The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 33)


Time for a contest again, where you are the author

Digital art made by @xpilar

Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture

You join easily,

You post your story with my picture on your blog.

Yes your blog

and you also post the story in the comment box
here on my blog and with a link to your post

Those who choose to write a story and publish it on their own
blog page gets rewarded by me with an upvote for it on your site

spaceworld 1 A.jpg

See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size

Here you see a bit when I create the image in
the 3D program before I put on effects and colors

SpaceWorld 1.png

SpayWorld 2.png

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story


The most important thing in the world.

Daniel was a rich child, hated by many for his arrogant personality, he did not respect or value other human beings.
For him the only important thing was his enormous fortune.
One night he was kidnapped, the criminals were asking for a ransom.
Daniel knew that he could pay everything they asked for for his release because he was very rich, but he had no friends they could call, he had to negotiate his release and led the malefactors to his huge mountain full of gold, precious stones .


The kidnappers fully loaded a helicopter with gold and left Daniel on his enormous mountain of wealth, did not mistreat or injure him, but Daniel could not escape his wealth, it was that night where he discovered how poor he was, despite having him everything, nobody would look for him, that nobody would notice his absence, that nobody would worry about him and that in the end he would die surrounded by the wealth for which he so despised others.
Later he realized that the most valuable thing in the world was not his mountain of gold, it is friendship.


La majestuosa naturaleza con belleza exhuberante presenta magníficas imágenes donde el reflejo de la luz de las miríadas de estrellas exponen elevaciones de nieves cristalizadas, o, montañas rocosas, las que estructuradas mediante un cerco, resguardan TESOROS existentes en el subsuelo, -simbolizados por los cofres allí presentes-, el cual diseño lo defino como una inteligente herramienta psicológica: entre otros, el de extraer de quienes le dan interpretación, esos TESOROS que subyacen en la conciencia y subconsciencia, los que direccionan las ideas y pensamientos


I am the owner of a cold castle.

You gave me a castle in Antarctica

I filled it with dreams and passion

You made it with gall and pain

The coldness of your soul is noticeable in the halls

Build a wall of indifference around my castle

but before high society I am a princess,

I just have to smile and pretend to be a happy future queen

But how can you be happy with such hardness?

From you I receive no love, no caresses of female only raw indifference

I am the owner of an ice castle, inhabited by sadness

Alone in my world, like a soul in sorrow

I walk through the halls crying and shivering so coldly

Here there is no magic, no shine, it's a castle of ice and pain

My fairy tale froze

My happy forever got cold,

And although the sky is starry and all around me blue and golden sea

And I dress with golden threads my sadness is eternal

My smile is fake and my heart is an iceberg

So I am the dying owner of a cold castle.


Hi @xpilar

Horizonte de Cobalto

La diminuta enana roja empezaba a salir por el horizonte, cuando Boris, piloteando la Goliat, una de las doce naves de transporte que hacían la ruta entre Kobold y la estación espacial procesadora del Consorcio EPC230, hacía las maniobras para descender en la plataforma de carga en el centro del foso de la Mina 88.

Kobold, el planeta azul, era uno de los mayores emprendimientos mineros del Consorcio, en los nuevos territorios del Brazo de Norma, un mundo frio, completamente seco y con una muy delgada atmósfera, pero con una superficie formada casi completamente por mineral de cobalto, lo que le da la peculiar característica de ser un mundo completamente azul.

La explotación de cobalto en Kobold, consistía en 100 minas completamente automatizadas, dirigidas desde una estación espacial en órbita, asistida por una red de treinta satélites, no había ningún ser vivo sobre la superficie del planeta, al menos no permanentemente, sólo los pilotos de las naves de trasporte, que se aproximaban a cargar material, y ocasionalmente a descargar algún equipo que debiese ser llevado a la superficie.

Toda la operación era llevada por robots que se encargaban de la exploración, extracción, transporte y embarque del mineral en las naves, que luego lo transportarían a las estaciones de procesamiento, como la EPC230, situadas a medio año luz de distancia.

La Goliat se encontraba en su segundo embarque de esta semana, el trayecto desde Kobold hasta alguna de las estaciones de procesamiento le llevaba a Boris cincuenta horas de ida y vuelta, por lo que, en la semana, podía realizar tres embarques, así que estaba a mitad de su jornada semanal.

Las montañas que rodeaban la excavación circular del foso de la mina 88, lucían imponentes y fantasmales, como descomunales muros azules, contra la negrura de cielo estrellado del planeta. Sobre el abrupto horizonte azul, asomaba la enana roja que era el centro del sistema, apenas más brillante que las restantes estrellas de la bóveda celeste.

La Goliat descendió lentamente, sustentada por su motor antigravedad, precisamente el origen de la necesidad del preciado mineral, que en Kobold se explotaba. EL cobalto era uno de los principales requerimientos para la fabricación de los reactores de antigravedad, en los que se basaban los motores de todas las naves humanas modernas.

En el fondo del foso, diez mil toneladas del mineral sería cargado a la nave, para luego ser transportado a la estación, donde el cobalto sería refinado por nano procesadores, para luego ser enviado a las diferentes factorías que lo usarían en la producción de los reactores y otra variedad de partes usadas en las nuevas generaciones de naves.

Ya embarcado el mineral, Boris y la Goliat emprendían el viaje a EPC230, tras él, una nueva nave llegaba de realizar su propio viaje, y se disponía a descender al fondo del foso para así continuar con su propia rutina.

Cobalt Horizon

The tiny red dwarf was beginning to emerge over the horizon when Boris, piloting the Goliath, one of the twelve transport ships that made the route between Kobold and the EPC230 Consortium's processing space station, maneuvered down the loading platform in the centre of the pit at Mine 88.

Kobold, the blue planet, was one of the Consortium's largest mining ventures in the new territories of the Arm of Norma, a cold, completely dry world with a very thin atmosphere, but with a surface made up almost entirely of cobalt ore, which gives it the peculiar characteristic of being a completely blue world.

The exploitation of cobalt in Kobold, consisted of 100 completely automated mines, directed from an orbiting space station, assisted by a network of thirty satellites, there was no living being on the surface of the planet, at least not permanently, only the pilots of the transport ships, which were approaching to load material, and occasionally to unload some equipment that should be taken to the surface.

The entire operation was carried out by robots that were in charge of exploring, extracting, transporting and loading the ore into the ships, which would then transport it to processing stations, such as the EPC230, located half a light year away.

The Goliath was in its second shipment this week. The journey from Kobold to one of the processing stations took Boris fifty hours each way, so he could make three shipments a week, so he was halfway through his week.

The mountains surrounding the circular excavation of the pit in mine 88 looked imposing and ghostly, like huge blue walls, against the black starry sky of the planet. Above the steep blue horizon, the red dwarf that was the center of the system loomed, barely brighter than the remaining stars in the celestial canopy.

The Goliath descended slowly, supported by its anti-gravity engine, precisely the origin of the need for the precious mineral, which was being exploited in Kobold. Cobalt was one of the main requirements for the manufacture of the anti-gravity reactors, on which the engines of all modern human ships were based.

At the bottom of the pit, ten thousand tons of the ore would be loaded into the ship, and then transported to the station, where the cobalt would be refined by nano processors, and then sent to the different factories that would use it in the production of the reactors and a variety of other parts used in the new generations of ships.

Once the ore was on board, Boris and the Goliath began the journey to EPC230, after which a new ship arrived to make its own journey, and was prepared to descend to the bottom of the pit to continue its own routine.

Thanks @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking.
