The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

vakker grønn natur sol vann A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


I imagine an early morning on a desert island. The shore, dawn, while everything is quiet before such beauty, but soon the birds will wake up and fill the island with live music.


Tribute to Mother Earth!

Oh Mother Earth I adore you.

You are noble, generous and beautiful woman

In your gut I settle and enjoy your being

Enjoying the benefits of your waters, lakes, plains and mountains

Oh Mother Earth that every day you shine with the sun or the stars

You decorate yourself with trees and flowers

And you give vital oxygen to live, to live in you, my beloved Mother.


After the war between galaxies after that is the destruction of nature. Various planets were destroyed and ecosystem extinction occurred. Fortunately, researchers from several planets have stored tissue cultures from various vegetations that exist on each planet. They are determined to carry out plant succession. They hope to be able to restore a friendly nature and can benefit all beings. Their developed culture techniques are developed to regain the plants that existed before the war between galaxies.
Tissue culture techniques certainly make them work faster. With this technique, each part of the plant can multiply because all parts of the plant consist of living tissues. Therefore, all new organisms that are successfully grown will have the same properties as the parent. They use media that is needed for the tissue to breed better. Nutritional needs are the main requirement with preferential treatment making them able to produce a variety of vegetation that has ever existed. They are very concerned about nutrient composition because differences in media composition can lead to differences in explant growth and development that are grown in vitro. Nutrients available in the media are useful for metabolism, and vitamins in the media are needed by organisms in small amounts for growth and tissue regulation.
They add plant hormones or growth regulating substances in parenchymal tissue can restore this tissue to meristematik and develop into adventitious tissue where shoots, shoots, roots and leaves at an undue location.
After successfully developing plants with tissue culture they tried to plant on existing land. After a few months they have seen satisfying results. Various areas planted have begun to green and produce oxygen which can guarantee the needs of every living thing. Thus the succession of plants has been able to successfully overcome the chaos of nature after war between galaxies.
Thank you @xpilar
Warm regard from Indonesia


This is a very beautiful picture
His theme is happy happiness.
Green represents peace
Plants represent life
Big tree represents the backing
The sun represents the light



En un lugar distante muy bello desde donde baja un río de las alturas de una montaña, y, rodeado de arboles (un hermoso paraje)que invita a meditar, me elevo hasta allí imaginariamente, y, me recreo. Gracias a ese hermoso diseño digital que te inspiró esa magnifica creación de Dios, que a todos nos embelesa.Gracias xpilar por compartir tan hermosas obras.


with this image we leave the space of a side, this image is like a great mountain covered with a vegetation that covers it from end to end full of trees, stones and many other diversities of bushes, a beautiful sky with some clouds along with a bright and round sun, but we can not obviate to its right although not very striking a great ocean where the yellow of the sun is reflected, everything is a product of my imagination.


A life without bullying

Daniel was a very applied boy in school, intelligent and shy, his classmates were bad with him because his intelligence intimidated them, but there was a girl named Melani who was very good with him, defended him and always sought to approach him, but Daniel did not notice how good Melani was because he was very depressed and sad about all the bullying that others did to him.

One day Daniel was bullied very loudly, and he ran away from school running, Melani chased him, called him shouting but Daniel was closed, locked and just ran aimlessly.
Melani ran after him, he didn't want to leave him alone.

They ran so much that they came to a forest far from the school, when Daniel stopped Melani approached him, hugged him, cleaned his tears and kissed him.
Daniel corresponded to the kiss.

After kissing Melani and Daniel sat on a trunk of a fallen tree, and there they looked at the beautiful forest where they were, full of trees, flowers, birds and in the distance the sound of the sea.

Since that day Daniel and Melani were inseparable, they created a solid, indestructible duo and the bullying remained in the past.


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Special Thanks to @majes.tytyty
We are pleased to announce that we have received a delegation of 500 SP from @majes.tytyty Without his support, encouragement, and delegation, we would not have been able to revitalize this project.

Request you to please Upvote , Follow , Resteem @majes.tytyty.


My thought for the picture:

The planet had lost its moon long ago and the rotation slowed until at last a single side pointed towards the sun as the water rushed to one point at the pull of gravity. Most of the planet was too hot or too cold and the howling winds raced back and forth. The exception was precious areas where the vegetation grew in narrow bands in perpetual twilight and sunrise.

A peaceful place of rest it was for us with a view of the fragile beauty. Only here the conditions were just right.


Hi @xpilar

Compañero Mecánico

Esa mañana, como en cualquier otro día, Randolf corría por el sendero de los ciervos en el bosque del sur de Polaris. Por más que sus vecinos le habían dicho que no lo hiciera, pues podría encontrarse con uno de estos animales, y aunque en principio no eran peligrosos, si se encontraba con uno de mal humor y que se sintiera amenazado, podría hacerlo pasar un mal rato.

Pese a todas las recomendaciones, él disfrutaba de este paseo matutino, que además de ayudarlo a mantenerse en forma, también despejaba su mente de las obligaciones de su trabajo como supervisor en los laboratorios de nanotecnología del Consorcio.

Había recorrido unos dos kilómetros, cuando un violento ruido lo hizo sobresaltarse y ocultarse tras un macizo de arbustos, como le habían sugerido que hiciera, ante cualquier percance. Desde los arbustos pudo ver como un gran ciervo golpeaba violentamente a un robot guardaparques, de los que son usados para el monitoreo y control de los animales del bosque.

Por alguna razón, que mucho después aún seguía sin comprender, empezó a gritar y lanzar rocas al animal, para alejarlo del pequeño robot, y para su suerte y la del aparato, el enfurecido ciervo pareció perder el valor, y emprendió la huida en medio de los árboles.

Randolf, ingeniero en nanomáquinas y experimentado en el diseño y construcción de robots, tomó al pequeño y aboyado robot de forma cilíndrica, que se encontraba tirado sobre su costado, lo enderezo y reinició su sistema, tras unos segundos, las ocho patas que salían de la base del mecanismo se enderezaron y éste se incorporó.

Como si de una lata sobre el lomo de una araña se tratara, el autómata retrocedió unos centímetros y el sensor óptico de su parte superior recorrió de arriba abajo a Randolf, quien se encontraba en cuclillas frente a él. Luego se acercó nuevamente, para después, seguir su camino al centro de servicios, a donde según su programación debía dirigirse, si se encontraba averiado.

Unas semanas después, nuevamente en aquel mismo sendero, Randolf se encontraba en su habitual rutina de ejercicios, cuando sorpresivamente se encontró frente a él a un ciervo, no sabría decir si se trata el mismo que antes había ahuyentado o era uno diferente, pero aquel animal bufó sonoramente, sacudió su cabeza adornada con una imponente cornamenta y emprendió carrera contra Randolf, quien sorprendido por aquello se quedo paralizado.

En aquel momento, en medio de la envestida del siervo, y de su impresión Randolf vió como, de entre los arbustos, un objeto de apariencia metálica, cayó sobre el lomo del animal y repentinamente las patas delanteras de éste flaquearon y se desplomó de bruces, había sido un robot de control de vida silvestre, pero no era cualquiera, por las abolladuras de su carcasa, pudo reconocer que era el mismo que él había ayudado semanas atrás. El pequeño robot de apenas cincuenta centímetros de alto había dado un choque eléctrico al ciervo en su lomo, con lo que lo dejo aturdido. Luego de eso el animal se retiró tambaleante entre los arbustos.

Después de aquello, Randolf podía ver cada mañana, en alguna parte de su ruta, al pequeño robot guardaparques, que parecía estar cuidando sus espaldas. Esta situación se repitió durante los siguientes ocho años, hasta que la generación de aquellos robots, fue reemplazada por otra y según supuso Randolf, su amigo mecánico había sido sacado de servicio y sus partes reusadas en la construcción de otros dispositivos.

Mechanical Companion

That morning, as on any other day, Randolf ran along the deer trail in the forest south of Polaris. No matter how much his neighbors had told him not to, he might meet one of these animals, and although they were not dangerous at first, if he met one who was in a bad mood and felt threatened, he might give him a hard time.

Despite all the recommendations, he enjoyed this morning walk, which not only helped him to stay fit, but also cleared his mind of the obligations of his work as a supervisor in the Consortium's nanotechnology laboratories.

He had traveled about two kilometers, when a violent noise made him jump and hide behind a mass of bushes, as he had been suggested to do, before any mishap. From the bushes he could see how a big deer was violently hitting a ranger robot, which are used to monitor and control forest animals.

For some reason, which he still did not understand much later, he began to shout and throw rocks at the animal, to move it away from the small robot, and for his luck and that of the apparatus, the enraged deer seemed to lose its courage, and began to flee in the middle of the trees.

Randolf, an engineer in nanomachines and experienced in the design and construction of robots, took the small and aboyado robot of cylindrical shape, which was lying on its side, straightened it and restarted its system, after a few seconds, the eight legs that came out of the base of the mechanism were straightened and it was incorporated.

As if it were a tin on a spider's back, the automaton receded a few centimetres and the optical sensor of its upper part went up and down to Randolf, who was squatting in front of him. Then he approached him again, and then continued on his way to the service center, where according to his schedule he would have to go if it was damaged.

A few weeks later, again on that same path, Randolf was in his usual exercise routine, when surprisingly he found a deer in front of him, he could not tell if it was the same one he had driven away before or if it was a different one, but that animal snorted sonorously, shook its head adorned with an imposing antler and started a race against Randolf, who, surprised by that, was paralyzed.

At that moment, in the middle of the covering of the servant, and from his impression Randolf saw how, from among the bushes, an object of metallic appearance, fell on the animal's back and suddenly the front legs of the animal flinched and collapsed on its face, it had been a wildlife control robot, but it was not anyone, by the dents of its carcass, he could recognize that it was the same one that he had helped weeks before. The small robot, barely fifty centimetres tall, had given the deer an electric shock on its back, leaving it stunned. After that the animal staggered away among the bushes.

After that, Randolf could see every morning, somewhere on his route, the little ranger robot, who seemed to be watching his back. This situation was repeated for the next eight years, until the generation of those robots was replaced by another and according to Randolf, his mechanical friend had been taken out of service and his parts reused in the construction of other devices.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
