China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-05-04




EU ‘suspends’ ratification of China investment deal after sanctions

"the current state of relations between Brussels and Beijing was “not conducive” for the ratification of the deal, which is known as EU-China comprehensive agreement on investment
[...] it will now “depend really on how broader EU-China relations will evolve”"

--- Translation: We have no chance to get a majority in the EU parliament to agree, so for now we shelve the agreement.

"As long as members of the European parliament are on sanction list – impossible"

--- Yep. But not because the EU Commission came to its senses, probably only because MEP's wouldn't agree to it. Classic own goal by the CCP when they sanctioned MEP's.


Belgian government websites down after DDoS attack

"People attempting to visit websites on the Belnet network, including government and police services, are being met with error messages due to a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack"

--- Total coincidence, of course, that the Belgian was due to discuss the situation in Xinjiang. More info, in French.


New Zealand draws back from calling Chinese abuses of Uyghurs genocide

"Parliament opted instead on Tuesday to water down the language, and discuss concerns about human rights abuses in the region in more general terms.
It is expected the new motion will pass unanimously on Wednesday. However, it marks no deviation from the country’s current position."

--- So much for the media which saw a hardening of the NZ stance towards China. The Labour government doesn't even give its MP's freedom to vote on the issue.

"Clearly the Chinese government wouldn’t like something like that … I have no doubt it would have some impact [with trade]. That’s hardly rocket science"

--- We just like Chinese money so much.


‘Out-of-control’ Chinese rocket falling to Earth could partially survive re-entry

"Since 1990 nothing over 10 tonnes has been deliberately left in orbit to re-enter uncontrolled. The Long March 5B core stage is thought to be about 21 tonnes."

--- Chabuduo. Space exploration with Chinese characteristics.
Would be a nice touch of fate if the remains fall on Beidaihe.

"It’s expected to return to Earth on 10 May, plus or minus two days"

--- Now you know when to watch the sky for falling chunks of metal.


U.S. trade deficit surges to record; shortfall with China keeps rising

"The trade imbalance with China increased more than 22% to $36.9 billion"

--- Trump keeps winning, even long after he's gone.


Chinese smart TVs are snooping on their owners

"the company collects information on what's streamed on TVs and, remarkably, what devices are being used in front of TV screens, "like smartphones, iPads, Xiaomi and Alibaba smart speakers.""

--- Brave new world.

"Gozen Data's website has taken down mentions of which TV makers partner with the company. It previously listed a handful of domestic brands that collectively cover the majority of China's smart TV market"

--- Probably a good idea not to use any 'smart' device from a Chinese company.


Number of unhappy wives in China more than doubled since 2012

"What I regret most in my life is getting married and having a kid. How wonderful to just be alone!"

--- Should have thought about that before getting married. But, even worse than in the West, Chinese girls have some very naive, romantic ideas about marriage. During courting, before marriage, most Chinese men act exactly like the women would expect. But as soon as they are married (or with the birth of a child the latest) usually all romance & consideration stops.

"Last year, almost 20 per cent of married women said they regret getting married, compared with 12 per cent in 2017 and 9 per cent in 2012"

--- Joke of the day. From what I have seen, a majority of women is unhappy with their marriage. They only stay married because of the kids or social pressure.

"Only about 7 per cent of men said they regret getting married"

--- Dubiously low as well, but probably closer to reality than the female rate. Because most men just don't care anymore. 'I have a family, I have a child, I have money. Everything is fine.'

"the survey led by CCTV may not be methodologically rigorous compared with academic studies, and the findings may not precisely reflect the reality"

--- You don't say!



Underground church pastors arrested in China’s latest religious crackdown

Opinion: China's New Silk Road is full of potholes



--- Today all videos from Sky News Australia:

--- "'Absolutely credible' Xi Jinping will take Taiwan by force during his leadership"


--- "Australia is 'being more realistic' about possibility of war with China"


--- "Darwin Port agreement 'negotiated at a different time in Australia-China relations'"



When a director of a Confucius Institute gets confronted with the Tiananmen Square Massacre

The Cultural Revolution coming to Hong Kong?



Wolf im Schafspelz?

"Mit Spannung wird erwartet, wie sich China nun während der einmonatigen Präsidentschaft vor allem beim Konflikt im Nachbarland Myanmar positionieren wird."

--- Spannung? Glaubt denn irgendjemand ernsthaft, daß China jetzt plötzlich sein Abstimmungsverhalten ändert?

"So wurde am Freitag in letzter Minute ein Passus gestrichen, der "die Gewalt gegen friedliche Demonstranten scharf verurteilt" und das Militär zu "äußerster Zurückhaltung" auffordert."

--- & genau so wird es weitergehen.


Deutschlands fatale Abhängigkeit von China

"Taiwan sei derzeit der »gefährlichste Ort der Welt«, schreibt die britische Zeitschrift »Economist« in ihrer aktuellen Titelstory"

--- Ziemlich blödsinniger & zurecht kritisierter Titel. Braucht man nur mal ein paar Afghanen oder Jemeniten zu fragen.

"Als Militärmacht ist die EU unbedeutend. Wirtschaftlich sind wir zunehmend abhängig von China. Das gilt gerade für Deutschland. Binnen einem Jahrzehnt ist China zum dominierenden Partner der deutschen Wirtschaft geworden"

--- Was soll dieser Quark immer wieder? Schlimmstenfalls ist es eine psychologische Abhängigkeit. Der weit überwiegende Teil (nicht nur) deutscher Exporte geht immer noch in die EU. Nur einzelne Firmen hätten wirklich große Probleme, wenn der chinesische Markt wegbräche.


"Wie der Absturz eines kleinen Flugzeugs"

"Raumfahrtexperten warnten vor einem "unkontrollierten" Wiedereintritt des 20 Tonnen schweren Raketenteils in die Erdatmosphäre."

--- Zum Glück ist die Erde groß. Ist aber leider keine Garantie, daß nichts passiert. Frage mich, ob die VRC in einem solchen Fall Entschädigung zahlen würde.

""Das Design ist fahrlässig im Vergleich zu gegenwärtigen Standards anderer Länder", kritisierte McDowell die chinesische Rakete."

--- High-Tech der chinesischen Art. Chabuduo (gut genug).


EMA startet Prüfverfahren von Sinovac

"Die EMA prüft nach dem sogenannten Rolling-Review-Verfahren. Dabei werden alle Daten bewertet, noch vor dem Abschluss der Studien und bevor der formelle Antrag auf Marktzulassung gestellt wurde."

--- Die 3. Phase ist doch schon lange abgeschlossen. Nur daß man die dazugehörigen Daten einfach nicht veröffentlicht.



Philippinischer Außenminister bepöbelt China auf Twitter

