The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

vakker natur og vann 1 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


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It reminds me of the time after the flood. When the water covered all areas of land and only a small island remained on the surface and is trying to survive


Represent a lot of peace your image, a place to meet yourself, a lot of purity in the green meadow :,) If I use your image in any writing or verses, do you support me? : 3


Looks like the rising sea levels have claimed even the highest mountains, @xpilar. Nice art that reminds us of the perils of global warming if we do not act now.


you should start creating an animated game that will look so real :D


These look like the heavy floods i saw in a picture about India recently, @xpilar. Scary to see how high the water levels can rise and affect people's lives. Thought provoking image!


Yes @numpypython,
there are many big floods and many losing their homes and families. Our world is changing and I believe that this is just the beginning of natural disasters


En un determinado lugar un embalse se desbordó, y las aguas anegaron una gran extensión de terreno con árboles, y unos caballos que pastaban fueron sorprendidos, y, aunque sus cuerpos excepto sus cabezas quedaron sumergidos, hicieron el intento de salvarse, por lo que comenzaron a salir de aquel inminente peligro antes de que fuera tarde.Felicitaciones xpilar,bendiciones.


My dream of the Amazon.

A group of young people went on vacation to Brazil in a camp to explore and get to know the Amazon. They spent days enjoying the great jungle, the beautiful vegetation, the tropical climate, the huge variety of animals, flowers, taking many photos and taking out many videos of his great adventure.
When a tragic night in the camp the smoke woke them up, the flames devoured everything around them, they were able to escape from the area but many animals did not, they saw in pain how huge and ancient trees were made ashes, because of the smoke they could not see well and Breathing was so hard.
They barely managed to escape and each returned to their lives, but the Amazon still suffers.
Daniel was one of the young people who attended the camp, every day he remembered with pain and terror what he lived, every night in his prayers was the jungle, and one night he dreamed.

"That he was returning to the Amazon in a huge plane that was raining heavily that even the whole jungle was full, but the beautiful sky, the sun was radiant, the clouds subtly adorned the blue sky, there was no burned area, there was no black zone , there was no smoke, only the sound of the water running through the green vegetation, and although it was a lot of water I was not afraid, because it was so clear and passive water, I got off the plane and sat on the cusp of the highest and many animals posed around it."


Suddenly I wake up and come back to reality, that the Amazon burns, that the Amazon burns.


Land of Hope

On a simple ship measuring 65 meters long and 25 meters wide there are 500 people. They were forced to jostle adrift on the boat.
they are like other immigrants. They try to find a new land of hope to improve their lot. They have felt very miserable to be in a country of origin filled with poverty and oppression from the authorities.
Every day, thousands of refugees try to reach other continents.
Europe, America and Australia become hopes of improving fortunes. They hope that they will be able to reach a new, better life.
Crowded in boats, they departed from Africa to Europe. War, poverty makes them have to leave their homeland. With the hope of getting a brighter future, they are willing to spend no small amount. But they are not aware of the danger they will face before and after reaching mainland Europe.
In fact, many countries where they are stranded reject immigrants. Immigrants are only considered to be a source of new problems amid the sluggish world economy.
From the high seas they saw land. So they immediately threw anchors to anchor, even though they did not know whether it would work or not. But their strong determination made them want to make the land they visited as a new hope.
They were grateful to be able to land on the island which was apparently still empty. So they immediately turned to settlements and with great effort they turned the land that was still in the form of forest into an agricultural area. They can live well even if only by planting.
Thank you @xpilar
Warm regard from Indonesia


thank you @rokhani for your description / story


Thank you @xpilar. I want to add wit these words
I hope you accept it
the empty land of our hopes
from the top of the hill to the slope
bursting out of hope for the future
cultivate wealth, care for nature

land and hope of all generations
so all these visions and missions
to realize all dreams
so that no more dim

there is a light illuminating
as if it will always be a sunny morning
with sparkling orange light
passionately replaced the darkness of the night

with real work and devotion
in order to realize the direction
towards a better future
we enjoy together


Your digital image looks like there is a tall mountain and has plants around it. in my opinion your digital image is very good to describe.

Many people who like to see the beauty of nature from a high place. like mountains and tall buildings. and between the two, the mountain is the best to see the beauty of nature. from the top of the mountain, it is great to see the beauty of nature. because all around the coast and the village can be seen from above. In addition, there are many mountain trees that make the body cool.

not only natural beauty that can be felt from the top of the mountain. but the mind and soul will feel calm when seeing many natural scenes. this is just my description of the digital image that you display.


Hi @xpilar

La Horda

―Creo que deberíamos irnos, la tormenta llegará pronto, la marea ya está cubriendo buena parte de la isla ―comentó Víctor, señalando la costa, donde el nivel mar ya había alcanzado a los árboles que estaban a más de veinte metros de la playa.

Un intenso viento mecía violentamente la copa de los elevados pinos y el oleaje empezaba a llegar a la colina sobre la que Paula y Víctor estaban a la espera de un fenómeno que se daba sólo una vez cada década.

―No podemos, en cualquier momento pasará, no podemos irnos de aquí, estamos justo en la ruta ―respondió Paula, quien observaba fijamente el turbulento horizonte.

A lo lejos, al este, nubes de tonalidades purpura y marrón se retorcían violentamente, dejando caer cientos de relámpagos que destellaban entre ensordecedores estruendos. La tormenta era la más violenta que se hubiese registrado en los últimos doscientos años, y el haber cruzado la mayor parte de las cálidas aguas del océano de Selene, había contribuido a intensificarla.

A la distancia se podía ver como se levantaban trombas que levantaban agua de la superficie del mar para soltarla en las nubes, arrastrando en ella, pequeños peces y moluscos de los que habían sido introducidos siglos atrás, justo antes de que la terraformación debiera ser detenida.

―Literalmente van a llover peces en el continente, cuando llegue la tormenta ―comentó Víctor, viendo las trombas que, como rítmicas columnas, se movían llevadas por los intensos vientos.

―¡Ahí vienen, ya está pasando! ―gritó Paula repentinamente, mientras observaba el horizonte oeste, justo en dirección contraria a la tormenta.

―¡Maldición, los veo!, ¿es seguro estar aquí?, estamos justo en su camino ―exclamó Víctor alarmado, mientras ante sus ojos, una nube de color gris plomo, empezaba a tomar forma haciéndose cada vez más oscura y grande sobre el mar hacia el oeste de la isla.

―Sí, estamos bajo el deflector de la nave, aquí estaremos bien ―respondió Paula.

La extraña nube que crecía mientras se aproximaba a cada vez más, se movía de una extraña forma, era como si de ella se proyectaran dedos o columnas que giraban y se retorcían, aproximándose a la superficie del agua y luego se elevaran nuevamente, parecía tener vida, como si se tratara de alguna especie de gigantesca criatura, que extendía sus múltiples y aterrorizantes apéndices, intentando atrapar su presa.

―Esto me asusta, no puedo creer que estemos aquí…, en serio, deberíamos irnos…― dijo Víctor tartamudeando con una voz casi ahogada, mientras avanzaba unos pasos hacia a la compuerta de la nave.

―Ya te dije que no corremos peligro, si nos elevamos probablemente nos alcance antes de que salgamos de la atmósfera, se extienden casi hasta los cuarenta quilómetros de altura ―respondió Paula, sin apartar la vista de la nube que casi estaba por llegar a donde ellos se encontraban ―. Ya está llegando, mira como los tentáculos tocan el mar justo frente a la costa de la isla.

Desde su posición en lo alto de la colina, pudieron ver como los monstruosos aprendieses de la nube empezaban a tocar los arboles de la isla, eran como tornados que se movían de forma diagonal y casi horizontal, arrasando y atrapando todo lo que tocaban, a su paso, sólo tierra despoblada de vida iba quedando, como si una máquina excavadora arrancase pedazos del suelo de la isla, llevándose con ella todo a su paso.

Entonces, como si de una enorme mano, con múltiples dedos se tratara, de un punto elevando de aquella gigantesca pared gris que se aproximaba, un fragmento de ella se proyecto sobre la colina donde se encontraban, oscureciendo todo el cielo sobre ellos. Ante tan sobrecogedora visión, Víctor agacho su cara y sus ojos apretando sus fuertemente sus párpados, como quien espera que algo inevitablemente lo golpee; mientras Paula, casi hipnotizada, observaba con atención como aquellos dedos, que parecían estar formados por infinidad de partículas que se movían rápida y agitadamente se aproximaban, cayendo desde todas las direcciones sobre ellos, como intentando asir toda la colina, como si fuera un simple monton de tierra.

Recobrando su perdido valor, Víctor nuevamente abrió los ojos y levanto el rostro, para ver como los turbulentos dedos, chocaban con la invisible barrera deflectora, produciendo intensos destellos azules, para ser repelidos dispersándose en todas direcciones, como si del chorro de agua que golpea la base de una cuchara se tratase.

En los alrededores de la barrera, infinidad de diminutos dispositivos del tamaño de pequeños insectos, devoraban, como langostas, todo a su paso. La nube estaba formada por cientos de millones de estos minúsculos robots de carroñeros, que en los tiempos de la terraformación fueron los encargados de deshacerse de la materia orgánica muerta, acelerando su desintegración y retorno al ecosistema; pero ahora, debido a un mal funcionamiento de la IA que gobierna la adecuación de este planeta, lo que fue causa del abandono de este mundo, cada diez años, eran generados en masa en un corto periodo de tiempo y lanzados al ambiente con la extraña instrucción de devastar toda materia orgánica que encontraran a su paso.

Minutos después, tan rápida y violentamente como se habían aproximado desde el continente, situado más allá del horizonte, al oeste de la isla; se alejaron en su imparable camino a circunvalar el planeta. Pronto se encontrarían con la tormenta que al este se aproximaba, probablemente la atravesarían sin prestarle mayor atención, quizá hasta restándole buena parte de su intensidad a su paso.

The Horde

-I think we should go, the storm will come soon, the tide is already covering much of the island, -commented Victor, pointing to the coast, where the sea level had already reached the trees that were more than twenty meters from the beach.

An intense wind violently swayed the top of the high pines and the waves began to reach the hill on which Paula and Victor were waiting for a phenomenon that occurred only once every decade.

-We can't, at any moment it will pass, we can't leave here, we're right on the road, - replied Paula, who was watching the horizon.

Far to the east, clouds of purple and brown shades twisted violently, dropping hundreds of flashing lightning amidst deafening thunders. The storm was the most violent on record in two hundred years, and having crossed most of the warm waters of Selene's ocean had contributed to its intensification.

At a distance one could see how trombas rose from the surface of the sea to release it into the clouds, dragging in it small fish and mollusks that had been introduced centuries ago, just before the terraformation had to be stopped.

-It will literally rain fish on the continent when the storm arrives, -commented Victor, seeing the thunderstorms that, like rhythmic columns, were moved by the intense winds.

-Here they come, it's happening! -Paula shouted suddenly, as she watched the western horizon, just away from the storm.

-Damn it, I see them, is it safe to be here? we are right in their way, -exclaimed Victor alarmed, as before his eyes a lead grey cloud began to take shape, becoming darker and darker and bigger over the sea to the west of the island.

-Yes, we're under the ship's deflector, here we'll be fine, - answered Paula.

The strange cloud that grew as it approached more and more, moved in a strange way, it was as if fingers or columns were projected from it, turning and twisting, approaching the surface of the water and then rising again, it seemed to have life, as if it were some kind of gigantic creature, extending its multiple and terrifying appendages, trying to catch its prey.

-This scares me, I can't believe we're here... seriously, we should go... - said Victor stuttering in an almost drowned voice, as he advanced a few steps toward the ship's gate.

-I told you that we are not in danger, if we rise we will probably catch up before we leave the atmosphere, they extend almost forty kilometers high, - answered Paula, without taking away the view of the cloud that was about to reach where they were -. Now it's coming, look how the tentacles touch the sea just off the coast of the island.

From their position at the top of the hill, they could see how the monstrous learners of the cloud began to touch the trees of the island, they were like tornadoes that moved diagonally and almost horizontally, sweeping and trapping everything they touched, in their path, only unpopulated land of life was left, as if an excavator pulled pieces from the soil of the island, taking with it everything in its path.

Then, as if from an enormous hand, with multiple fingers, it were a point rising from that gigantic grey wall that was approaching, a fragment of it was projected on the hill where they were, darkening the whole sky above them. Before such an overwhelming vision, Victor lowered his face and his eyes tightening his eyelids, as if waiting for something to inevitably hit him; while Paula, almost hypnotized, watched with attention as those fingers, which seemed to be formed by infinity of particles that moved quickly and agitatingly approached, falling from all directions on them, as if trying to grab the whole hill, as if it were a simple pile of earth.

Recovering his lost courage, Victor again opened his eyes and lifted his face, to see how the turbulent fingers collided with the invisible deflecting barrier, producing intense blue sparkles, to be repelled and dispersed in all directions, as if from the jet of water that hits the base of a spoon.

Around the barrier, countless tiny devices the size of small insects devoured everything in their path like locusts. The cloud was formed by hundreds of millions of these tiny robots of scavengers, that in the times of the terraformation were in charge of getting rid of the dead organic matter, accelerating its disintegration and return to the ecosystem; but now, due to a bad operation of the AI that governs the adaptation of this planet, which was the cause of the abandonment of this world, every ten years, they were generated in mass in a short period of time and thrown to the environment with the strange instruction to devastate all organic matter that they found in their path.

Minutes later, as quickly and violently as they had approached from the continent beyond the horizon to the west of the island, they moved away on their unstoppable path to circumvent the planet. Soon they would encounter the storm that was approaching to the east; they would probably cross it without paying much attention to it, perhaps even subtracting a good part of its intensity from its passage.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
