out of its legal obligation. they are in the end paying countries to kill people through drowning or dessert in an extremely inefficient way. developed countries are obligated to give aid money to developing countries to help them out but if the help is spent on borders soldiers and arms killing people as ineffectively as possible then the money is not well spent and it wont help the country develop. it wont solve the problem.

i feel like in many points we agree to each other and just misunderstood each other. so i hope i cleared up my view point. as for the tied aid, it does happen.


Geneva Convention is an European legal matrix, formulated under Western, Protestant moral value system. The West like to, and would want the rest of the world to, imagine their legal agreement as something universal in value and force to be applicable even for societies of non-European sociocultural value systems and worldviews. If a nation of a differing sociocultural matrix desires to participate in Western political and economic infrastructure, like Turkey, I can understand the West imposing their views and demanding submission under their legal system. But claiming universality of a regional legal and moral perspective upon all 6 billions souls on this planet is delusional and impractical.

The reason for many African states existing on a trajectory of failure and cyclical "revolutions" is because these nations are not nations at all. The borders of these so-called African nations are concocted from colonial administrative convience, not developed from cultural and political realities. That the economy of Africa is purely based on resource extraction reflects the arbitrary boundaries of their mercantile, colonial past. If the West sincerely desire to help the Africans and the Arabs, then they would negotiate redrawing of these nation-state borders along tribal, ethnic, cutural, and political realities. Failing that option, the next best course would be to support existing political regimes in crushing dissent and rebellion to impose social stability in these areas. Currently, the West neither supports existing regimes, in fact they actively undermine these regimes, nor desire stable reorganisation of these colonial remnants because Africa and the Middle East is perceived by the West as merely bottomless warehouses for raw materials to feed into their factories.

The export of pernicious Western humanism to socioculturally incompatible regions of the planet has resulted in instability and chaos. Even within the EU, the member states do not agree with Western, Prostestant, humanist value system, upon which many of EU legal framework is founded. The ISIS ought to have been a predicted and expected reaction to 50-plus years of Western humanism exported and imposed upon alien sociocultural matrices, but the hubris of self-righteousness caused the West to be blind. The influx of mass migrants into Europe may be their comeuppance for their hubris, but continued mass importation of refugees will result in Europe fragmenting into tribal and ethnic enclaves, with vast areas of Africa and Middle East becoming population denuded deserts. It is a future favorable neither to the Europeans nor the refugees.


the concept of refugees finding shelter in a believer country is concept in geneva convention and islam, which is all of africa... the koran talks about refugees elaborately...

second paragraph is delegitimizing the existance of nations in africa and is suggesting they should either go back to their tribal heritage or fight war for a more natural border. how about USA does the start and let the states fight among each other for a "natural border" and with canada. these borders simply exist and tho the way they were drawn is arbitrary, there is no better way of solving border disputes. also that is not quite the issue about the borders? no one cares about a border in the sahara because there are no people. im just asking for EU to stop funding those countries to do their dirty work (just like US does to mexico) in killing the refugees... i gave you sufficient evidence of that funding already which u still seem to ignore... instead you extremed your position with "Currently, the West neither supports existing regimes" to imply africa is not recieving aid money at all...

EU is largely lead christian democratic. but also non christian imposing parties support the values of the geneva convention, except the right extremist parties ofcourse...


The Yanks did fight a bloody war to determine which cultural factions dominate the nation. The landed gentry and agrarian South lost to the mercantile and financial urban culture of the North. In Africa, the most socially stable nation is Rwanda because one tribal faction made their competition irrelevant in the 1990s. Despite economic mismanagement, Zimbabwe remains relatively stable socially because of unquestionable dominance Mugabe's tribal faction exercises. Do you think centuries of tribal and ethnic differences, which has existed before the Europeans ever crawled out of their caves to dominate the ashes of civilisation left by the Mongol horde, will be resolved because of recent, forced arbitrary colonial amalgamation?

Just because the gutless European politicians bribe Morocco to perform their dirty deeds does not negate the ludicrous political and social demands generally placed upon African nations in exchange for financial assistance. Democracy is the one of the most pernicious ideas that Europe imposed upon Africa, along with conceptualisation of colonial administrative borders becoming "national" borders. And what is the EU solution for mass migration? Import all 1.2 billion souls living on the continent into Europe, in addition to 17 million souls in Syria?
