China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-01-16


English news:

China's new SARS-like virus has spread to Japan, but we still know very little about it

"The confirmation comes just days after Thai authorities said a Chinese tourist arriving from Wuhan had been quarantined with the new virus"

--- Interesting, confirmed cases in Thailand & Japan, suspected cases in Singapore & HK, but not even suspected cases outside Wuhan inside China? How probable is that?

EU trade commissioner 'will call Trump's bluff' over Huawei security

"“We don’t subscribe to the view that whatever you do you block Huawei. If they actually implement the rules of the game … all competition is welcome and must be fair,” said Hogan."

--- Either this guy is incredibly naive or he is just trying to reassure the PRC, while in the background it's already clear that Huawei will be blocked. China doesn't care about the rules of the game.

Senators target China's 'exit bans' as Americans continue to be held by Beijing

"The bill [...] comes as Chinese authorities have prevented an American family from leaving more than a year and a half through the use of such a ban."

--- What is the mafia supposed to do if you deny them their tradition of taking hostages? So unfair...

China's 2019 winter pollution gains offset by worsening in other regions: study

"The rest of the country outside the Beijing and Shanghai priority regions made little to no progress amid continued increases in coal and oil consumption"

--- Who cares about rural backwaters. Just like with PISA, only the results in Beijing & Shanghai count.

Chinese Communist Party’s Media Influence Expands Worldwide

"Chinese state media, government officials, and affiliated companies are achieving increased influence over key nodes in the global information flow, exploiting the more sophisticated technological environment, and showing a readiness to meddle in the internal political debates and electoral contests of other countries"

--- Nah, the PRC would never do that. Meddling & interfering is totally alien to Chinese commies.

New Law Requiring 'Ethnic Unity' in Tibet Raises Concerns

"“revolutionary and socialist [...] Chinese culture is always the emotional support, spiritual destination and spiritual homeland of all ethnic groups in Tibet."

--- Translation: Your family is the CCP, your religion is communism & your god is emperor Xi.

Hong Kong could keep semi-autonomy for longer, says Lam

"we will have sufficient reasons to believe that it will not change after 2047"

--- Joke of the day. The CCP is continuously eroding Hong Kong's autonomy. By 2047 there will be nothing left, anyway.

'Regret and unhappiness': China offers muted response to US trade deal

"The first phase of the agreement … certainly leaves both sides with regret and unhappiness, which is exactly the response that a fair agreement will elicit. Arguing who lost and who won is superficial."

--- Sounds like something a loser would say. Maybe the deal is better for the US than I thought?

Why are Chinese fishermen finding so many 'submarine spies'?

"China's fleet is different to other countries'. Some fishermen, themselves, are part of the military - and understanding how this unique unit works could explain why they keep finding military hardware."

--- Oh please, every Chinese is a soldier for the CCP. Why shouldn't fishermen be part of a militia? ... Er ... I mean, China is the most peaceful country on Earth. Even soldiers would never ever hurt anyone. So, why shouldn't fishermen be just more of such peaceloving soldiers?

Video News:

--- CNA: "Breakthrough US-China trade deal: China's perspective"

--- Loads of videos about this "gread deal", but not much added value. So, I just link the above & the one below. For more of the same go to Youtube.

--- PBS Newshour: "What Phase 1 of Trump's China trade deal includes -- and what it doesn't"

Not in the news (yet):

In the PRC, helping HK protesters as a medic counts as prostitution

Deutsche Nachrichten:

"Mehr Importe sind ohnehin unser Ziel"

""Das Fazit des Phase-Eins-Handelsabkommens ist, dass es sowohl China, als auch den USA zu Gute kommt - und auch dem Rest der Welt.""

--- Sieht aus, als fühle man sich in China als Verlierer.

Seidenstraße als Einbahnstraße

"Chinas Mega-Projekt sei bislang ein Projekt von den Chinesen für die Chinesen, so eine Studie."

--- War so ziemlich allen, die sich mit China befassen, auch vorher schon klar. Aber jetzt gibt es auch empirische Belege.

WhatsGap: Google entfernt App für Hongkong-Demonstranten aus Play Store

"Anwendungen, denen Feingefühl in Bezug auf ernsthafte Konflikte und Tragödien fehle, seien im Play Store verboten."

--- Hochmoralisch, diese Googelaner, hochmoralisch.
