The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 30)


Time for a contest again, where you are the author

Digital art made by @xpilar

Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture

You join easily,

You post your story with my picture on your blog.

Yes your blog

and you also post the story in the comment box
here on my blog and with a link to your post

Those who choose to write a story and publish it on their own
blog page gets rewarded by me with an upvote for it on your site

Space 2 A.jpg

See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size

Here you see a bit when I create the image in
the 3D program before I put on effects and colors

Spave govvise 1.png

Spave govvise 2.png

Spave govvise 3.png

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story


Your photo was unusual. My story and imagination are as follows. On a quiet winter night, when everyone is already sleeping, I like to walk away from the bustle of the city. Therefore, this time I went out in the middle of the night and headed for the open plateau, when I suddenly froze from what I saw, not high in the sky, almost 50 meters from me, the spaceship was motionless in the sky. I immediately realized that these were aliens, judging by their appearance, it is easy to guess that aliens whose cevilization went far ahead of us. The ship was unusually beautiful, it radiated radiance and something else that an ordinary person did not see. It was fantastically beautiful :)


Exquisite jewel.

You are so superficial and at the same time so deep

You are like an exquisite but simple jewel

You are like a fine diamond

I want to protect but also look

I was so simple but so original

You are the one who relaxes me and activates me

You make my world fly

You are my engine and my ship

You are my reserve and my madness

You are classic but an enigna

Never change my exquisite jewel.


a new dimension you covered in digital art great to see this


A new dimension
You covered in digital
Art great to see this

                 - blazing

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.


La vida y sus leyes son como un ENGRANAJE donde los aros o ciclos de la vida en su"movimiento" habitual, llevan un ritmo acompasado en el que cada elemento debe articular en el momento preciso.Lo que implica en primer lugar, reconocer como humanos, qué lugar ocupamos dentro de ese macro engranaje universal para no sucumbir en el caos como lo está el mundo y la creación en general en la actualidad por no articular donde debe


A special UFO

Once upon a time there was a community of people with a very open mind who believed in the existence of a superior race, every night they went out to contemplate the stars, told stories and expressed their feelings.
But one night something different happened and when the group was on the ground they were destined to meet, a UFO appeared

Everyone present was silent, the UFO was more beautiful than anyone imagined, the bright lights accentuated the colors, the brightness and glamor of the spaceship was shocking, All this magical view under the star-mined sky was incredible, before them was a ship, a UFO, a sign that they were not crazy, a sign that their ideals and beliefs were true.
The UFO left immediately, but illusion and faith grew in the community.
From that moment on, the UFO appeared in the same place, at the same time every day, and the inhabitants wait every night, at the same time and place for their special UFO.


Nice pics, glad you are doing contests, as they seem to be the best way to get people involved here


Hi @xpliar

Hoy que Voy a Morir

El coronel Nicolas Fukuyama fue uno de los líderes de las fuerzas rebeldes que se opusieron al gobierno del Parlamento, sobre Cefeo y cuyas acciones condujeron a la guerra que se desarrolló en ese mundo, la cual llego a costar la vida de, al menos, un millón de personas, la mayoría de ellas civiles.

Fukuyama tuvo el cuestionable mérito, de ser el planificador del bombardeo con asteroides troyanos, sobre la orbita alta de Cefeo; bombardeo que fue el causante de la muerte de casi medio millón de vidas, cuando la estación espacial Pólux, fue alcanzada por una de estas rocas y todo un sector fuera destruido, expulsando al espacio a centenares de miles de refugiados que se encontraban en ella.

Cuando por fin concluyó la guerra, Fukuyama, y otros tres líderes de la resistencia, fueron capturados, enjuiciados y condenados a muerte, siendo las únicas personas que han llegado a recibir este castigo, en más de diez mil años de la era de Perseo.

Antes de morir, Fukuyama hizo llegar a su pareja, por medio de uno de los guardias, la siguiente nota:

“Hoy que voy a morir, y mi alma será condenada a la inexistencia.
No siento pena, ni remordimiento por mis acciones.
Siento la paz de haber sido consecuente con mis convicciones.
De haber sido firme en mis creencias.

Cuando mi cuerpo sea desintegrado y mi vivencia desgarrada.
Cuando me encuentre ante la desesperanza del vacío.
Cuando la nada me consuma, y mi esencia por ella sea devorada.
Cuando mis átomos y moléculas por la eternidad, sean retenidos.

Extrañaré las calmas aguas de tus brazos,
Cálidas como las playas de las costas del continente oriental.
Extrañaré el dulce aroma de tu pelo,
Evocador y embriagante como el de los campos de mi tierra natal.

Extrañaré las caricias de tus labios sobre mis mejillas,
Sensuales como la brisa que sopla en la costa sur de Pandora.
Extrañaré la profunda belleza del verde de tus ojos,
Misteriosos y seductores como el verde de la aurora,
que como un velo de luz ilumina las noches del norte de Cefeo.

Sólo te extrañaré a ti y al mundo en el que nací y por causa de cuya libertad moriré
Si en la nada de la inexistencia, aun mi conciencia prevalece.
Sólo a ti y a Cefeo añoraré.”

Fukuyama, fue condenado a morir, arrojado a una singularidad contenida, una suerte de agujero negro, encerrado en una capsula, que flotaría orbitando a cefeo hasta que fuese desintegrado por la radiación de Hawking, lo que tardaría varios millones de años. Al caer en la singularidad, su cuerpo sería desintegrado a partículas y sólo sobreviviría de él la información a nivel cuántico que perduraría hasta la desaparición de la singularidad.

Today that I'm going to die

Colonel Nicolas Fukuyama was one of the leaders of the rebel forces that opposed the parliamentary government over Cepheus and whose actions led to the war that took place in that world, which cost the lives of at least one million people, most of them civilians.

Fukuyama had the questionable merit of being the planner of the bombardment with Trojan asteroids, on the high orbit of Cepheus; bombardment that was the cause of the death of almost half a million lives, when the Pollux space station was hit by one of these rocks and an entire sector was destroyed, expelling into space hundreds of thousands of refugees who were in it.

When the war was finally over, Fukuyama and three other resistance leaders were captured, tried and sentenced to death, the only people to receive this punishment in more than ten thousand years of the Perseus era.

Before his death, Fukuyama sent the following note to his partner through one of the guards:

"Today that I will die, and my soul will be condemned to nonexistence.
I feel no sorrow, no remorse for my actions.
I feel the peace of having been consistent with my convictions.
To have been firm in my beliefs.

When my body is disintegrated and my experience torn apart.
When I am faced with the hopelessness of emptiness.
When the nothing consumes me, and my essence is devoured by it.
When my atoms and molecules for eternity are retained.

I will miss the calm waters of your arms,
Warm as the beaches on the eastern continent's coasts.
I will miss the sweet aroma of your hair,
Evocative and intoxicating like the fields of my homeland.

I will miss the caresses of your lips on my cheeks,
Sensual as the breeze that blows on the south coast of Pandora.
I will miss the deep beauty of the green of your eyes,
Mysterious and seductive like the green of the aurora,
that like a veil of light illuminates the nights of northern Cephaeus.

I will only miss you and the world in which I was born and for whose freedom I will die.
If in the nothingness of nonexistence, even my conscience prevails.
Only you and Cephaeus will I yearn for."

Fukuyama was condemned to die, thrown into a contained singularity, a sort of black hole, enclosed in a capsule, which would float orbiting cephalously until it was disintegrated by Hawking's radiation, which would take several million years. When he fell into singularity, his body would be disintegrated into particles and only quantum-level information would survive from him until the disappearance of singularity.

Thanks @xpilar, I hope the story is to your liking.
