China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-01-23


English news:

China virus: five cities locked down and Beijing festivities scrapped

"Later in the day, the nearby central Chinese cities of Huanggang and Ezhou announced similar measures. Travel restrictions were also placed on the smaller cities of Chibi and Zhijiang."

--- Seven cities on lockdown now, acc. to CNBC (see video section). This may (!) slow down the spread of the virus, but weeks after the initial outbreak with cases all over China & worldwide now, it probably won't help much.
For live updates from the Guardian, go here. Same from the BBC.

"supermarket shelves were empty and local markets sold out of produce [...] Petrol stations were overwhelmed as drivers stocked up on fuel [...] pharmacies had sold out of face masks"

--- Sounds like panic in Wuhan. That happens when you have an idiotic information strategy combined with the (probably useless) overreaction of quarantining whole cities.

China coronavirus: Fears infections will rise as hundreds of millions travel

"many hundreds of thousands of residents have already left Wuhan to celebrate the Lunar New Year elsewhere and, with an incubation period of around five days, they may have unwillingly passed on the virus without even knowing it"

--- One of the reasons why the lockdown is useless. BTW, official numbers are now 653 confirmed cases and 18 deaths. The actual numbers are probably much higher, though.

Chinese expert who came down with Wuhan coronavirus after saying it was controllable thinks he was infected through his eyes

"he initially thought he had the flu because he had not seen any Wuhan patients with conjunctivitis. But anti-flu treatments proved ineffective and he continued to suffer intermittent fevers. He finally took the test for 2019-nCoV"

--- Finally. Mind you, that's one of the leading experts for this kind of disease in China. Probably exemplifies the state of health care in the PRC.

Coronavirus doctor: 'Everyone is stuck here and can't leave'

"We were told two days ago not to go to work at the hospital, because of the risk of the virus spreading. If we leave our home on the hospital campus, we are required to wear masks."

--- That's a doctor in Wuhan talking. Hrmph...
Here & here is how it looks in one of the Wuhan hospitals. & staff seems to be on the edge,

Studies suggest role of bats, snakes in outbreak of China virus

"The researchers caution that their conclusions require "further validation by experimental studies in animal models"."

--- Particularly the study identifying snakes as the source is heavily criticised. Much points to bats as the source, but since the Chinese authorities cleaned out the market at the centre of the outbreak, we may never know for sure.

Wuhan mayor under pressure to resign over response to coronavirus outbreak

"During the interview on Tuesday, he was grilled on whether the city had reacted “too slowly”"

--- Sounds like the CCP has already found the scapegoat. Else they would have never allowed for him to be "grilled".

Trump says he trusts China’s Xi on coronavirus and the US has it ‘totally under control’

"“It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”"

--- OK, now I'm really worried. If Trump says, everything's fine, doomsday must be around the corner.

Doomsday app games about plague and disaster are going viral in China

"Others felt especially connected to the fake news scenario in Plague that allows players to use modern technology and psychological tricks to spread misinformation about the virus."

--- How long till these games will be blocked (or removed from Chinese appstores]?

University of Minnesota student jailed in China over tweets

"One tweet superimposed Chinese government slogans over images of Lawrence Limburger, a cartoon villain who bears a resemblance to Chinese President Xi Jinping."

--- Blasphemy! Nobody who insults demigod Xi is safe, nowhere in the world.

British officials propose limited 5G role for China's Huawei: sources

"barring Huawei from the sensitive, data-heavy “core” part of the network and restricted government systems"

--- Since with 5G everything will by hyperconnected, I wonder how much that helps.

Exclusive: US Navy footage of warships’ near collision in South China Sea

"Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy crew
can be seen preparing buoys designed to absorb impact and protect the hull of their ship in the event of a collision"

--- Just because they were afraid of those evil US-Americans, not because they actually planned a collision.

China Orders Police Not to Enter Businesses Where North Koreans Work

"Beijing is looking the other way as the workers are in direct violation of U.N. sanctions"

--- Sanctions? We don't know anything about sanction violations. Our police hasn't seen any evidence.

Video News:

--- CNBC: "China shuts down multiple cities in an effort to curb coronavirus outbreak"

--- BBC News: "China coronavirus: Beijing cancelled Chinese New Year celebrations"

--- DW News: "China puts Wuhan on lockdown to stem spread of coronavirus"

--- More coronavirus news in video:

CBC News: China locks down 2 cities to hinder spread of deadly virus

CNN: CNN crew scrambles to flee Wuhan before lockdown

Not in the news (yet):

PRC uses armour to enforce Wuhan blockade

So much for Xinjiang concentration camps being empty

Wechat seems to censor Wuhan virus news outside (!) China

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Peking sagt Neujahrsfeiern ab

"die Infektionen seien von knapp 570 auf 620 angestiegen. 18 Menschen kamen bislang ums Leben."

--- Das ist nur die untere Grenze. Wenn man die Bilder aus Wuhan sieht, & hört, daß Patienten dort teilweise ohne Untersuchung einfach nach Hause geschickt werden, kann man nur davon ausgehen, daß die tatsächlichen Zahlen um ein Vielfaches höher liegen.

"Ärzte und Krankenhäuser der Stadt sind vollkommen überlastet. Teilweise müssten die Kliniken Leute wieder nach Hause schicken, weil es nicht genug Betten gebe."

--- Videos auf Twitter (Links im englischen Bereich) zeigen echt lächerliche Zustände. Das Gesundheitssystem in Wuhan ist am Rande des Zusammenbruchs.

Peking sagt wegen Coronavirus große Neujahrsfeiern ab

"Allerdings ist das Coronavirus nach Einschätzung von Experten weiter ein kaum ansteckender Erreger."

--- Das muß sich erst noch zeigen. Wenn wie bei dem Experten aus Peking berichtet eine Tröpfcheninfektion über das Auge erfolgte, dürfte die Gefahr größer sein als gedacht.

„Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas ist nichts weiter als eine Gruppe gemeiner Banditen“

"Sie haben realisiert, dass sie nicht einfach sämtliche Profite des Wirtschaftswachstums in ihre eigenen Taschen stecken können."

--- Was zeigt, daß sie keine "gemeinen Banditen" sind. Die chinesischen Kommis lassen sich besser als gut organisierte Mafia beschreiben.


Absolutely NO air travel should leave China until this virus is contained. This is a rehearsal for a virus that one day may be the end of us all .... we must insist on Governments being proactive.

Is there more to this that we are not being told. Never known this drastic action even in Ebola crisis.


The "drastic action" was taken because the Chinese regime wants to show how pro-active it is. & perhaps to prevent panic, although inside Wuhan that has obviously backfired.

It's too late for large-scale travel restrictions, the genie has left the bottle. Anyway, for now it seems the outbreak is not much worse than a normal flu epidemic. As I wrote here: Don't panic!
