The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 29)


Time for a contest again, where you are the author

Digital art made by @xpilar

Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture

You join easily,
you post your story with my picture on your blog.
yes your blog
and you also post the story in the comment box here on my blog
and with a link to your post

Those who choose to write a story and publish it on their own
blog page gets rewarded by me with an upvote for it on your site

hav og fjell  ny serie 3 A.jpg

See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size

Here you see a bit when I create the image in the 3D program before I put on effects and colors
gorvvise 3.png

grovvise 3 A.png

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story


View from my window.

Another morning arrives, the view from my window reminds me that God is a magnificent artist

The sunlight gives me another moment of supreme beauty, the light penetrating the water filling with magical brightness

Every day the landscape is different despite having the same view, the artist every day changes some detail

Making my pupils impressed by their magical talent

Falling in love with the nuances of colors that dress the natural landscape, demonstrating the nobility that springs from the soul

How beautiful the mountains that clothe me, how beautiful the water path that evidence of constancy creates paths

How subtle the warm colors that cause so much peace and joy in my soul

This view from my window is worth more than any expensive work of art because the artist is God and is an exclusive work for me

Every day in the morning I open the window, breathe the fresh air, open my eyes and I fall in love with the view of the landscape shown in my window.


In 2050, a new Earth-like planet called NP25J was discovered.

This planet is only 32 light years away from our planet. Scientists are questioning whether one can live on it. They test whether we can breathe in that air, or use this drinking water.

As scientists say, this planet is 12 times larger than Earth. The whole human population can move there since the creation of humans, which is about 100 billion people.

There are probably new species of living things on that planet, scientists assume.

I came from the future, to tell you all the things I wrote.

I hope you like it.


Click here to visit this post


This my story :

Edge of the world is still the mystery. Where is it. It will indeed be easier when the world is like a ball, no need to look for where the edge is. The debate about Ball and Flat continues to this day. Each with his argument. Indeed, the edge of the world is the mystery.

We can watch this world, even on and through a flat screen. Beautiful digital images of @xpilar, a water, island, mountain, sky and flat. Flat is Beauty.

But, when the world is flat, where is the limit? where the edge? That's the mystery.

I think, the edge of the world is far away in digital images from @xpilar hidden behind the mountains. behind an area that has never been touched by anyone in this world. Native Edge of the World. A hidden secret that will remain a mystery.


Oh rocas gigantescas en el mar
desplazadas con la fuerza de las olas
olas vagabunda así denominadas
las arrastran de manera iracunda
y allí quedan como testimonio
tanto para el futuro así como en el presente
de una magnífica naturaleza
con una fuerza respetable e imponente.


Daniel the motivator (Part II)

Daniel's Ship finally arrived at its destination, it was at that moment that they noticed his absence, they searched for him throughout the ship and found him at the back of the ship, moored from a metal boat hidden among rubble.
The ship's employees were very scared, everyone knew of the bad character of the businessman they feared he would demand.
But to his surprise Daniel was smiling and joking about the comfort and sight of his trip.
Daniel said goodbye to everyone smiling and accepting apologies.
He arrived at the hotel and prepared to give his talk.
The enclosure was completely full, Daniel in front of everyone began his motivational talk that he had been rehearsing on the ship ... But suddenly he remembered the sight so beautiful he had seen from the stern of the ship, he apologized but he had to start his talk again.
I search his phone for the photo of the first work of art he acquired and showed it to the public

His talk lasted much longer than expected, it really had nothing to do with what he would initially say, I highlight the value of simplicity, how important it is not to lose it and if you miss the right path, how valuable to return to the road , that it doesn't matter where you have to travel but how you decide to enjoy the view, the important thing of being connected with nature and having something that reminds you of its beauty, that he had this painting in his office and although he had picked it up

He promised to those present that when he returned he would wink it so as not to forget losing the right path.
At the end, those present applauded standing up and only commented that this was the return of Daniel the motivator.


Interesting creation friend, very good landscape, soon I will be creating history with your excellent images, always grateful for the support you provide.


Hi @xpilar

La Bahía de la Hidra

La embarcación se desplazaba por la ruta, señalada por una serie de pequeños indicadores que parecían flotar sobre las placidas aguas de la bahía. Era uno de los cien barcos auto guiados que hacían su recorrido, transportando turistas, que visitaban la Bahía de la Hidra, al noreste del continente oriental del planeta.

―Heracles fue uno de los primeros planetas colonizados por los humanos de Perseo, cuando iniciaron su expansión, esto fue entes de la Ley de Preservación de Formas de Vida Nativa ―explicaba Leopoldo, a los veinte ocupantes de la nave ―. Cuando fue colonizado en el ya existían sus conocidos bosques, tanto sobre la tierra como en el lecho oceánico, sin embargo, no existían animales, al menos no que se sepa… ―terminó diciendo en tono misterioso.

―¿Es cierto que en esta bahía han desaparecido varias naves y embarcaciones? ―pregunto repentinamente un chico de unos doce años, que estaba sentado en la primera fila de asientos, justo frente a Leopoldo.

―Eso es parte del misterio que encierra esta bahía ―respondió Leopoldo, aproximándose al niño ―. Desde que inició la terraformación del planeta, han ocurrido aquí cosas extrañas, se dice que varios de los robots desaparecieron aquí, mientras estaban trabajando en la adaptación del planeta ―explicó, inclinándose para ver más de cerca la cara del niño, quien lo observaba con expresión de asombro ―. También, varias de las embarcaciones de exploración desaparecieron, incluso, cuando se inició esta atracción, dos de los primeros transportes se hundieron simultáneamente, y sólo tres de sus ocupantes lograron salvarse, regresaron hablando de que algo los halo hacia las profundidades, que vieron tentáculos salir del agua y atraparlos.

El niño retrocedió en su asiento, a la vez que sus ojos se abrían como dos enormes platos. Leopoldo se incorporó y continuó con su historia, no sin antes pasear su mirada por los rostros de los presentes y ver la atención que le estaban prestando.

―La bahía se formó hace unos tres cientos millones de años, cuando un objeto impactó el planeta en este lugar, los expertos dicen que se trató de un cometa, pero corre el rumor de que cuando se empezó con la terraformación, los dispositivos hallaron en el fondo un gigantesco objeto metálico y después de eso empezaron a ocurrir las desapariciones.

―¿Nunca descubrieron que era? ―preguntó alguien desde una de las filas del fondo.

―No y cada sonda que enviaban allá, se desactivaba antes de llegar al lugar donde se supone que está el objeto.

―¿No han usado ultrasonido o algo más para ver el objeto? ―preguntó una chica con cara de incredulidad sentada casi en medio del grupo.

―Sí, pero no se ha visto nada, el ultrasonido no ha funcionado, y los emisores de neutrinos muestran sólo un vacío de forma oval, de unos cien metros de diámetro.

Se aproximó al barandal y señalo en dirección de una de las mesetas planas que sobresalían del agua, producto de millones de años de erosión del suelo de la base del cráter.

―En aquella dirección, frente a esa meseta, se encuentra el centro de la bahía. Justo bajo ese lugar, es donde se encuentra.

Varios de los asistentes se pusieron de pie, para poder mirar mejor el lugar señalado por Leopoldo. La mayoría se aproximaron al barandal, para hacerle compañía, mientras seguía hablando sobre las desapariciones, sobre extrañas luces que aparecían por las noches y de estruendos que se escuchaban ocasionalmente y no parecían tener un origen conocido.

Cuando llevaba ya varios minutos hablando y todos contemplaban el agua y las peculiares formaciones de mesetas que rodeaban la bahía, el transporte empezó a agitarse, a la vez que grandes ondas se formaban justo en la dirección en la que Leopoldo había señalado momentos antes. Muchos se aferraron a lo que pudieron para no perder el equilibrio y caer al piso, el mismo Leopoldo miró atónito en dirección al centro de la bahía, mientras borbotones de agua manaban ocasionando el oleaje que sacudía la embarcación.

Entonces, en medio de gritos de asombro y miedo, la extraña figura de una gigantesca garra de acero articulada surgió del agua, seguida del cuerpo ovalado y bulboso de una descomunal nave de cuya parte inferior, como tentáculos, pendía decenas de brazos articulados, con lo que parecían ser palas excavadoras en sus puntas.

La nave se elevó unos treinta metros sobre la superficie del agua, para luego alejarse, en medio de un gran estruendo, en dirección sur, hacia donde se encontraban los hangares de maquinarias de mantenimiento del parque.

Leopoldo, con su rostro desencajado y pálido como el papel y casi sin aliento empezó a hacer gestos, llamando a la calma a las personas que se encontraban agitadas por el incidente.

―Cálmense por favor…, regresen a sus asientos…, todo está bien ―dijo, mientras regresaba el color a su rostro y recobraba el aire ―. No teman, se trata de una de las naves de mantenimiento que se encuentra realizando excavaciones en el fondo de la bahía para la instalación de una red de guías, para crear nuevas rutas para los transportes.

Las historias sobre la Bahía de la Hidra, eran conocidas en todos los mundos colonizados, y la hacían uno de los principales atractivos turísticos de Heracles, nadie sabía como se habían originado, pero con el pasar del tiempo fueron creciendo y haciéndose más intrigantes y misteriosas, mayormente adornadas por los promotores de los paseos turísticos y propagadas por quienes visitaban el sitio.

Si bien la bahía se había originado por el impacto de un cometa, hace trescientos millones de años y su peculiar geografía se debía a la erosión causada por el océano, nunca había desaparecido ninguna nave o embarcación en ella y los únicos dos barcos, que en ella se accidentaron alguna vez, fue a causa de una colisión entre ellos, al inicio de la atracción, incidente en el que nadie había resultado herido y fue el aliciente para la automatización de los transportes.

The Bay of Hydra

The boat moved along the route, marked by a series of small indicators that seemed to float on the placid waters of the bay. It was one of the hundred self-guided boats that made their way, transporting tourists who visited the Bay of the Hydra, to the northeast of the planet's eastern continent.

-Heracles was one of the first planets colonized by the humans of Perseus, when they began their expansion, this was before the Law of Preservation of Forms of Native Life - Leopoldo explained, to the twenty occupants of the ship -. When it was colonized in the already existed their known forests, both on land and on the ocean floor, however, there were no animals, at least not known ... - ended saying in mysterious tone.

-Is it true that in this bay several ships and boats have disappeared? -Suddenly asked a boy of about twelve, who was sitting in the first row of seats, just in front of Leopold.

-That's part of the mystery of this bay, -replied Leopold, approaching the boy -. Since the beginning of the terraformation of the planet, strange things have happened here, it is said that several of the robots disappeared here, while they were working on the adaptation of the planet, - he explained, leaning to see more closely the face of the child, who looked at him with an expression of astonishment. Also, several of the exploration boats disappeared, even, when this attraction began, two of the first transports sank simultaneously, and only three of their occupants managed to save themselves, they returned talking about something halo them towards the depths, that they saw tentacles coming out of the water and catching them.

The boy backed back in his seat, as his eyes opened like two huge plates. Leopold stood up and went on with his story, not without first looking at the faces of those present and seeing the attention they were paying him.

-The bay was formed about three hundred million years ago, when an object hit the planet in this place, experts say it was a comet, but there is a rumor that when you started with the terraformation, the devices found in the background a gigantic metal object and after that began to occur disappearances.

-Did they never discover what it was? -asked someone from one of the rows at the bottom.

-No, and every probe they sent there was deactivated before reaching the place where the object is supposed to be.

-Have they not used ultrasound or anything else to see the object? -asked a girl with a face of disbelief sitting almost in the middle of the group.

-Yes, but nothing has been seen, the ultrasound hasn't worked, and the neutrino emitters show only an oval-shaped vacuum, about a hundred metres in diameter.

He approached the railing and pointed in the direction of one of the flat plateaus protruding from the water, the product of millions of years of soil erosion at the base of the crater.

-In that direction, in front of that plateau, is the center of the bay. Right under that place, that's where it is.

Several of the attendees stood up, so that they could take a better look at the place pointed out by Leopold. Most of them approached the railing to keep him company, while he continued to talk about the disappearances, about strange lights that appeared at night and of thunders that were heard occasionally and did not seem to have a known origin.

When he had been talking for several minutes and everyone was contemplating the water and the peculiar formations of plateaus that surrounded the bay, the transport began to shake, at the same time that great waves were forming just in the direction Leopold had pointed out moments before. Many clung to what they could so as not to lose their balance and fall to the ground, Leopold himself looked astonished in the direction of the center of the bay, while gushes of water flowed causing the waves that shook the boat.

Then, amid shouts of astonishment and fear, the strange figure of a gigantic articulated steel claw emerged from the water, followed by the bulbous oval body of a colossal ship from the bottom of which, like tentacles, hung dozens of articulated arms, so that they seemed to be excavating shovels at their ends.

The ship rose some thirty metres above the surface of the water, and then moved away, in the middle of a great roar, in a southern direction, towards where the hangars of the park's maintenance machinery were located.

Leopold, with his face unstuck and pale as paper and almost breathless, began to make gestures, calling to calm the people who were agitated by the incident.

-It's all right, -he said, as the color returned to his face and the air regained -. Don't be afraid, this is one of the maintenance ships that is digging in the bottom of the bay to install a network of guides, to create new routes for transport.

The stories about the Bay of the Hydra, were known in all the colonized worlds, and made it one of the main tourist attractions of Heracles, nobody knew how they had originated, but with the passing of time they grew and became more intriguing and mysterious, mainly adorned by the promoters of the tourist strolls and propagated by those who visited the site.

Although the bay had been originated by the impact of a comet, three hundred million years ago and its peculiar geography was due to the erosion caused by the ocean, no ship or boat had ever disappeared in it and the only two ships that ever crashed in it, was due to a collision between them, at the beginning of the attraction, incident in which nobody had been injured and was the incentive for the automation of transport.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
