RE: Is It Time For The Younger Nations?


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Yeah I agree for the most part. I see these points locally in various companies I've worked at where there are still a few of the "old guard", doing things their own way and someone coming in with fresh ideas gets suppressed to oblivion.

Whether it's an age thing, not 100% sure on that, I'd say it's more of a mindset thing. Yes, the longer you have been doing something, the more set in your ways you're likely to be but if you keep an open mind about the way you go about things and stay somewhat flexible to changes in the world around you, then that's independent of age. I know people in their 90s who know more about Bitcoin for example, than people my age and younger (millenials/Gen Z).

As with everything, it's striking a balance between using that experience of what works well from previous generations as the core process and then giving it a flexible coat with new ideas from younger people who've not been laden with the baggage. This is my experience from a "business" point of view rather than global and political but there's got to be some cross over with that, probably more prudent now that millenials and Gen Z are accounting for over half the work force now.


I'm not saying all old heads are bad we can debate that up and down with examples, but I like to look at the results of what we are doing as a society and to be honest its pretty shit.

I didn't like they way they did things at companies, so I started my own, that's how it should be, now if I'm good enough I eat their lunch, if not I go back and grovel for a job.

Experience and innovation will always clash, and like you say we need that balance, young people have their heads in the clouds as we should, we're ambitious and old people have the experience and capital, its about finding ways to overlap that, although some old heads are seriously not worth reasoning with


Oh yeah, it's really shit, not gonna deny that!

Yeah and by the sounds of it, you're making good inroads with that. I'm pretty sure if the worst comes to the worst you can always get a job seeing as you have given yourself a massive boost in experience and skills, hopefully in BTC and other income too!

Definitely agree with that. I've met some right head spinners that just can't see the light of day even when you present the evidence to them. We may have our head in the clouds but some have their head up something else!

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