The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

The picture has been posted before,
this time I have modified the image

dinosaur tiger fighting 3 A.jpg

CLIK HERE, view full size

In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me

And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT

Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Ancient times were so brutal, as seen in the picture @ xpilar, they killed each other to preserve life, but once the giant birds were ready to enjoy delicious dishes without having to hunt, the bodies of those who fought became delicious food like it seemed. Amazing art of @xpilar


Great, nice graphic, and I like it.
I myself have long been drawing in graphic style and continue to do it.
I like your work.


Hi @xpilar! Pictures and quality of images and lives of some ancient stars that are very interesting to talk about.


It might be too long to explain one by one about the above picture in detail.

In this case, call it Pterosaurs which are often considered by people as flying dinosaurs because they lived in the age of dinosaurs. But, actually, Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs but flying reptiles that lived hundreds / thousands of years ago.

Pterosaurs are carnivores. The word carnivore, I think becomes the keyword in your digital image above.

Why ?

In the picture above, some carnivorous animals such as Pterosaurs, tigers, eagles, lurking and preying on dinosaurs of the Herbivore type.

And in the picture above also seen a type of herbivorous dinosaur observing his friend who was preyed on by some tigers.

So in conclusion, you want to show a view of life in the wild about the way they live and survive.

And in this case, carnivorous animals such as tigers always become kings in the forest.

Thank you @xpilar! A beautiful and happy day for you and your family.🙏


Wow beautiful. I can see an amazing concept of yours taking the extinct animals and representing their presence. Cool one


Natural selection

Life in this world undergoes changes. changes are influenced by the law that occurs. So in this life adaptation and natural selection apply.
As we know from school lessons, life on this earth doesn't just exist. it goes through a process of historical annihilation. From when the earth is still hot, then single-celled living things appear until giant animals emerge.
Dinosaurs lived on Earth in an age called the Mesozoic Era. This era lasted 252 to 66 million years ago.
The Mesozoic Era is divided into 3 Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Triassic periods.
The Cretaceous period occurred 145 to 66 million years ago.
The Jurassic Period occurred around 201 to 145 million years ago.
The Triassic Period, which became the beginning of this era, occurred in 252 to 201 million years ago.
Triassic and the Great Continent of Pangea. Pangea is when the earth still consists of one land that has not been divided as it is now.
Early emergence of dinosaurs occurred in the Triassic period.
At that time many living beings began to live on land.
In this period the Earth consisted of a large continent known as the Pangea Continent.
Reptiles breed easily and spread throughout the continental continent.
In a new place of life, living things adapt and become new species.
In the Jurassic period, the Pangea continent was divided into 2 parts due to the movement of the Earth's crust.
The northern part of the land becomes the Laurasia Continent. Which in the south becomes the Gondwana Continent.
In the Jurassic period, living things that we know as dinosaurs reached their greatest body development.
But the ongoing life changes. extreme climate and lack of food make competition among animals more fierce. Plant-eating animals lose their suitable habitat and must avoid predators. This is where the law of nature applies, who is strong he who wins. Animals compete to survive. Nature does the selection and who can survive then he will be able to continue his life.
Moreover, then there is a theory that says meteor showers that made the extinction of these ancient animals.
Thank you @xpilar
Warm regard from Indonesia


Real dinosaurs

Today Daniel got up very early happy and full of spirits, today he felt bigger when his parents entered the room singing "Happy birthday", Today Daniel was 8 years old his mouth was open when he saw the huge gift that his parents gave him, Without thinking, I tear off the bow and the paper that hid the interior of the gift.
He felt so happy to see that now he had a complete jurassic world, triceratops, tyrannosaurs, saber-toothed tigers and flying dinosaurs. Daniel could not believe it, he had everything he wanted and much more.
I hug and thank her parents for the best gift in the world and with her hands full of these beautiful toys she ran to the back of her house to play.
The patio became an environment conducive to the dinosaurs come alive, Daniel was exploring the Mesozoic era and from afar, hidden among the large trees saw his toys grew and grew to life, in the blue sky flew the dinosaurs, a herd of saber-toothed tigers disputed territoriality with a huge triceratops, while dinosaurs with huge necks watched from afar the bloody scene of their companions.


Giant steps made the ground vibrate. Daniel was excited when his father picked him up off the floor and told him that the time to play had ended that he had to prepare for his birthday party.
Daniel as he walked away watched as all his large dinosaurs became small toys.


Hello xpilar, your digital image is amazing. and very good to be a story. I will make a short story from your digital image. hope you like it.

one day, a short necked dinosaur was walking in the woods. he is very lonely, he has no friends at all. he goes for a walk to find friends. while walking, he met 2 dinosaurs who had long necks. he is very happy. and he invited them to be friends. but dinosaurs that have long necks refused. they don't want to be friends with him because of the different types. they followed their predecessors, who had hatred with short neck dinosaurs.

Although it has been rejected, he always invites them to be friends. he always follows them, and they also avoid him. and one day, he was walking again to look for food. when on the trip, he met again with long neck dinosaurs. and he asked again to be friends with them. Long neck dinosaurs are very upset. they still refused his invitation to be friends. they even ran away to avoid. but short neck dinosaurs were sure that they would be friends with him. and he also pursued them hoping that they would like to be friends with him.

when he was chasing, suddenly he met several tigers. he is very scared. the tiger looks very hungry and wants to eat it. then the tiger attacked him, he asked for help, and the two long-necked dinosaurs heard a shout, they followed the direction of the screaming sound. they were very surprised that short neck dinosaurs were under attack. they were very sorry, and they helped him by expelling some of the tigers.

finally the tiger ran scared. and short neck and long neck dinosaurs, they finally became friends. they live happily.

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Cierto día uno tigres, como siempre salieron de su guarida para ver que cazaban para su sobrevivencia, y vieron un venado que merodeaba cerca de un arroyo, y mientras tomaba agua, uno de los tigres l ataca, le clava las garras, y los colmillos por el cuello; mientras tanto, aves de rapiña sobrevolaban para participar del festín después que los tigres quedaran saciados y dejaran alli parte del banquete .También otros animales estaban alli como espectadores.

Excelente toma fotográfica.


I will love to give the image a substandard title which will cover all the animal images there. Anisteemography it means. Ani - for all those animal in there, Steem - for the platform in which is being posted, Graphy - It's the mode in which they are. Photography mood. Lol

Posted using Partiko Android


I see that you took my considerations although a little abrupt haha, those are horns, those that cross the tiger? they are two crossed tigers?


Yes, @adeljose your request was that I picked up a previous picture that I made some changes to.
The idea is that one tiger was spit there


Hello @xpilar
Another beautiful digital art my friend.
it is looks like Jurassic world movie scene.
your imagination are really extraordinary.
beautiful digital art. thanks for share with us.
have a nice day my friend.


Hi @xpilar

La Última Voluntad de John Samuel Narvez

Existen individuos para los que las posibilidades que ofrece la realidad parecen no ser suficientes. Poco después del inicio del poblamiento de los mundos, en los alrededores próximos a Heracles y antes de las rigurosas legislaciones sobre la colonización, que fueron creadas cuando se empezaron a unificar los parlamentos locales. Se estableció en una remota isla de Dione, aun antes de que se autorizara su colonización, el doctor John Samuel Narvez.

John Samuel fue, durante el periodo previo a la colonización, un afamado biólogo y genetista, que estuvo a cargo de la unidad de biólogos en los inicios de la División de Ingeniería Ambiental. Para muchos, John Samuel fue un genio incomprendido, pero para la mayoría fue un científico enloquecido cuyo final confirma esta teoría.

Después de liderizar la unidad de biólogos, durante casi cien años y tras ser sus ideas rechazadas por el comité directivo de la División de Ingeniería Ambiental, dejó su cargo y desapareció de la vida pública hasta que se supieron los acontecimientos que condijeron a su extraña muerte.

John tenia la idea de que se deberían recrear, usando ingeniería inversa, todos aquellos seres que en algún momento existieron en la historia de la evolución de la Tierra, desde las primeras arqueas y bacterias, hasta los humanos, esto con el propósito de tener una variedad genética tan amplia como la que una vez tuvo el planeta de origen de la humanidad. Ésta, según creía, era la única forma en que se podría conservar la verdadera riqueza genética de la Tierra.

Tras su desaparición, mucho se habló de sus teorías en el ambiente académico, pero, tras varias discusiones, se llegó a la conclusión obvia de que cualquier intento por recrear las antiguas especies de la Tierra, no sería progresar en la evolución de la variedad genética, por el contrario el progreso estaría en hacer que las escasas especies que aun existían, se adapten a los nuevos habientes de los mundos colonizados, promoviendo así la creación de nuevas formas de vida, por eso se decidió la creación de mundos santuarios, en los que hubiese un mínimo de intervención humana para dejar que la evolución, tanto natural como guiada, siguiera su rumbo.

Con el tiempo las teorías de John quedaron en el olvido, al igual que él, pero a doscientos años de su desaparición, volvió a hacerse notorio, pero esta vez no sólo en el ambiente académico, sino también en el noticioso. John Samuel Narvez, había sido descubierto por el operador de la recientemente instalada, estación espacial de gestión ambiental del Dione, un mundo recientemente designado para colonización a pocos años de haber concluida su terraformación.

Narvez había estado viviendo desde hace poco menos de doscientos años en una isla alejada del continente, en la que había recreado todo un zoológico de especies animales y vegetales que se habían extinto, incluso miles de millones de años antes del éxodo humano de la Tierra, muchas de ellas modificadas para poder habitar en un entorno menos extenso geográficamente.

John Samuel, fue acusado de violar varias leyes respecto a la manipulación genética y experimentación con seres vivos, así que se dio la orden de detenerlo y cerrar su laboratorio, el cual era operado por robots, diseñados y construidos por el mismo. Finalmente, para evitar ser capturado por las autoridades, John se arrojó en medio de uno de los hábitats de sus criaturas para ser muerto y devorado por varias de ellas.

En su laboratorio fue encontrada una nota donde expresaba su voluntad de que sus criaturas fueran conservadas y su isla dejada sola para que la evolución siguiera su rumbo, y los seres que había creado pudieran prosperar sin la intervención humana.

Sin embargo, por orden de la División de Ingeniería Ambiental, las especies de la isla de John fueron irradiadas varias veces para ser esterilizadas y evitar que se reprodujeran, la isla fue finalmente clausurada y después de varios miles de años aun permanece prohibido su acceso a los seres humanos y sólo sondas robóticas se encargan de monitorear su territorio.

Entre los habitantes de Dione, se creó la leyenda de que la isla está habitada por mutantes, producto de la irradiación de las criaturas de Narvez.

The Last Will of John Samuel Narvez

There are individuals for whom the possibilities offered by reality do not seem to be sufficient. Shortly after the beginning of the settlement of the worlds, in the vicinity of Heracles and before the rigorous legislation on colonization, which was created when the local parliaments began to unify. Dr. John Samuel Narvez settled on a remote island of Dione, even before his colonization was authorized.

John Samuel was, during the pre-colonization period, a famed biologist and geneticist, who was in charge of the biologists unit in the early days of the Environmental Engineering Division. For many, John Samuel was a misunderstood genius, but for most he was a mad scientist whose end confirms this theory.

After leading the unit of biologists for almost a hundred years and after his ideas were rejected by the steering committee of the Division of Environmental Engineering, he left office and disappeared from public life until the events that conditioned his strange death became known.

John had the idea that should be recreated, using reverse engineering, all those beings that at some time existed in the history of the evolution of the Earth, from the first arches and bacteria, to humans, this with the purpose of having a genetic variety as wide as the one that once had the planet of origin of humanity. This, he believed, was the only way in which the true genetic wealth of the Earth could be preserved.

After his disappearance, much was said about his theories in the academic environment, but, after several discussions, the obvious conclusion was reached that any attempt to recreate the ancient species of the Earth would not be to progress in the evolution of genetic variety, on the contrary progress would be in making the few species that still existed, This is why it was decided to create sanctuary worlds, in which there would be a minimum of human intervention to allow evolution, both natural and guided, to follow its course.

Eventually John's theories were forgotten, just like him, but two hundred years after his disappearance, it became notorious again, but this time not only in the academic environment, but also in the news. John Samuel Narvez, had been discovered by the operator of the recently installed Dione space environmental management station, a world recently designated for colonization within a few years of completing its terraformation.

Narvez had been living less than two hundred years ago on an island far from the continent, where he had recreated a whole zoo of animal and plant species that had become extinct, even billions of years before the human exodus from Earth, many of them modified to be able to live in a less geographically extensive environment.

John Samuel, was accused of violating several laws regarding genetic manipulation and experimentation with living beings, so he was ordered to stop and close his laboratory, which was operated by robots, designed and built by him. Finally, to avoid being captured by the authorities, John threw himself in the middle of one of his creatures' habitats to be killed and devoured by several of them.

In his laboratory was found a note where he expressed his will that his creatures be preserved and his island left alone for evolution to follow its course, and the beings he had created could prosper without human intervention.

However, by order of the Environmental Engineering Division, the species of John's Island were irradiated several times to be sterilized and prevent them from reproducing, the island was finally closed and after several thousand years its access to humans is still prohibited and only robotic probes are in charge of monitoring its territory.

Among the inhabitants of Dione, the legend was created that the island is inhabited by mutants, product of the irradiation of the creatures of Narvez.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
